
The Semi-Finals! (3)

This is a longer chapter, so it took more time to proofread and edit. However, I still believe that some grammatical errors might have slipped my eyes. So, point them out in the comments if you see any of them. 

Also, tell me if the pacing of this chapter is kinda off. I'm trying to improve how I explain games to avoid readers getting bored, so give me ideas on how to improve. 

Thank You for reading!




33 to 30 for Yuuki Junior High. With Five minutes left in the quarter, Hanamiya, Mitobe, and Koganei checked into the game, ready for a dogfight before the end of the first half.

"Mitobe," Shinji called out as he strode purposefully toward the basketball court. Mitobe, who was walking alongside him, turned his head, his expression a silent query. Observing Mitobe's inquisitive gaze, Shinji felt compelled to elucidate his intentions.

"You're going to be our primary offensive force for the remainder of this quarter," Shinji announced, his voice brimming with determination. His eyes focused intently on Mitobe, he continued, "Their Center is notably large and, well, not the quickest on his feet. It's the perfect opportunity for you to utilize your explosive agility and make some rim-rattling attacks."

Shinji's instructions weren't exclusive to Mitobe alone; he extended the same directive to Hideki, who was close by. "Hideki," he beckoned, "you're in on this too."

While seated on the bench, Kimura and Shinji engaged in an earnest discussion about how to counteract Seki Junior High's formidable defense. After much deliberation, they arrived at a strategic plan: creating isolation situations that would allow Mitobe to shine.

Shinji knew he could continue battling head-on with Hanamiya, but it was a taxing endeavor that would deplete his stamina faster than they could afford. Scoring against a defender of Hanamiya's caliber demanded an immense amount of energy. His first-half performance, where he managed to sink only 3 out of 7 shots, was a testament to the challenge.

Additionally, stopping Hanamiya from scoring was no less exhausting. Hanamiya was a star player, his skills and abilities closely matching Shinji's own. Their ongoing matchup was never destined to be a walk in the park.

Hence, entrusting Mitobe, a standout player on the team, with the responsibility seemed like a far more prudent solution.

Upon hearing Shinji's directive, Hideki turned his gaze toward the bench to confirm the plan with their coach. A smile of approval broke across his face when he saw their coach nod in agreement.

"I'll do my part to ensure Mitobe gets those isolation plays," Hideki declared confidently. His words were punctuated by a high-five shared between Mitobe, Shinji, and himself. As they took their positions on the court, ready to defend against Seki Junior High's next possession, their united resolve shone brightly.

Meanwhile, on the opposing end of the court, Hanamiya smoothly received the inbound pass and skillfully dribbled the ball up the hardwood. As he crossed into Yuuki Junior High's backcourt, his keen eyes locked onto Shinji, who had taken a defensive stance.

The sound of an irritated click of the tongue echoed on the court.

Annoyed by the unexpected presence of this new adversary, Hanamiya wasted no time and immediately signaled for a screen. He couldn't help but inwardly question, 'Where did this guy come from?' His gaze fell upon Shinji's face, a face he found irritatingly punchable. 'I don't recall ever seeing him when we faced Yuuki Junior High last year,' Hanamiya pondered, his memory working overtime to recollect our protagonist's features. However, despite his best efforts, Hanamiya's mental search yielded no trace of the teenager's face.

In truth, Shinji hadn't been a part of the rotation during last year's tournaments; his skills hadn't warranted it. That's precisely why most people had no memory of him ever playing for Yuuki Junior High over the past three years.

Consequently, when Shinji suddenly showcased his remarkable improvement during practice, it left his teammates utterly flabbergasted. They couldn't fathom how someone they had previously dismissed as a "basketball bum" had transformed into their most valuable player.

After his inexplicable reincarnation, Shinji found himself in possession of an extraordinary ability: a keen sense of his basketball skills and an innate understanding of his potential for improvement. He had an uncanny ability to perceive the tiers of talent that existed within the realm of basketball, and he categorized them in his mind.

First, there was the Junior High tier, which was the foundation for many aspiring players. It was where skills were honed, fundamentals were established, and dreams began to take shape. Shinji knew that he had started at this level when he first arrived in this new world. His skills had been modest, and he had been far from a standout player.

Then came the High School tier, where the competition became fiercer, and players began to truly shine. It was a place where hard work and dedication could elevate a player from mediocrity to stardom. Shinji could feel himself gradually ascending to this tier as he improved his game, step by step.

