
Laments of the rued - The first tower

The world is brought to ruins with the sudden emergence of supernatural beings and trials to destroy humanity as a whole, for their corrupted pleasure. Luna, a normal high school girl with a peculiar past, strives to survive in the harsh reality as a mysterious voice and memories of a war unknown guide her. Through the sorrows she faces and faced with the bitter truth about her parents, she aims to end these trials plaguing humanity and find clues about the voice. *** "The only hope eh?" muttered a woman with short white hair, as she sat leaning against a wall painted with blood. The lance sticking through her stood tall and proud. It irritated her. She looked at her broken arm and then at the piles of corpses of short green creatures with pointy ears and noses. She chuckled at the irony. She was told she was the only hope and yet here she was, dying to a mere thousand goblins. Her ears perked as she heard footsteps. Through the musty tunnel across her came a hooded man. He was tall, and had a long beard, the only part of his face she could see. He had bandages wrapped around his hands and was covered in piles of cloth armor. He had a large bow in his hand, but he didn't have an arrow in sight. She once again chuckled at the appearance of the strange man as her painful grunts grew quieter and quieter and to silence.

comic_nerds · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 - A change unwelcomed(6)

I squinted my eyes to get a better view of the person running through the bushes and onto the tiled floor, towards me in the distance, it was a boy, bloodied, running clenching his stomach with both his hands, his lips busted, his nose bleeding, he had a black eye and blood dripped from his shirt and had painted it red, as he ran.Behind him were two more boys, running towards him.I was taken aback by the sight, I was scared, surprised, and confused.'move' said the voice in my head jolting her to action.I scurried towards the club room and picked up one of the bows, but to my dismay, there was not a single arrow in sight as I had taken them all previously and now they were with Ryan.I looked around more, desperate to find another but I soon realized there was but only one arrow in the club room, the one sticking out of Nathan.I dreaded the thought of having to pull it out, I looked back hoping the situation might not need such dire action, but my hope was met with a more terrifying reality as I saw one of the two boys holding a knife.A bloodied knife, the other boy had his fist covered in blood. The sudden revelation horrified me.I quickly started pulling the arrow out of Nathan as I apologized to his corpse profusely."I am so sorry mate, I am sorry", I said through my tears as I rushed to pull the arrow out.I came out of the club room with my hand and shirt drenched in blood, I ran towards the injured boy while pointing my bow and arrow at the other two."Halt" I cried, hoping to intimidate them but all that came out was a screech much like that of a squirrel.I really hoped to sound like a medical guard but I failed to.The two boys paying no heed to my words, continued running towards us."Halt, unless you want an arrow through your head" I cried managing to sound threatening.The boys came to a halt and glared at her as I scurried to the injured boy and shielded the boy from the other two with my body.The injured boy collapsed to the ground.I took a quick glance over his seemingly lifeless body and glared at the other two.The two boys exchanged a quick glance with each other. One of them sighed and crossed his arms, knife in hand, and furrowed his eyebrows, while the other rolled his eyes at me before putting his hands on his hips."Oi weirdo what do you think you are doing huh ?" asked the boy admonishingly waving his knife around to intimidate me and looked annoyed.I pointed my arrow at his head in response as I glared at them."Ah... this bitch " muttered the boy with the bloody fists turning his head to the side in anger."What do you think you are doing ?" I asked staring at them wide-eyed with a stern face."What do you think you little bitch? The trial obviously." spoke the boy as he pointed his knife at me.I was confused by his revelation, for all I knew, the trial had ended already."Didn't the trial already end ?""Yes, it did" replied the boy as he threw some punches into the air."But not the reward system, we still get coins" replied the other now slowly inching closer to me waving the knife at hand.I tried to take a step back to establish the distance but was stopped by the injured boy's body.The boy with a knife in hand started running towards me aiming for my life, I was taken aback by the sudden situation and panic shot my arrow at him.I stood witness to the arrow I shot pierce the guy's neck. Blood splattered and the boy fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as he gaped for air and slowly collapsed to the ground before drawing his final breath.I was shocked at the horror. I hadn't thought of killing him; I had shot at him without aiming anywhere in particular. Maybe it was my luck.I wondered as I lowered my bow.I stared in horror, his body convulsed which scared me making me jerk in surprise and the other boy scurried away in sheer terror of his friend's death, swearing revenge at me.My knees went weak, I felt nauseous, and I was confused and terrified. Tears rolled down my eyes as I stared at my hands covered in Nathan's blood.The whole world spun and my eyes started losing focus, I broke out in cold sweat, and shook uncontrollably.Shivers went down my spine.At