
Lanaisyen Sinner

Aadon Varencia is part of a small insurrection group within the confines of the Holy Capital: Lanaisyen. The powerful religious organization that runs the city has a grip on all people within it. But after he stumbles into the real world, can he still hold his issues above those less fortunate then himself?

carrotclanman · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

People had already swarmed around the restaurant with red flames bursting out the windows. Although the building was now empty, an ornately dressed woman mingled through the crowd.

"Marco! Marco! Where's my husband!"

Behind the building, a man dressed in a soft blue tailcoat, spotted with fresh holes and fine ash burst out the escape exit. He smashed head first into a metal trash can before scrambling to his feet and slipping down the alley. The man's panic became apparent when a rough-hewn figure burst out of the door behind him. The tattered rag and loose scarf swaying behind as they gave chase.

The nobleman had already rounded three corners before skidding to a halt at a tall gray wall. With rapid breaths, he whipped his head around to look at the growing shadow at the alley entrance. The nobleman put distance in between himself and the figure now rounding the corner, but tripped over his shaky footing. Liquid bubbled to his mouth and a faint glisten appeared in his eyes. There was no hope for the man until--

"Glad I made it in time"

Both the nobleman and the attacker's gaze instantly focused up at the roof. Silhouetted by the moon, a boy around the age of seventeen dropped to the street. The long strands of his headband flailed behind his spiky hair as he landed with a quick roll. As he got up, the boy slid the blade out of his hilt and held it, tip pointed towards the figure.

"En Garde" He said with a confident smile.

The attacker slowly drew his dagger and lowered into a combat stance, pushing his right foot backwards.

"So, what did you plan on doing to this poor man here?" The boy said, keeping his eyes trained on the dark figure.

Just then, the nobleman's face visibly lit up as he exclaimed: "W--wait! You're the Unseen Swordsman! You show up randomly to save those in need!"

"Yep, That's me! Owran Jenas!" The boy looked back at the nobleman with his signature smile.

However, while they were distracted, the figure's hand crept under his clothes. Just as Owran was turning back towards the figure, the cloak flew up violently to reveal a small single-handed crossbow, which instantly let loose the bolt loaded within.

Before anyone could blink, a burst of light flashed from Owran's person and his sword came up to flick the bolt to the left, directly into a wall.

Owran's overall appearance had changed slightly; now a pale blue light shone from his eyes, reflecting off his long blade. A thin line of the same colour flashed down his arm directly into the gemstone on his sword's hilt. Small arcs of electricity jumped off his sword arm where it was lit up and the sword began making a quiet humming sound. Instead of the carefree smile on his face mere seconds ago, his teeth were now clenched and his eyes bore into the figure.

"It's people like you I hate" The now menacing hero said, walking towards the attacker. "You're willing to attack someone's rear in order to satisfy your unjust plans" He slashed with an upward motion, and lopped the top half directly off a barrel.

The figure stuck the crossbow back on the belt inside his cloak and took a step back.

Both combatants watched each other's weapons with the intensity of the restaurant fire burning in the square. The silence was broken when Owran charged the figure in a head-on assault. Moments before the sword came down, the cloaked attacker dodged to the right, sending the sword deep into the packed earth. The figure instantly flanked Owran, who was still holding his blade, but was forced to dodge a hefty kick.

Yanking his sword out, Owran instantly followed up his kick with a horizontal swing. The figure ducked down and rushed under the still swinging blade, his dagger rushing straight for the boy's torso. Owran stepped to the left and brought his knee up to catch the figure's chin, and sent him flying back into ground in a crumpled mess.

Owran began stepping towards him.

"Your life isn't already set, there's an infinite number of paths to choose from"

The figure turned slowly towards the boy, and gave him a glare.

"I can help you pick the right one," Owran said with a smile and stuck out his hand.

The figure looked at Owran suspiciously, and began moving to take his outstretched arm

But instead of grasping Owran's hand, the figure wrenched his dagger around to cut his enemy's hand off. Owran saw it at the last second and managed to pull his hand back with only a nick at the tip of his finger.

"Whoa" Owran said as he jumped back and drew his sword again. The figure, who previously appeared incapacitated, jumped to his feet and rushed towards Owran low to the ground.

