Hideki was reborn into the Kuroko no Basuke Universe and embraces his second chance at life as "The King's Shield", one of the Uncrowned Kings. Hideki's story is a journey that goes beyond the court, intertwining his mystical past, unyielding determination, and bright future to carve his legacy as a basketball prodigy.
Weeks passed as the Inter High Preliminary Final League passed, it continued as Seirin was sitting the Inter High out.
About the roof top promise, Hyuga, Hideki and Riko collectively decided not to pursue this on this year as Hideki's Final League suspension and Teppei's unexpected injury, but this didn't mean they should be complacent. Riko is wringing the team dry on practices and drills a week after their defeat at the Final League, but it was a welcome addition as the team had a new fire in them, they wanted revenge next year.
So at the first practice some time ago, Hideki met the team first for their direction moving forward.
Hideki is standing with Hyuga and Riko as he began his speech.
"Okay guys, let's have a meeting first, I know the wounds are still fresh but we have to address some things first."
Hideki raise a finger up in the air and said, "I like to congratulate all of you guys for a job well done in the last month or two, with all the practices we did, we have reached the Final League within two months of our formation, and that's a big feat."
"Please don't credit this achievement to me and Teppei, as much as we did some of the 'heavy lifting' it was you guys who stepped up to the plate, as much as you know already by know, me and Teppei are complementary players not big superstars."
Hideki paused for a while in appreciation of the unsung heroes of Seirin's Inter High Preliminaries run. Then he continued.
"Now let's let the past behind us and step forward."
"And we'll address the elephant in the room. The number 7 elephant."
"Teppei told me and Riko that there was a complication in the injury, hence why he couldn't play in the Final League, but I think you guys can see, smell or hear the bullshit and that the truth is Teppei is injured. He won't play with us this year but he'll return in almost exactly one year. If you want to know about his injury, Benjie knows it best as he got the same injury as Teppei."
Hideki then again addressed the team.
"With that out of the way, we've come to a decision that we won't participate in the other upcoming tournaments. To be honest with you, we still have a long way to go as a team, we need to have a legit strategy, and not just me shouting what to do if Riko gives me or Izuki the signal for a play." Then Hideki lifted his finger and said "And we'll come back to the next year's Inter High qualifying tournament again"
"Now for out training, we have to improve our coordination, chemistry and individual strengths and minimize our weaknesses."
"For example, me, my biggest weakness is my temper against Makoto Hanamiya. And I vow to improve on it, by either stabbing an image of the man 20 times, or dominate him again using basketball, not my fists."
"I know you felt the bitter taste of defeat, especially in this case where me and Teppei were out and you felt you done more than you can. Well fret not, that's called determination towards victory, at least you wanted to win, so for that, let's aim to improve for victory."
After that speech, the practice got on and some players had some ideas how they can use their abilities to help the team win.
Mitobe approached Hideki as his fellow big man to ask a question, Hideki told him to shoot the question, basically Mitobe asked if he has any pointers about an unblockable close shot. Hideki suggested the Hook Shot, Hideki told him he can help Mitobe perfect this shot so he can use this in tight games where he can try help the team.
Mitobe and Hideki used one of the court for practice on footwork and positioning on the hookshot before going to the actual shot, at first Mitobe was 2/10 on hook shots as it is a somewhat difficult shot, because it is different from a typical close shot to the basket or a normal jump shot, as there is no second hand that guides the ball's direction, or another hand to assist on the aim.
Meanwhile Koga and Tsuchida sought help from Benjie on more fundamentals and each sought help on another field of the game, Koga asked help from Benjie on shooting and Tsuchida sought help on the art of rebounding, Benjie may not be a better rebounder than Hideki was but he at least knew how to time it well and be a better rebounder than most with a good position.
And lastly, Hyuga sought help from Riko on his jump shots, especially ones during crunch time. So Riko proposed an idea Hyuga may regret later or much worse, change him in the future.
Hideki was done with Mitobe for now and told him to practice the hookshot with the 'Mikan Drill' basically doing a hookshot with one hand and rebounding the ball with the other, then doing the hookshot again with that hand and rebounding with the other.
Hideki approached Riko and heard that she had a proposition to Hyuga to help on his jump shots. Riko saw Hideki and told him "Ah, Hideki, can you check Hyuga's bag for his figure collection? Let's admire it's beauty a bit to help Hyuga on his jump shot." Hideki's gear on his head turned and he knew something was up.
Moments later, he has Hyuga's bag on his hand and told Riko, "Hey, Riko-chan, there are 2 of them here." Riko heard this and said, "Ah, better." Hyuga saw that his figure is in Hideki's hand and shouted "Oi Hideki, don't mishandle them it costed me a fortune to get that limited edition!"
Hideki smiled as he got near, but that smile is creepy and then he said, "It's okay Hyuga, I think I know what Riko wants to do here." Riko was giggling and said "Ah, good that you caught my drift Hideki." Hideki then said "Ah, I knew it." Hyuga was now confused, and Hideki's smile grew wider and it now creeps up Hyuga.
Riko got Hyuga's attention when she said "Okay, Hyuga. This is a once in a life time opportunity to improve your shots to be the best shooter in the High School division." Riko's smile was wide and Hyuga said with enthusiasm, of course we'll be the number one team in Japan next year so I have to step up higher!"
Hideki laughed loud and looked at Riko to continue her speech. "Okay Hyuga, from now on, you have to bring at least 5 figures whenever we practice." Hyuga now started to sweat from Hideki's creepy smile and Riko's statement, and the final card was "We'll destroy one of your figures, if you miss a shot."
Hyuga felt that a cold bucket of water was dropped on him, he is currently looking at Riko's sweet devilish smile, and Hideki holding the figure with great care, but also had that devilish grin.
Hyuga was thinking long and hard at that conundrum, he may have spent 10 minutes thinking about it.
But in the end he agreed and as soon as he said yes, Hideki abruptly shouted "Shoot now!"
Hyuga was startled and looked at Hideki and Hideki saw that Hyuga still hasn't shoot so he said "Shoot! Or this Masamune figure's gonna get it!" Hyuga was still staring at Hideki, then Hideki was slowly but surely trying to apply force onto the figure then Hyuga shouted "Okay! I'll shoot, don't destrot that until I missed a shot!"
Hyuga prepared for a shot but Hideki was having none of it so he pressured Hyuga more and more and said "Goddamnit Hyuga, do it now! I can hear this thing's arm cracking!"
Hyuga buckled under the pressure and hastily shot the ball, luckily it got in. Sighing in relief. Then he looked at Hideki and said "What the heck man! Don't destroy that, it's fucking expensive!"
Hideki shrugged and said "It's fine Hyuga, diamonds are fine with rough stuff, I know you can do it."
Hyuga gave up and said, "Fine" Hideki smiled and passed the figure to Riko to continue their drill.
In the near future Riko destroyed a couple of Hyuga's figure.
Hi Everybody Author here,
In this chapter, I used the flashback from Hyuga as reference to most of the scenes here, and added my personal flavor.
For the development of the team, including Hideki himself. I will show it in the next chapters.
That's all from me byee.