Beyond that, there was the College tier, where the best high school players earned scholarships and continued to refine their skills at a higher level of play. It was a stage where Shinji hoped to arrive one day, and he believed he had the potential to get there.

The Professional tier was where the most talented players competed at the highest level, and it was a distant yet attainable goal for Shinji. He could sense that with relentless training and unwavering determination, he had a shot at reaching this pinnacle of basketball excellence.

Further up the ladder, he envisioned the All-Star tier, where only the cream of the crop made their mark. It was a place reserved for the elite, the ones who had not just made it but had become synonymous with greatness in the sport.

At the very top, there was the Superstar tier, a realm inhabited by legends. These were players whose names would be etched in the annals of basketball history. Shinji knew it would be a long and arduous journey to reach such heights, but he was undeterred.

With his newfound ability to gauge his current level and perceive his potential for improvement, Shinji was determined to confront the monstrously talented basketball players of this new world. He understood that his unique skill was his ticket to competing against and eventually surpassing those who had already achieved greatness. As long as he continued to train and push himself to the limits, he believed that the sky was the limit for his basketball journey.


As the clock ticked down, the action on the court intensified:

Shinji, with his impressive lateral quickness, pressured Hanamiya as he attempted to drive to the basket. Hanamiya, known for his ball-handling skills, tried a series of crossovers to shake Shinji off. However, Shinji's defense remained tenacious. Hanamiya eventually passed to Minoru, but Hideki was quick to contest the shot. Minoru's three-point attempt rimmed out, and Mitobe secured the rebound for Yuuki.

Holding the ball in his hands, Mitobe handed it to Hideki who dribbled it up the court.

With 4+ minutes left in the quarter, Yuuki initiated a well-executed play. Shinji received a pass on the wing, drawing Hanamiya's attention. However, instead of taking the shot, Shinji quickly dished the ball to Mitobe, who had positioned himself in the low post. Mitobe used his explosive athleticism, making a quick move to the basket and finishing with a powerful dunk over Seki's defense. The crowd erupted as Yuuki extended their lead to 35-30.

His defender was too slow to follow him, especially after Mitobe turned and faced him. Nodding his head, the stoic, timid man ran to his backcourt alongside his teammates.

Seki, feeling the urgency to respond, moved the ball swiftly up the court. Hanamiya, determined to make amends, unleashed a no-look pass to Minoru, who had found an opening on the three-point line. Minoru released a smooth shot, draining a crucial three-pointer and narrowing the gap to 35-33 in favor of Yuuki.

Although Minoru was not a good shooter, he would drain them when left open. 

The clock continued to wind down as the second quarter progressed, and the semi-final showdown between Yuuki Junior High and Seki Junior High remained fiercely competitive. The score remained close, with Yuuki holding onto a narrow lead at 35-33. Both teams were determined to secure a place in the Winter Cup finals.

Yuuki's strategy remained centered around creating opportunities for Mitobe in isolation. Shinji, with the ball on the perimeter, attracted the attention of Hanamiya, who was keen on shutting down Yuuki's star player. As the defense collapsed on Shinji, he swiftly passed the ball to Mitobe in the post. Mitobe turned to face his defender, utilizing his speed advantage, and executed a jab-step, blowing past his defender before laying the ball into the hoop to extend Yuuki Junior High's lead to 37-33.

The game continued as Seki Junior High held the ball, with a few minutes remaining before the end of the second quarter.

Seki's Minoru, known for his excellent cuts and an unguardable hesitation dribble, seized the opportunity. He sprinted off the ball, cutting through the defense with precision. Hanamiya, with his exceptional court vision, spotted Minoru's movement and delivered a pinpoint pass. Minoru showcased his skill by finishing with a graceful layup, bringing Seki closer at 37-35.

Seki Junior High's defense continued to be relentless as they sought to stifle Yuuki's offense.

Yuuki's Shinji, known for his scoring ability, attempted to drive to the basket. However, as he rose for a layup, Minoru, Seki's Shooting Guard, exhibited his defensive prowess.

Minoru expertly timed his jump, extending his long wingspan to swat Shinji's shot away cleanly. His shot-blocking ability caught Shinji off guard, and the ball went out of bounds.

The rejection ignited Seki's transition offense. Hanamiya quickly took control of the ball and led a fast break, putting pressure on Yuuki's defense before they could set up.

