
Wicked Family

Bi Yu was standing in front of the Li Estate gate. There was no hint of happiness on her face. When she entered, nobody greeted her. If they did, it was halfhearted.

Bi Yu entered to see her father, stepmother and stepsister Li Da Mei chatting happily in the main room. They all stopped to stare at her as if asking why she's here. "Father, Second Madame." She forced out.

"Bi Yu, you should be calling my mother as mother." Da Mei corrected her in an annoyed voice.

"I only have one mother and she died already."

"Quiet!" Her father snapped. "Yu'er, do you not have any manners?"

"Father, what wrong did I say?" Bi Yu asked.

"If you still think of me as your father, you will call her mother NOW!"

Bi Yu couldn't help but laugh. "Father? When my mother died, you immediately married that woman and sent me off to a temple." She laughed crazily once more. "What rights do you have to be my father? After 12 years, you finally let me return. Only to send me off to wed in place of your perfect daughter Da Mei the next day. You even drugged me."

"Li Bi Yu!" He shouted. "I did that for your own good. It is good to be the future crown princess."

"Then why did Da Mei not marry his highness then?"

Da Mei was silent.

"Because he had a lover and she couldn't take the insult that he was marrying his lover the same day?"

"Yu'er, we really only meant well for you." 2nd madame pretended. But this only made her husband angrier.

"Your mother is so kind to you and you act like an ingrate. If you were going to be like this, why did you come."

"I didn't want to come but MY mother-in-law has asked me to bring gifts." She emphasized. "Since it is complete, I shall take my leave." She began to walk and then stopped when she saw her maid Chong Lin. Chong Lin was about the same age as her. She had followed her ever since she was a young girl and accompanied her when she was at the temple. "I am taking Chong Lin with me." She said not giving them a choice.

2nd Madame wanted to say something but her husband stopped her. It was only a maid.

When they got into the carriage, Chu Hua couldn't help but spill her discontent.

"My lady, are they even humans? How can they treat you like that."

Bi Yu only smiled at her. Besides Chong Lin, she had gained another person who cared for her. "Chu Hua, this is Chong Lin." She changed the subject. "Chong Lin has been with me for as long as I remember. She's like a sister to me."

"My Lady." Chong Lin wanted to cry.

"How long does it take to be your sister?" Chu Hua said with jealousy. Just spending the last 3 days with her lady, she already knew her lady was kind. While the three of them were well immersed in conversation, the carriage suddenly stopped. Chu Hua opened the curtain and to her surprise, there was a fight. Two men dressed in black had just stabbed their carriage driver.

The next moment, the door cover was slashed in half as a sword pointed at them. "Get out!" He shouted.

"What do you want?" Bi Yu asked.

"I said get out now!"

When all three of them got out, they all had their hands tied and blindfolded. After a long walk, Chu Hua and Chong Lin were pushed to the ground and both their legs were tied.

"My lady, are you ok?" Chong Lin asked when she didn't hear Bi Yu.

"I'll be fine." Bi Yu assured them but Chong Lin and Chu Hua panicked as her voice sounded very far from them.

"Bastard! Let go of my lady! Where are you taking her? Do you know who you are messing with?" Chu Hua and Chong Lin kept shouting.

Bi Yu was brought into a room and heard the door slam close. One man pushed her on the bed. Judging by the hard surface, it must have been a small hut. When they took off her blindfold, she was right. It looked to be an abandoned straw hut.

"Who knew Lady Bi Yu was so beautiful." One man said looking at her full of lust. He went over to her and untied the rope. She stayed silent. She knew even if she asked who sent them, they would not answer. If they knew her name, it was someone who knew her.

As he was finishing up untying her, she finally spoke. "I will give you three seconds to leave. If you don't leave, I promise you won't be leaving this room alive." Her eyes darted at him. But he only laughed at him.

"Feisty little one. We will all be in heaven pretty soon." The man in the back spoke and both man laughed. The taller man pushed her on the bed and Bi Yu quickly reached into her sleeve. In the next moment, the guy stepped back and yelled as he held his neck.

"You dare stab me with a needle?" He said about to hit her when he suddenly fell down. His eyes rolled back and he began to foam in the mouth.

"You crazy woman." The other man quickly rushed over wanting to kill her. Bi Yu kicked him in the ribs, sending him a few steps back. "You think a little kick will hurt me. Just wait until I get my hands on you." He shouted as he continued to go towards her.

Bi Yu quickly got up and as he reached his arm out to grab her, she grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind him. A knife was placed right at his throat.

"Should have taken my offer to leave."