
Chapter-1 (stretchers)

There is a girl born with lots of dreams but her life was filled with pain. Her beautiful and big eyes attract everyone....she was beautiful....it may be the curse of the devil that in the age of learning walk she was fallen sick with polio and her life was cursed with polio. She won't know what happened to her...sometimes she thought that at this age everyone will become like her and sometimes she thought this is a bad dream and for proving it she closed her eyes and try to make it a myth.

"Hey girl what are you doing there come and sit on a side because you can slip on the wet floor just because you are lame," somebody from her neighborhood said to her. She started weeping because she doesn't like to be called by the name "lame". it's true that nobody wants to call by the name of their weakness. We know our weaknesses but why do people, again and again, try to push us back to memorizing us about our weaknesses. when the kids playing with toys the girl hold stretchers in her hands...now these stretchers were her friend..

Well at the age of 10, the girl realized and accepted this drawback of his physical weakness and turn her mind to education. Throughout her early education, the teachers supported her as she was a bright student and always passed with first division in her class. the fellow students of her class were also very supportive and actually, no one wants to hurt her and trying to make her feel special. One incident I remember when she was waiting for her school rickshaw and her teacher was checking her exam copy. the teacher (Sharma sir said to Roy Sir) said to another teacher I can check her answer copy with closed eyes as She can never be wrong and her answer will always be correct, this blind faith in the girl made her cry and with tears in her eyes,....she just passed a smile and showing herself busy with her book. With the support of her teachers, friends and family especially her father she passed her primary education with first class.

For higher and senior secondary education we have to choose art or science stream. She was a bright student in Mathematics and Science but due to various issues with a broken heart, she has taken arts stream. "Economics, Civics" she has hated these subjects but in high school, these were her main subjects. Again she was disheartened and wept for the whole night...but what she can do? She accepted her bad luck and again moved her interest. again she proved herself as she passed her senior secondary education with first class.

Now at the teenage, the real struggle of her life started...............