"What the hell!" Owran, still recovering from the previous attack, pulled his blade up to block a direct attack, and the dagger glanced off it with the figure veering to the right. A few droplets of liquid splashed onto Owran's tunic.

"You leave me no choice, I didn't want to hurt you" Owran stated, finally regaining his composure. He reared his sword back into a ready position and ran forward with a slice at the figures chest, but was a moment too late and the figure nimbly leapt back. Owran was not finished however, and followed up instantly with a vertical slash. He left the defender with no time to dodge.

Bending low, the figure shoved his right arm up at an angle. The moment the sword hit, he pushed with all his might to the side. With a blinding flash of sparks, the blade slid to the side. The sword ripped off a large chunk of the cloak, which revealed a narrow metal buckler attached to a green-clothed arm. The plate of the buckler was scratched beyond recognition, part of the metal had warped from the collision. The figure immediately jumped back and stood up straight, staring at Owran.

"I will not back down until you allow me to take you to the guard" Owran said to the figure. "People like you cause the world's problems, I won't let you esca--"

"34, 35, 36, that should do it" The figure said, speaking for the first time. Owran was shocked into silence. The attacker continued: "Well mister Owran Jenas, it's nice to see someone cares, however 'the world's problems' are no longer yours to deal with."

Without hesitation, the figure turned his back towards Owran and moved towards the nobleman.

"Why you--" Owran picked up his sword and began charging the figure, but realized his heart was pounding louder than usual. He touched his chest with his left hand. His vision began losing its colour, and he felt all the strength drain from his limbs. Owran dropped his sword and fell to his knees before releasing a mouthful of blood. His eyes lost their glow almost instantly and the line ran back up his arm.

With another release of blood, Owran fell flat on his face into the hard ground, and with the last of his waning strength, stared up at the figure. Owran wanted to ask what was happening, but his mouth refused to cooperate with him. The question, however, was rhetorical. Owran had a pretty good idea of what happened.

(Poison, you coward) Owran thought before his eyes dulled and he took his final breath.


The figure strolled back the way he came. Unravelling the scarf from around his neck, he used it to wipe the blood off his knife. As he passed the flaming restaurant, he tossed the scarf inisde to burn up. He did the same with the ragged cloak he used as a disguise and revealed a forest green overcoat. The boy, who also appeared around seventeen, brushed himself off and stepped around the final corner.

Without raising notice, he stepped into the back of the crowd still flocked around the restaurant. No one turned their heads towards him, but the boy looked around to make sure no one saw him exit the alley. Everyone's focus was still on the building in front of them, it's not common for something of this magnitude to happen in this city.

(They should really step back) The boy, Aadon Varencia, noted.

With everyone's focus on the blazing inferno, Aadon was able to step out the back and exit the scene. He breathed in a breath of fresh air, clearing the smoke from his lungs. He tried not to look too relieved, as the light still illuminated him from behind, and the buckler's forcefully bent edge was poking into his chest.

Despite how composed he was acting, Aadon was in a fair bit of pain. His arm was still vibrating from when he blocked the blade. Aadon recognized the sword as a 'Loase'. It was a type of blade that uses energy to vibrate extremely aggressively, effectively impersonating a chainsaw.

Put bluntly, he could never win a fair fight.

Right before he rounded a corner, Aadon looked back at the city square. The crowd had steadily grown in the time it took to walk down the street. It wasn't surprising.

(I'm sure this will make the front page tomorrow)

His gaze flickered back to the red and orange flames; a disturbed feeling arose inside him, something was off. He stood by the street corner, staring intently down the street. He glanced at the roof across the street, and the one beside it. He couldn't shake the idea that he was being watched. Trusting his gut, Aadon rested his right hand on the loaded crossbow attached to his waist, and continued his trek to the meeting spot.

(They can't be on to me already)

His eyes shifted from building to building. He saw nothing, he heard nothing. No mechanical whirring, nor tapping as they landed on the rooftop.

(it's too soon, no one should know yet)

All was silent, Aadon could hear his shallow breathing. The crossbow had already left his belt.


As he passed under a streetlamp, he looked to the left--

Down a break between two buildings--

At two crimson lenses, reflected in the white light.