a moment's notice, I found myself in a small white room, it had a barred window and a white bed. There was but only one exit and it was a heavy metal door.I slowly reached for the door and as soon as I touched it, sunlight enveloped me entirely from my back.I woke up again, this time I was lying on a bed. my limbs were tied to the bed and my mouth was gagged.I tried my best to look around, but it was dark. The surgical lights that beamed right above me illuminated only the bed and me, almost blinding me every time I looked.I frantically tried to free myself from the restraints, then suddenly from the distance echoed the sound of lights switching on.A small ceiling light had switched on, and under it was a man dressed in surgical clothes.He wore a mask and a surgical cap. He had a lone scalpel in his hand,he had black hair and a mole near his eye, and his eyes were blue; he started making his way toward me as lights switched on to illuminate every step he took.I was terrified, scared, confused, panicked and horrified. I did my best to try get out of the restraints I struggled and struggled, but it was all in vain as the stranger was now right next to me.I froze in an unknown terror, every single strand of hair in my body stood up, and my eyes shook violently in fear.I tried to plead for mercy but my gag only let out a muffled noise.The strange man slowly touched my face, he brought his face close to mine before slowly running his hand down my body.I felt disgusted by his touch, he held my neck first, and I could only shed tears.He started choking me lightly and ran his hand through my torso and reached my lower torso.He brought his head close to my lower stomach and sniffed. He then stood upright and once again touched my face before stabbing me in my abdomen with his scalpel.The surgeon then walked away, leaving me to bleed to my death.Tears rolled down my eyes.The pain was excruciating. I screamed for help but my voice was once again muffled by the gag.***Ryan, who had decided to ask Luna his questions, started sprinting back.As he sprinted, a sudden movement in the bushes nearby caught his eyes. He came to a halt, he slowly but steadily moved to the bushes, pointing his weapon at the bushes.He tried to peek into the bushes, hoping to get a closer look at what was rustling the leaves while maintaining a safe distance.Then suddenly from the bushes, a green creature jumped at him, frightening him and prompting him to shoot at it.It died with an arrow piercing through its chest.'That was close and scary', he thought as he cautiously approached the body.Ryan dragged its corpse away from the bushes for a closer inspection.He first felt guilt for having killed the creature.It was only natural as he had never even killed an animal. but then it soon disappeared as it too had jumped on him with the intent to kill indicated by the dagger it held.It had a long, pointy nose and sharp ears. It looked like a human, but it only had 3 fingers.It was the size of a human toddler.It wielded a short dagger and had animal hide tied around its hips covering its genitals.Ryan had an idea of what this creature was. "A goblin," he muttered under his breath.It was a character from fiction that had just almost taken his life.He rushed to find Luna realizing she was without a weapon, vulnerable. But he did make sure to pocket the goblin's dagger.As he sprinted, he heard a message in his head. Awarding him coins for having hunted a goblin.He reached the club area only to find it empty.He cautiously entered the area while pointing his bow.He soon caught sight of three humans lying on the ground in the distance.He could see them covered in blood and one of them was Luna.Horror engulfed him.His worries for his friend grew, as the horrifying sight indicated her being hurt.He could feel his heart drop at the thought. He stumbled to her lifeless body and slumped over another, almost in a sitting position. He felt the whole world spin, and tears ran down his face uncontrollably.'I killed her' he thought as he held her cold hands. He collapsed to the ground right in front of her body. He covered his face with his hands in guilt and sorrow.He cried and wailed in front of her corpse."What have I done!"He saw her covered in blood.He thought of how painful it must have been for her.If only he had not taken all the weapons they had and stormed out in a fit of rage.He felt hollow inside, he felt rage and self-hate as he bit his lips and furrowed his eyebrows.He looked up at the sky with blank eyes.Raging against the gods, questioning why all of this was happening.He saw the bow in her hand.He turned around, only to find the body of another student.He could see the arrow sticking out of his neck and a knife that lay a few meters away from his hand.He wondered what had happened.***I slowly lost consciousness as I lay restrained to the bed.'Wake up,' said the voice in my head, jolting me back to reality.I woke up and gasped for air violently. Tears fell from my eyes as I found myself alive. I was disoriented and confused.I touched my lower abdomen, making sure I didn't have any wounds only to come upon an old scar from my childhood days.I saw Ryan kneeling in front of me, wide-eyed and bewildered.He then started to smile as tears rolled down his eyes and hugged me tightly, tight enough to crack my bones.*******************************************************************************************************Heyya ! Thank u for reading !!, I would love to know your thoughts on this chapter and what you think will happen! looking forward to readin yer comments yall !! Love ya