
A Boy Named Zeke

"Long ago, there was a great conflict that shaped our world today. The sound of thunder cracking, echoed across the land, as the ground shook and churned. Through the wood and field, a fierce battle of light and dark was commenced"

Spouts an old man in a gruff and raspy voice.

"As the fight grew on, more foes had arose and descended from below and above. The gods themselves had come forth to put an end to the torment upon the land, whilst demons had crept out to keep their strain upon the world. After much loss and hardships from both ends were shed, the clouds and ground parted to prelude the final plans of both parties. They had chosen that same moment to go for the final blow upon each other. Those above had sent down their Cloud Castle, which had been the sanctuary of the gods, and demonic towers had erupted from the depths."

Intruding through the story-

"Yeah yeah, you've told me this one already. Can't we just get back to magic practice now?"

Blurts a young boy, who had been sitting on a tree stump in front of the old man on a hilltop. The young boy was a blonde, skinny, 16 year old with emerald eyes, named Zeke. Zeke Kindle, and his teacher was his Grandfather, Arthur Maverk.

"Don't be too hasty, now where was I?"

Said the old man, as he took time to remember.

As Arthur was picking his thoughts, Zeke looked across the view from the hill back at a big city, with a large and luscious forest between them.

"Even though we come up here almost every day, the view over Greaka always seems stunning to me"

Spouted Zeke who was entranced by the sight.

"You're just like your mother when she was your age; she'd always scurry up to this hill any time she could"

Said Arthur who as he joined the boy in admiring the view.

"Well then, I can't seem to remember the rest of the story, so I guess we can get back to today's training session"

Said Arthur in a defeated tone.

"Now then, let's find out your affinity"

Arthur reached to hover hand over Zeke's head.

"Affinity? What's that?"

Asked a confused Zeke.

"Your affinity is your proficiency in magics, what you'll be more adept to"

Arthur's hand lit up in a white light. He grew a smirk after seeing the light turn red.

Arthur, "your affinity is in fire, fire magics. Just like mine"

Zeke, "Whoa, fire magic? Does that mean I can shoot fireballs and stuff?"

Said an excited Zeke. In which Arthur responded with a more calm voice.

"Yes, eventually. But until then-

Arthur blasts out a stream of fire from his palms into the air.

Arthur, "The first spell you'd learn would be 'Flame', it's a basic spell where you spew fire from your hand"

Zeke, "Alright then-

Zeke grew a determined look on his face.

"How do we begin?

Later in the Afternoon, Zeke had been entertained by waving flames around and burning up targets that his grandfather had given him. Zeke whipped of his sweat.

"gah, man this is really draining"

Complained the exhausted Zeke.

"It's because you're draining you mana pretty quickly, fire magic is usually a little more costly than most spells"

Arthur looked off to the sky, then he brandished his silver pocket watch for the time.

"It's already getting close to supper time, we should go home before your parents get mad"

Arthur said, getting up from his seat of a tree stump. Zeke drops into a sit in a sweat

Zeke, "Aww man, and I was just getting the hang of it"

Arthur, "You're not going to master a spell in just a day, trust me, I was just as ambitious as you when I learned my first spells"

Arthur playfully jested.

"now, let's get going, it's quite a long walk".


The pair had both begun to descend the hill into the forest in just a little while after. The sound of rustling leaves and distant forest creature noises had echoed throughout the woods.

"What do you think that was?-

Asked Zeke, who was ecstatic with curiosity, pointing at a small animal that had passed by them.

"Don't know exactly, but I think that could be something known as... a squirrel"

Sarcastically retorted Arthur.

"Oh ha ha, real funny"

Said an annoyed Zeke as they continued on down a path headed towards the city.