Yuuki recognized the threat posed by Minoru's cuts and dribbling skills. This time, they decided to apply more pressure on him as he received the ball. Hideki, Yuuki's agile Point Guard, hounded Minoru relentlessly. The young guard attempted his signature hesitation dribble, but Hideki managed to stay in front of him, denying him an easy path to the basket. Minoru was forced into a difficult mid-range shot, which missed its mark. Mitobe secured the rebound for Yuuki.

With the game tied and the pressure mounting, Yuuki Junior High looked to capitalize on their offensive prowess to regain the lead.

Hideki, Yuuki's skilled Point Guard, initiated the play at the top of the key. He dribbled the ball as he scanned the court for options. Mitobe, Yuuki's center, and primary scoring threat positioned himself near the free-throw line, ready to set a pick for Hideki. His size and agility made him a formidable presence in the paint.

As Hideki drove toward the paint, Mitobe set a solid screen on Hideki's defender, creating a brief moment of confusion for Seki's defense. This forced Seki's defenders to make a choice: either help on Hideki's drive or stick with Mitobe.

Recognizing the defensive collapse on him, Hideki executed a perfect pick-and-roll with Mitobe. Instead of going for the layup himself, he delivered a precise bounce pass to Mitobe, who had rolled to the basket.

Mitobe, now with a clear path to the rim, utilized his explosiveness and athleticism to finish with a thunderous two-handed slam dunk over the outstretched arms of the defenders. The crowd erupted in cheers as Yuuki took the lead, making the score 39-37.

As the seconds dwindled, the second quarter came to a close, and the teams headed into halftime deadlocked in a thrilling battle. The score was 39-37 with Yuuki Junior High leading by 2 points, setting the stage for an even more intense and pivotal second half. Both sides were well aware of each other's strengths, making adjustments a key component of their halftime discussions. The Winter Cup semi-finals had reached a boiling point, and the outcome was still very much in doubt.

As the halftime buzzer echoed through the arena, signaling a brief respite in the intense clash between Yuuki Junior High and Seki Junior High, Coach Kimura knew that this was the moment to make crucial adjustments. With them leading 39-37, the Winter Cup semi-finals hung in the balance, and his players gathered in the locker room, awaiting his guidance.

With a steely determination in his eyes, Coach Kimura addressed his team, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming battle:

"Alright, everyone, gather around," he called out, his voice a steady anchor in the sea of tension. "First off, great effort out there in the first half. We're in a tough battle, and Seki is no pushover. But remember, we're here to win this. We've got a plan, and we're going to execute it flawlessly in the second half."

The room was filled with unwavering focus as he continued:

"Our defense has been solid, but Seki's Hanamiya and Minoru have proven to be crafty. We can't afford to give them any easy looks. Shinji, keep up the pressure on Hanamiya. Hideki, stay on Minoru like glue. Let's not allow them to get comfortable."

"Offensively, we've seen that the pick-and-roll with Mitobe can be effective. We're going to continue using it, but we need to vary our plays. Move the ball around the perimeter and create open looks. If the shot isn't there, don't force it. Swing the ball, and let's exploit their defensive rotations."

"Seki is quick on the fast break. When we miss shots, we've got to hustle back and set up our defense. Minoru's hesitation dribble can be deadly in the open court. We need to be ready to contain him and limit their fast-break opportunities." Pausing for a while, Kimura looked at Mitobe, a smile on his face.

"Mitobe, you've been fantastic. They don't have a reliable answer for your athleticism in the post. We'll continue creating isolation plays for you. Be aggressive, draw fouls, and make them pay." The teenager nodded, a determined expression adorning his face. 

The locker room buzzed with renewed determination and energy as Coach Kimura's words sank in. Each player felt the weight of their coach's expectations and the pride of representing Yuuki Junior High. 

As the players talked among themselves about the instructions given by their coach, the latter lifted his hand, signaling everybody to quit talking.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Coach Kimura began, his voice filled with conviction. "In the third quarter, we're going to make a strategic shift. Shinji, I want you to focus on scoring and widening the point difference."

The players turned their attention to Shinji, the team's standout Small Forward, whose versatile skills and scoring ability had already proven invaluable in the game.

Coach Kimura continued, "Shinji, you're our best player, and we need your offensive firepower. Drive to the basket, take those open shots, and create opportunities for yourself. We've seen your ability to draw fouls and get to the free-throw line. Use it to our advantage. Let's put pressure on Seki and stretch that lead."