Aadon leapt backward as a metal cylinder landed in the building beside him with a smack. A thin wire connected the outstretched arm of the embodiment of futility with the wall, and a whir played with it's entry. The entity flew towards Aadon with tremendous speed, until the anchor disconnected with the wall and flew back into its arm with a silent screech. Two stiff grey wings opened wide as it rolled to break it's fall. With an inorganic breathing, the entity rushed Aadon with two small knives drawn. Aadon finally came to his thoughts and shot his crossbow straight ahead, the entity ducked to the left and continued without breaking it's stride. Aadon immediately ripped out the dagger, and rushed to catch it off guard. He lunged forward, and anticipating the entity's movements, raised his right knee to ram into its chest. With catlike grace, it ducked under his leg and spun 180 degrees. It pointed one of it's knives at Aadon's back from a two meter distance, and pushed a small button. Before he could react, the blade shot out directly into Aadon's back. He dropped his dagger in favour of the wound, painting his hands red.

Immediately after, a force from behind made him fall to his knees, and he felt a prick in his neck. He strained to look behind him, but he couldn't. His face hit the ground. He could faintly feel the blade being ripped from his flesh, but it no longer hurt; in fact, he could hardly feel anything anymore.

The entity turned him on his back and held its hand flat behind its head. Almost instantaneously, two other entities exactly like the first one leapt off the roof. The fourth one, with open wings, glided across the street, grabbing the ledge of the building opposite, and yanked itself up. The winged beings rushed to his side and yanked out a metallic paracord and tied his hands behind his back. Aadon tried to break free with all his might, but not a single limb would move. He was as mobile as a carrot.

Right as the entities were about to lift him onto the 'leader's' harness, a loud crackle came from down the street. All the things instantly pointed their knives in the direction of the noise, but it was to their detriment. Aadon's head was turned the other way, so he got a perfect view as a small canister, about thirty centimeters in length, flew out of the alley. Before it even touched the ground, a gray fog began spurting out of either side. Before the things could even turn back, the area was so dense in fog that Aadon couldn't see a meter in any direction.

Aadon felt himself being moved. He couldn't see who it was, but he didn't need to, there was only one person Aadon knew who commonly used gas as a means of attack. He gave a smile (or would have if he wasn't tranquilized). His rescuer dragged him from the paracord tied around his arms all the way to the edge of the road, he sprayed a handful of firecrackers all throughout the fog and used a metal crowbar to open a porthole. After lowering Aadon to the ground, he stuck another canister to the wall directly under the porthole, with a string attached.

The man dropped next to Aadon and whispered "ok, take this" as he poured a dark liquid down his throat. At first nothing happened, but eventually he could barely feel his limbs again. He tried to move them, but had no luck.

"It wont react immediately, but you should be able to move in around five minutes". The person grabbed onto the cord and continued dragging Aadon along the sewer.

Aadon had just begun to move his legs when a flash of light and a loud crash assaulted his senses.

"Well, I was hoping it'd hold them longer," The man stated. "C'mon, get up. I'll help you run".

Aadon did as he was told, allowing his rescuer to help him to his feet.

It took another five minutes before Aadon felt comfortable walking on his own. The small lantern the person was holding was reflected in the water. Aadon looked back, and saw two red dots glint just outside the light's range. Aadon's gaze went down to the canister in the person's hand. The entities-- no, the Vierlassen, knew how much damage would be caused if the canister was dropped. They were specially trained for live capture, and they weren't allowed to let a target die. It was an easily exploitable fact, although not much else is known about them. For now they seemed to be content watching for any opening.

Aadon and his rescuer entered a large room, where multiple streams crossed into one large canal. Across the canal was a bridge made of metal bars, interlocking to make a grate.

"After you," the person said to Aadon, motioning him forward with his right hand. Aadon stepped onto the rickety bridge, and slowly made his way across. Still holding a canister in his left hand, the person grabbed a second one from under his coat and placed it in the middle of the bridge as he passed. He looked back at the Vierlassen with a smile, and tossed the first one right near the second.

"Go!" He yelled, and shoved Aadon forward.

The moment the canister hit the bridge, an orange ball of flame erupted from within. A moment after the detonation, an ear splitting 'Boom' exploded throughout the sewer system.


Both Aadon and the person breathed roughly after the multi-kilometer sprint they had just finished. Aadon took a seat against the wall, and the other person sat opposite. Both parties were silent for a moment, catching their breath.

"Hey Verral" Aadon said.

"Hey Aadon" The person named Verral replied in between breaths.

