
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

I'm still staying at a cheap hotel, a small one but it is a good deal for a person or two.

I'm still thinking about those men wearing tuxedos, I'm concerned about my house. Did they come back? Are they connected to the guy who raped me?

I can't report to the police because I don't know who's behind this and I don't know where it happened. Plus, I don't know if he has connections, I might get myself in trouble. I'm still clueless about who to avoid.

I didn't exactly expect this to happen to me.

I didn't think of a plan, I prison myself in fear for the past two months and here I am.

That night, he made me feel helpless, scared, and lifeless. I was in deep thoughts when my phone rang, Xandra's calling me.



"Hello, where are you?" I asked. "I'm outside your house," I told her. I peek inside the house over the window - jeez, it is a total disaster.

Cabinets were open and things are scattered everywhere. Looks like a heavy typhoon terrorized it.

"I'm staying at a hotel... what are you doing there?" She asked. There's something off about her. She hasn't got out of her house since the time I saw her looking like a homeless person.

I brought you food, I know you haven't eaten yet and you're not here, where are you?" I sense that she's trying to cover it up.

Ever since I've met her, I tried my hardest to let her depend on me but she always keeps everything to herself.

"Aww. I'm flattered, I felt butterflies in my stomach but I already ate, you don't have to worry about me, I promise." I can sense that she's lying. Violet doesn't know how to cover up her lies.

"Go home already, I know you're tired. Thank you for taking care of me Xandra, I do appreciate it." I just let out a sigh.

She's bothered about something and she's afraid of telling me.

I chuckled, "Alright, go to sleep. Have a long rest." I stated. I need to figure it out myself.

"Sure, I will. Bye, I love you!" She replied. She's pure and innocent unlike me. She's the best version of me. The version of me that I will never have. Ever since I met her, I felt this urge to look after her.

"Okay, I love you too, Violet.", She ended the call. I have to know what happened to her two months ago and what she's trying to do. I have to move fast. I know someone who can help me.


The doorbell rang, I walk my way to the door to see who's outside. I peek into the peephole and saw hotel staff outside with a tray full of food. I absently-mindedly opened the door to see him smiling.

"Good evening, ma'am. Here's the food that you ordered." He handed me a tray full of different dishes that I didn't order.

"Mister, I haven't ordered anything. I think you're mistaken." I refuse, lightly pushing the tray. I haven't ordered anything since I don't have an appetite to eat.

He looks at my room number. "Huh? But the Chef said it is for room 202 ma'am." He said.

Alright. I'm tired and I badly need to take a rest.

I took the tray to ended the discussion. I have no problem with paying this but this might be someone's order.

"Thank you, ma'am!" He smiled at me and then proceed with his work.

This seems weird. I closed the door. That guy doesn't look like he's a hotel staff. He has these soft features, he can be a model.

I tried to forget about what just happened and sat on the bed.

The dishes on the stray are amazingly good to look at. I noticed a small piece of paper. I took it and read it.

Eat well my love, these are healthy for you and our baby.


I was left dumbfounded. He found me. I was right! He is connected with those men at my house. They took my pregnancy test to tell him I'm pregnant?

What will he do me to me then? Can he just let me go?

I need to get out of here. I hurriedly took my things and left my room.

I have arrived at the reception and paid my bills.

I got out of the hotel and walk my way to the parking lot when I noticed someone, a stranger is following me.

I increase my pace to reach my car faster when I almost touch the door handle someone stopped me.

"Love, where are you going?" An extremely handsome man was in front of me calling me 'Love'?. I curiously look at him.

"Keeper?", I asked. I'm confused. I don't know him but I have someone in mind who's also calling me love. If he was just a stranger trying to hit on me, it would be way better.

"Yes, love," He said and he mischievously smiled. What a misfortune. What is he thinking right now? What is he up to?

I look around to call for help but I noticed that four physically-fit men cornered me. I also notice the guy from earlier, the hotel staff. Does this mean that this was a trap and they planned all of this?

"What do you want from me?" I stutteringly asked. I'm scared of him. What more if you're surrounded by four men who are extremely and equally handsome. Wait, what? Is that what you're thinking about now, Violet?

They all seem emotionless like he won't have a second thought to kill me if I disobey him.

"You and my child."

My heart beats faster than normal and I"m sweating, last thing I know is that I fainted.



We did what we have planned. Dwayne will be giving the food tray with my letter and I know exactly she'll consider it as a warning that we know where she is and will plan to leave the hotel.

We can't force her to come with us, she might cause a scandal and people will know.

Good thing Trie knows Violet's car. We tracked her earlier using the GPS he put on Violet's car.

I just made a plan and everything followed.

When she went to the parking lot, we followed her.

She seemed surprised. Well, I'm glad my plan worked.

Until now, she's still unconscious.

"Put her the watch pulse oximeter."

We were still in my car. She looks restless yet her face never fails to attract me.

"She is beautiful," Dwayne admiringly said and look at her.

"Of course, I'm not like you." All of us laughed except for Dwayne who pouted.