Shinji, fully aware of the responsibility bestowed upon him, nodded in acknowledgment. His determination was palpable, and he understood the significance of this strategic adjustment.

Coach Kimura addressed the team as a whole, reinforcing the importance of teamwork and defense as well: "But remember, it's not just about one player. Our defense has to remain rock-solid, and we'll continue creating opportunities for Mitobe in the post. The rest of you, stay sharp on both ends of the floor. Support Shinji when needed, and let's execute our game plan to perfection."

With the halftime adjustments and a clear focus on widening the point difference in the third quarter, Yuuki Junior High left the locker room with a renewed sense of purpose. They were ready to face the challenges of the second half and push forward in their quest for victory in the Winter Cup semi-final.

With a unified resolve, they left the locker room, ready to execute their adjusted game plan and give their all in the second half of this fiercely contested Winter Cup semi-final.


In the stands, Tsuji Koganei, Shinji's father, sat with bated breath, his eyes locked onto the court. He had been a lifelong supporter of Shinji's basketball journey, and his pride in his son's skills was evident. As he leaned forward in his seat, he exchanged knowing glances with the fans around him, all of whom recognized the significance of this pivotal game.

Haruno Koganei, Shinji's mother, had her hands clasped together in anticipation. She watched the game with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, her heart pounding with each play. Sitting beside her, Akane, Shinji's big sister, couldn't help but cheer enthusiastically during every successful move her brother made on the court. Her shouts of encouragement echoed through the arena, and she high-fived the strangers sitting around her, forming instant bonds over their shared support for Yuuki Junior High.

As the Koganei family gathered to discuss the game, their conversation shifted toward their overwhelming pride in Shinji's performance. The emotion in the room was palpable, and the focus was on their son's remarkable abilities and his passion for the sport.

Tsuji Koganei, still reflecting on the first half, couldn't help but smile as he spoke, "Did you see how Shinji took control out there? His scoring and defensive plays were incredible."

Haruno's eyes glistened with pride, and she added, "I almost couldn't believe it. I haven't seen him enjoy doing something so much in a long time. The way he played with such determination and enthusiasm, it was just..." Her voice trailed off, and she wiped a tear from her eye.

Akane, equally moved by her brother's performance, chimed in, "I think this game means the world to him. He's been working so hard, and it's showing on the court. The fans love him, and the team is rallying around him."

Tsuji placed a reassuring hand on Haruno's shoulder, understanding the depth of her emotions. "He's found something he's truly passionate about, and it's wonderful to see. Let's continue to support him in every way we can, both on and off the court."

As the second half of the game loomed, the Koganei family shared a moment of profound appreciation for Shinji's journey and the joy he had found in basketball. Their collective pride and support for their son remained unwavering, and they knew that whatever the outcome of the game, they were witnessing something truly special in his life.


As the third quarter of the intense game between Yuuki High and Seki High was about to begin, Hanamiya and Koganei found themselves walking side by side onto the basketball court. However, their conversation carried a distinct air of tension, which had become characteristic of their interactions.

Hanamiya, known for his aggressive playing style and ruthless tactics, couldn't resist taking a verbal jab at Koganei. "You know, Koganei, I've been watching your game. You're not bad, but you're not great either. You're just... mediocre."

Koganei, always one to maintain a positive attitude, chose not to rise to Hanamiya's bait immediately. He knew Hanamiya's reputation for mind games all too well. "Well, we can't all be stars like you, Hanamiya. Some of us prefer to play the game with honor."

Hanamiya chuckled darkly. "Honor? Koganei, you're in for a reality check. In this game, honor doesn't win championships. Ruthlessness and cunning do."

Koganei couldn't help but smirk. "Maybe so, Hanamiya, but I'd rather lose with honor than win by playing dirty." Responded Shinji as he ignored the smiling Hanamiya and walked toward his teammates. The game was about to start.

The third quarter began with Shinji living up to Coach Kimura's directive. He dribbled up the court with determination, facing Hanamiya's relentless defense. With a quick crossover, Shinji shook off Hanamiya's tight coverage and elevated for a contested mid-range jumper, scoring the ball with finesse.

Yuuki 41, Seki 37

Seki Junior High players were not discouraged as their point guard, Hanamiya, dribbled the ball up the court.

