
Lady of the Devil

littlemaomao_ · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

The Returning Heiress


<klack, klack, klack>

A pair of black high heels echoed throughout Abellone House's corridor. The sound was followed by Ophelia Abellone, gracefully strolling across a huge window.

Snow fell outside the shady room, gently wiped on the window glass.

The lady stepped slowly while looking around the house. Her long blonde hair fell above a backless red satin dress that she wore despite the cold weather.

After a few seconds, Ophelia halted in front of a huge door.

<chatter, chatter>

<How can we trust this empire to such a young— should I say, <strong>GIRL!>

Ophelia smiled upon hearing those chattering behind the door. From the side, her hand reached towards the doorknob.

<creak >

As the door opened—

" This empire will definitely come to its end if we let that stupid girl—"

"Are you done talking about me, Duke Alamos?" Ophelia crossed her arms, standing behind the overweight old man with a cold stare in her eyes.

Demesne Empire, a plutocratic kingdom, had stood for almost a century in the hands of 4 powerful families: the Abellones, the Alamos, the Deliantes, and the Hymes.

The most ruling family was the Abellones as they were known for being the richest among all the dukes. But tragedy struck. A huge fire burnt the Abellone House, bringing death to all members of the family. Nobody was found alive, and the empire's throne was left empty for 10 years.

Rumors spread; people were skeptical. They said it was a mass suicide due to family business problems abroad the country. Some said that the family was trying to shirk their duty. Others said the Abellones were fighting among themselves to protect their family inheritance. There were also claims that they were murdered.

The kingdom fell into chaos, corruption, and an epidemic. Poverty led some to revolt against the dukes, and many children died from illness. This continued until Ophelia Abellone showed up, claiming herself to be the rightful heiress of Demesne Empire.

Duke Alamos's feet almost failed him when he saw the lady walking past him, "M-miss…" he stuttered.

In the middle of the table, Ophelia seated herself, "Pardon me for my tardiness. I was looking around for this room." She pierced every man's eye inside the room and smiled, "It's quite fascinating that this house was rebuilt, but not in the same way as I remembered…"

<silence >

"I thought that maybe…ANYBODY…would come and welcome me" Ophelia spoke in a very soft yet bold tone as if anybody who heard her would be surprised by a sudden heartbeat. "BUT…apparently not"

<silence >

"Just put it aside, shall we? Let us start this meeting…" Ophelia leaned towards the table with both hands folded onto one another,

"As you might know, the Abellones had ruled this kingdom for years. Thanks to all my great-grandparents, and also my parents who died in the fire…"

"Luckily, I survived…"

Along with the sentence,

"perfections, Ophelia!" a faint sound echoed. Getting louder. Louder. Lou—

- - - - - -


"Perfection!!!!" said the old lady to young Ophelia.

The old lady slashed a wooden stick in front of young Ophelia. The young girl's head, stacked with books, walked on a thin piece of wood wearing heels. Ophelia was only 12 years old at the time, she looked at the old lady with red and puffy eyes.

Young Ophelia halted, glanced at the old lady, saying "Grandmama, please, my feet hurt".

"Ophelia Abellone! You shall not be tired now! Now, repeat!!!"

Madame Abellone, Ophelia's grandmother yelled at the girl's face. Ophelia shuddered as tears streamed down her cheeks. "— and remember, perfection!" Madame Abellone added, still yelling towards her granddaughter.

On becoming the duchess of Demesne years ago, Madame Abellone was known for her grace, beauty, and not to forget perfections. But, after her husband died, Lucas Abellone, her son and the rightful heir of the empire took over the throne.

As Lucas Abellone got married to the daughter of an earl, Ophelia's mother, Marianne Abellone, Madame took over the duchess training as she had quite high standards for a lady's manner; well, look at her young self inside the frame of the Abellone Family picture. Standing gracefully with both hands on her husband's shoulder, captivating every single eye that glanced towards her.

At the time Ophelia was born, Madame already had her training planned. She even prepared a harsh training menu for her granddaughter who was soon to take over the throne. As Ophelia reached the age of 12, she was transferred to Madame Abellone's house only to cry every single night before bed.

10 hours per day, with only a 15-minute break. How could she survive?

Well, when everyone was asleep in the middle of the night, Ophelia snuck into the woods near her grandmother's house. She sat under a huge tablet stone, praying to escape the hell she'd been living in.

A big wish came along with big consequences.

One day, hurried knocks on a wooden door could be heard when Ophelia was training inside Madame's reading room.

<knock, knock, knock>

Madame Abellone angrily yelled, "Come in!" and a guard came in a hurry. "For god's sake, could you behave—"

"— <pant, pant> Madame…Your Majesty…"

Cutting Madame Abellone's words, the guard's information made the old lady's eyes go wide, and she fell onto the ground. On the other side, Ophelia stood frozen, blinked a few times as tears streamed down her cheeks upon hearing the news.

The death of Abellone Family members.

- - - - -

—to be continued