
Laid Back Journey

A not so normal person dies and gets transmigrated as another person. Read to see how an assassin who only cares about himself handles situations in another world.

parkgun · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 11

Gaku was sleeping without a care in the world on the fish's tongue.

Suddenly, he was thrown backwards by the tongue.

He landed on his hands and flipped himself in order to stand on his feet.

"Alright, this is starting to become annoying!

People keep waking me up like this for days!

I can't catch a break."

{I can't go more.

Yuda are scary.}

Gaku put on some pants and said. "We arrived?"



Open your mouth a little."

The fish opened it's mouth and Gaku took in a huge amount of oxygen.

Gaku started to swim to the surface, while he was swimming, the fish instantly swam away.

Gaku looked at it going away and said. 'It's not smart enough to actually trick me, I knew we arrived near when he opened his mouth.

I could smell a little poison in the water...

Not enough to kill a human but enough for it to be concerning.'

He got to the surface and said. "These Yudas really are poisonous, they are able to leave poison in the water around here in order to mark their territory.

Now I see why people can't get to Amazon Lily."

The water was very peaceful, that was because they were in the middle of the calm belt.

A place where there are no currents and that is filled with Sea Kings.

Gaku saw the island in the distance so he jumped out of water and started running towards it.

"I wouldn't want those sea kings come after me while I'm in the water.

They're a pain to deal with."


A big sea king lunged out of the water.


Gaku took the mace out of his inventory and bashed the sea king away.

He put the mace back in his inventory and continued running.

His plan was simple.

In the show, Hancock fell in love with Luffy because of three reasons.

He's selfless, he would risk his like to protect someone.

Gaku can do that too, in fact he did that multiple times for his boss.

Her powers don't work on him, meaning he feels no lust for her.

Gaku should overcome that easily too.

And the third reason is that he punched a celestial dragon.

But Gaku already killed three of them.

So the quest aligned too perfectly.

To kill a celestial dragon and make a teammate is just hinting at her.

But even if he's wrong, he'll just pick a random person and get it over with.

'First, I'll have to make the same introduction as Luffy, I need to see the mark on her back.'

His plan is similar to that of a douchebag's, but he doesn't care.

He stopped caring about almost everything long ago.

If you could look into his eyes you could see how alive he was.

They are always blank and dark, his facial expression only changes when he's fighting and nothing can really leave an impression on him anymore.

Always the same stoic and bored expression on his face.

Boa Hanock and Gaku were similar yet different.

Both of them have very rough childhoods and Gaku's was worse than hers.

But there's a difference between the two of them.

Boa Hancock does everything she can to defend her backstory while Gaku embraced it and accepted it.

Resulting in him becoming how he is today.

A person who doesn't have a purpose in life and only strives to fight strong opponents.

But there's one time when he gets a little depressed.

And that's when he's helpless in a fight. when he knows that he has no chances of winning.

And this happened a lot of times since traveling to these worlds.


Gaku was fully dressed on the big walls surrounding the city where the Kuja live.

Gaku looked at the event going down that meant one thing, the snake empress was taking a bath and no one was allowed in the castle.


Going to such lengths to cover a stupid mark is mind-blowing.

But I guess she does have her own reasons."


Gaku jumped up and went downwards exactly into the castle's roof.


He crashed through the roof and and was covered in hot water.

He looked at the tall back in front of him and saw a symbol on her back.

The Celestial Dragon logo that is used for slaves.

She rapidly turned around and said. "A man?!"

Gaku had his hands in his pockets and he looked at the woman in front of him.

She was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen but he didn't care about it so much.

He still had the same stoic expression on his face.

"Good afternoon."

She looked at him with a ferocious expression and said. "The symbol on my back...

You saw it!"


Two weird looking and tall females entered the bath and said. "Hancock!"

"What's wrong?!"

"Is that a man?!"

"How did a man get here?"

"Hancock, hurry!

Put on your robe!"

Hancock looked at Gaku with a grave expression and said. "He saw it...

My back!"


"Then he must die."

Gaku said with the same expression he usually has. "What a surprise...

I certainly didn't expect to see that symbol on the pirate empress's back."

She positioned her hands forward in a heart shape and said. "All who see what you saw must die!

Love-Love Mellow!!"

A pink, heart shaped beam of energy came towards Gaku who didn't dodge.

The beam had no effect.

It affects those who feel lust for Hancock and turns them into stone.

Gaku looked at himself and said. "Was that supposed to do anything?"

Hancock looked even more confused, she had her eyebrows furrowed and an unhappy look on her face.

"Love-Love Mellow"

She used the same move again.


Hancock screamed. "Why doesn't he turn the stone?!

He saw me in the bath, yet my powers have no effect on him!!"

"But that's impossible sister!

Your body is so beautiful that people of all ages and genders fall in love with you!"

"His fear of death must've erased any impure thoughts from his mind.

He's a pitiful man but lucky."

Gaku looked at the three sisters and said. "Fear of death, huh..."

He gained their attention by saying that.

Now that they took a closer look at him, most importantly his eyes, they could see that that statement was wrong.