Minoru, known for his exceptional ball-handling skills, decided to take matters into his own hands. He initiated a rapid-fire series of dribbles, using his signature hesitation move to leave Hideki momentarily frozen. Minoru capitalized on the opening and released a perfectly arched mid-range jumper that swished through the net.

Yuuki 41, Seki 39


During the intense third quarter of the game, as Yuuki Junior High and Seki Junior High battled fiercely on the court, Hanamiya, known for his underhanded tactics, decided to employ a particularly ruthless move against Shinji. With the score close and emotions running high, Hanamiya saw an opportunity to exploit a vulnerable moment.

As Shinji made a drive to the basket, Hanamiya, in an act of calculated aggression, stuck out his foot, causing Shinji to trip and tumble to the floor. The crowd gasped in shock as Shinji hit the hardwood, and for a moment, it looked like he might be injured.

Yuuki Junior High's players were livid. Mitobe, Hideki, and the others rushed to their fallen teammate's side, their faces contorted with anger. They exchanged heated words with Seki's players, and it appeared that a brawl might erupt right there on the court.

Some of the most ignorant characters in the stands, clapped and cheered, as chaos ensured.


You could hear that sound from various parts of the stands as the referees swiftly intervened, stepping in to separate the players and defuse the volatile situation. They issued warnings to both teams, making it clear that any further unsportsmanlike conduct would result in ejections.

Amid the chaos, Hanamiya couldn't resist the opportunity to mock Shinji. He leaned in close and sneered, "Watch your step, Koganei. This game's not for the faint-hearted."

But Shinji, though momentarily shaken by the cheap shot, wasn't one to back down. He rose to his feet, his eyes locked onto Hanamiya's with a fiery determination.

Without missing a beat, he fired back with a sharp edge to his words, "You call that a tactic? More like a coward's move, Hanamiya. But don't worry, I'll be watching out for all your dirty tricks."

Hanamiya, known for his psychological warfare on the court, couldn't let Shinji's retort go unanswered. He leaned in closer, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, Koganei, you're adorable when you think you can keep up with me. Just remember, I play to win, no matter what it takes."

The exchange was quick, cutting, and left no room for misinterpretation. It showcased the fierce competitive spirit and relentless determination of both players. The spectators who caught the exchange could feel the tension between these two rivals, and it added an extra layer of drama to an already intense matchup. For Shinji and Hanamiya, it was a battle not just of skills but of wills, and neither was willing to back down.

The only difference between the two is that Shinji Koganei will never resort to underhanded tactics. 

A while later, the game continued as one of Yuuki Junior High's players missed a contested three-pointer, giving the possession back to Seki Junior High.

Yuuki's defensive intensity was on full display, the rage they felt due to Hanamiya's cheap shot acting as fuel. As Hanamiya attempted to pass the ball to a teammate, Shinji, showing remarkable anticipation, intercepted the pass. The crowd erupted in cheers as Shinji raced down the court, finishing the turnover with a lay-up. He's only 178 cm tall, not enough to perform as he would like to. 

'I will grow up, though.' He thought returning to his backcourt, not forgetting to taunt the irritated Hanamiya.

Yuuki 43, Seki 39

Hanamiya, unfazed by his previous turnover, demonstrated his scoring prowess. He utilized a deceptive spin move, leaving Shinji grasping at thin air, before gracefully sinking a contested fadeaway jumper.

Yuuki 43, Seki 41

Yuuki's offense continued to impress. Hideki, their crafty Point Guard, orchestrated a seamless pick-and-roll play with Mitobe. Hideki cleverly drew in the defenders before executing a no-look pass to Mitobe, who emphatically finished with a powerful dunk that sent the crowd into a frenzy.

Score: Yuuki 45, Seki 41

After two scoreless possessions from Seki, Yuuki Junior High reclaimed the ball, hoping to increase their lead.

Minoru, determined to make an impact on both ends, demonstrated his defensive prowess. He managed to disrupt Hideki's dribble, coming up with a steal. Minoru ignited a fast break, leading to an easy layup for Seki and the fast Hanamiya.

Score: Yuuki 45, Seki 43

A few possessions later, Yuuki reclaimed the possession of the ball and advanced up the court.

Yuuki's ball movement was a sight to behold. They swung the ball around the perimeter with precision, confusing Seki's defense. Shinji left wide open in the corner, received the ball, and confidently drained a three-pointer, extending their lead. His three-point shooting ability has increased to the high school tier. So, scoring them against this level of competition, unless he is heavily contested, will be an easy feat for him.

