

Mariline Pov

"You slapped me Elimen how dare you... You will regret this" she was crying and walked past me.. I felt pity for her . We both wanted one person desperately...... People might think she wants to be queen but I know she loves him. And her father blackmail gives her the chance to be near Liveda..... I tugged my hair behind my ears and entered my institute room. Nothing changed... except for my missing picture ... Who could have taken it. It was my favorite picture.... I removed my dress and entered the bathroom immediately. All the embrace and tournament made me sweat seriously and I needed to shower. I was exhausted and so where my friends.... After showering I decided to sleep for 1hour before going for self training..Mrs Athena thought me to train daily even without her and that was what I aimed at. I closed my eyes and I entered the land of dreams.