After they had caught their breath, Verral finally gave the call.

"We should get going, I'm sure they're looking for us".

Aadon gave a simple nod in response.

Although the sewers were known for being dark and hiding many unsavoury things, they were a great passageway to evade authorities. Both boys were accustomed enough to walk with confidence.

"So, how'd you find me?" Aadon asked Verral as they rounded a corner.

"You were taking too long, I happened to pass as I went to look. What were you up to anyways?"

"Janson didn't finish the target, he assumed the building would take care of it"

"Damn, so you left the crossbow there?"

"Yeah, it's still on that roof, I couldn't lug that thing with me"


"I think Janson and Kali are gonna stab you in the back" Verral said to Aadon, "They were surprisingly calm earlier, despite Kali being spotted"

"No surprise there, the Vierlassen reacted way too quickly after I finished the governor," Aadon replied. "The only ones who knew about this attack were the four of us"

"Damn, so you already knew"

"Yeah, they act like professionals, but they suck at covering their tracks" Aadon said, and remembered:

"Oh yeah, I met that 'unseen swordsman' guy that made the news"

"Really? How'd that go?"

"Well he wasn't as invincible as they say, apparently poison works just as well on him. He did drop from the rooftop though, so that story adds up"

"Hmm, what was he using?"

"A loase, pretty nasty one too. Look at my buckler". Aadon held his arm out to display the scratched and warped metal of what was once a nice shield.

"That's bad, he could've cleaved your arm off".

"But he didn't, and I won. So it turned out alright"

This conversation took them to their exit.

Aadon mounted the ladder after Verral, and they climbed up the narrow manhole. After peering out the opened grate, Verral stepped into the darkened street. Aadon followed suit and both of them snuck into the alley across the road.

A deafening silence lingered around them as they walked calmly to the meeting place. The light hardly reached past the street, so they were forced to navigate in complete darkness. Both boys had been through this alley multiple times however, and they were usually the only ones who did.

After three corners, they found themselves in a large open space. There were wooden and steel support beams all throughout the ground, which were holding up the top halves of buildings. Since this wasn't visible from the road, there was no incentive to make full buildings.

Beneath one of the shells, a rope ladder stretched to the only floor of the building (not up to code of course). The ladder was the only thing out of place, as the rest of the complex was extraordinarily clean. After a quick climb, Aadon pulled the ladder up to avoid suspicion.

On that floor was a small lantern, and two people sat around it. A larger man, with a brown beard and dark gray clothes, as well as a woman wearing a green coat, unbuttoned with a red shirt underneath. They both appeared to be around thirty years old.

"Hey Aadon, Verral. took you long enough" the larger man, Janson said.

"We were caught up, the Vi acted faster then normal. Shame you weren't there, I could've tripped you and made it on time" Aadon replied.

"Ha, I'd like to see you try"

"Another thing, make sure you finish the target off next time" Aadon said. "I had to drop the crossbow and chase him myself".

"What do you mean, I made sure there was no chance of escape before I left" Janson protested.

In response, Aadon tossed him a small pendant from his pocket.

"Damn, this belonged to ol' Marco" Janson said, timidly laughing. He's implied before that he has a history with the city's governor, but he's never elaborated.

Aadon changed the subject. "Anyways, I'll go get your crossbow later Kali"

"Ok" was all the other person named Kali said.

Both Aadon and Verral went to sit around the lantern and discuss their next move.

"With the governor of the Holy Capital, Lanaisyen gone, we can move onto Vishon Alma" Janson started, "with her gone the inner guard of Falvir Chenneman will be open, and the governor's death has caused enough of an uproar to put her in the spotlight".

The Vishon is a position given to the one with the closest relationship with Falvir, the leader of the church. Vishon Alma has been using her power to shield the pope and his four guards, therefore making her a target. The only problem is that Vishon Alma hardly leaves the cathedral, unless someone of importance has died recently. Now that the governor has died, she will be required along with the Falvir to mourn his loss in the graveyard.

After they decided on a course of action, there wasn't much else to discuss so Aadon got up to go.

"Make sure you're here on the 15th Aadon, we have a new member joining" Janson called.

"Yeah yeah" Aadon called back.

Verral stopped Aadon as he entered the corridor.

"See you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, meet me down Ludvic street"

Verral nodded and went back into the room.