Yuuki 48, Seki 4

After a failed attempt on the offensive end, Hanamiya, known for his tenacity, displayed his defensive prowess. He managed to strip the ball from Shinji during a drive to the basket. Hanamiya then initiated a fast break, setting up an easy layup for Seki to narrow the gap.

Yuuki 48, Seki 45

Yuuki's offensive rhythm continued to thrive. Hideki, utilizing his agility and court vision, drove to the basket. As the defense collapsed on him, he kicked the ball out to Shinji, who was waiting in the corner. Shinji calmly knocked down a three-pointer, electrifying the crowd. He scored two three-pointers in a row, adding to the crowd's excitement.

Yuuki 51, Seki 45

Minoru, recognizing the growing point difference, became more aggressive defensively. He attempted to intercept Hideki's pass, narrowly missing the steal. However, Minoru recovered quickly and contested Hideki's layup attempt, forcing a miss and preventing further damage.

As the third quarter drew to a close, the game remained a thrilling and closely contested battle. Yuuki Junior High had managed to widen the point difference, but Seki was determined to mount a comeback. The intensity on the court was matched by the roaring crowd, making this Winter Cup semi-final a memorable and fiercely competitive showdown.

The following possession, Yuuki's offense continued to shine as they executed a well-crafted play. Hideki, with a quick burst of speed, drove into the paint, drawing Seki's defenders towards him. He then made a pinpoint pass to a cutting teammate, who finished with a layup.

Yuuki 53, Seki 45

Not to be outdone, Seki's teamwork came into play as they passed the ball around the perimeter. Hanamiya, with his court vision, delivered an accurate pass to an open teammate beyond the arc. The player confidently drained a three-pointer, sparking excitement among Seki's supporters.

Yuuki 53, Seki 48

After a failed attempt at widening the point difference, Yuuki's defense stepped up when it mattered most. As Seki attempted to pass the ball into the post, Mitobe, showcasing his shot-blocking ability, rose high and swatted the shot away. Yuuki gained possession, and the crowd roared in approval. 

Although they couldn't transform that possession into points, their defensive tenacity earned them the crowd's cheers.

Hanamiya, also known for his agility and elusiveness, made a quick move to elude his defender and received a perfectly timed pass from one of his teammates. He used a screen to blow past Shinji Koganei's defense before passing the ball to one of his teammates who finished with a graceful finger roll at the rim.

Yuuki 53, Seki 50

Despite Seki Junior High biting the score, Yuuki's offensive execution remained sharp as they moved the ball fluidly around the perimeter. A well-timed screen allowed one of their shooters to find an open look beyond the three-point line, and they buried the shot, sending the crowd into jubilation.

Yuuki 56, Seki 50

However, Seki displayed their resilience as they worked together to create an open shot. A series of precise passes led to a mid-range jumper, which found the mark, narrowing the point gap.

Yuuki 56, Seki 52

Yuuki's defense turned into offense as they forced a turnover. Hideki swiftly pushed the ball up the court, attracting defenders. He then dished a no-look pass to a trailing teammate, the team's power forward, who finished with a two-handed dunk. It wasn't as impactful as Mitobe's, but it's commendable. So, he earned a couple of roars from the crowd.

Yuuki 58, Seki 52

With rising momentum, Yuuki Junior High made a stop and aimed to further distance themselves from Seki Junior High's players. Unfortunately, Seki's defense was determined to make a stand. Hanamiya, showcasing his quick hands, swiped the ball away from a Yuuki player during a drive to the basket. This steal led to a fast break opportunity for Seki.

However, they didn't score it as Shinji and the substitute Center, who replaced Mitobe to allow him to rest, managed to make it back to their backcourt on time.

With three minutes before the end of the quarter, the main players of each team have been substituted out of the game, slowing the pace of the game. Of course, you would sometimes see some highlight moments. However, compared to the beginning of the quarter, it pales in comparison.

As the third quarter neared its conclusion, the game remained fiercely competitive, with both teams delivering impressive plays and keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Yuuki 60, Seki 55


None of the standout players started the fourth quarter. However, the game remained intense as both teams fought to give their teams the advantage before the emergence of their main players. After a long 4+ minutes, Yuuki held their five-point lead with a score of 67 to 62.

As the referee blew his whistle, Yuuki and Seki substituted their main players with five minutes remaining.

