
Chapter 417: Untimely Reunion (Part 4)

"I was fooled," Yang Nina started after a moment of mustering her courage back. "Some...classmates coerced me to "go out and have a fun night" with them while our teachers don't have their eyes on us." 

"And where are these classmates of yours now?" Han Taiyi asked, eyes narrowing.

"We got separated even before the attack happened. I was left behind while they said to go grab more snacks." She said, ashamed. 

Ashamed of what, exactly? Ashamed that she was fooled by the people she thought she could trust? Or that she didn't heed to the warning those two strangers at the alley gave her? The alarming buzzing sound at the back of her head when those three classmates woke her up from sleep just to invite her on a nightly excursion?