A loud noise was heard as the vanity with all kinds of cosmetics on top of it, rolled and fell to the floor. Despite the fact that the carpet had been laid down, several of them fell to the floor with such force that they were shattered into little pieces. Glara, appalled at the discovery, approached Rosemond.
She scarily glowered at Glara, and soon hit her cheek hard. Glara had a confused expression on her face over being slapped on the face for no reason. Rosemond soon came to Glara in a horrifyingly low voice, "What...?"
"Lady, why in the world would you do that…?"
Once again, Glara's head twisted around. Glara's cheek was sadly reddened with the force from the strong friction. She grabbed her reddened cheek that looked like it would bleed, and in a taken aback voice called out to Rosemond, "La..."