Seki opened the final quarter with a sense of urgency. Hanamiya drove to the basket, drawing defenders to him. He then kicked the ball out to an open teammate beyond the arc, who confidently sank a three-pointer.

Yuuki 67, Seki 65

Yuuki's offensive execution remained precise as their players focused on the game. It's at these moments that the hard training days showed their results. Shinji, displaying his versatility, attacked from the wing. He skillfully navigated through the defense and finished with a tough layup while drawing a foul. Shinji converted the free throw.

Yuuki 70, Seki 65

After a failed attempt, Seki's defense stepped up when it mattered. Minoru intercepted a pass intended for Hideki. He initiated a fast break and made an unselfish pass to a teammate for an easy layup.

Yuuki 70, Seki 68

Yuuki remained unfazed as Hideki, their floor general, orchestrated a precise pick-and-roll play with Mitobe. Hideki found that the defense didn't collapse on him. So, he stopped at the elbow, draining a mid-range jumper, increasing the score difference once again.

Yuuki 72, Seki 68

Seki displayed their determination to close the gap. Hanamiya, known for his disruptive defense, stole the ball from a tired Shinji and initiated a fast break. He finished with a layup, trimming the deficit. Shinji has played most of the game, his stamina nearing the red zone. However, he gritted his teeth and continued playing. He couldn't afford to lose the game.

Yuuki 72, Seki 70

Despite their tiredness, Yuuki's ball movement remained a key asset. They swung the ball around the perimeter, confusing Seki's defense. This led to an open three-pointer, which Shinji drained to extend their lead and redeem himself for the previous turnover.

Yuuki 75, Seki 70

Seki refused to give in. Minoru, displaying his cutting ability, made a quick backdoor cut to the basket. A well-timed pass found him, and he finished with a graceful layup, keeping Seki's hopes alive.

Yuuki 75, Seki 72

In the following play, Seki's defensive intensity came into play. They forced a shot-clock violation as the relentless pressure led to a rushed shot attempt by Yuuki. The crowd erupted in cheers in response to the defensive stand. However, it didn't end there as Hanamiya started a fastbreak, allowing one of his teammates to score a contested layup while getting fouled, earning his team the opportunity to equalize the score with less than 40 seconds remaining in the game.

Yuuki 75, Seki 74

In the waning moments of this thrilling Winter Cup semi-final, the tension in the arena was nearly unbearable. With just 40 seconds left on the clock, the game was tied, and the outcome hung in the balance.

As the clock ticked down, it was a player from Seki Junior High who stepped up, both as a hero and antagonist in this high-stakes drama. With nerves of steel, he stood at the free-throw line, the fate of his team resting on his shoulders. The crowd fell silent, a collective breath held, as he released his free throw.

Swish. The shot was nothing but net, and the arena erupted in a mixture of cheers and anxious murmurs. Seki Junior High had tied the game.

But the drama didn't end there. With the score now tied, the player, emboldened by his successful free throw, stepped onto the court with renewed determination. He knew that defense was just as crucial as offense in these final moments.

As Shinji Koganei, the star player of Yuuki Junior High, drove to the basket, the Seki player, with a surge of adrenaline, timed his jump perfectly. In a jaw-dropping display of athleticism and timing, he soared through the air, swatting away Shinji's layup attempt with authority.

The arena was filled with gasps of disbelief as the ball ricocheted off the backboard. It was a sensational block, one that sent the ball directly into the hands of Hanamiya, Seki Junior High's relentless point guard.

With just 30 seconds remaining, Hanamiya now had the ball, and Seki had a chance to regain control. The stakes couldn't have been higher, and the crowd watched in awe as this dramatic turn of events unfolded.

The game had swung back and forth, a seesaw of emotions and momentum. And, with these pivotal plays, the players of Seki Junior High had not only tied the game but also seized a critical opportunity to take the lead once more. The Winter Cup semi-final had reached its crescendo, and the final moments promised to be nothing short of breathtaking.


As Shinji Koganei's layup attempt was emphatically blocked by a player from Seki Junior High, a ripple of shock coursed through the ranks of Yuuki Junior High's team, and his teammates' reactions were a mirror of the collective disbelief and determination that filled the arena:

Yuuki's Point Guard, Hideki, who had been orchestrating plays and supporting Shinji throughout the game, momentarily froze in shock. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped, but his competitive spirit kicked in almost immediately. He knew that they couldn't afford to dwell on the block, and he began to prepare for the next play, shouting out defensive instructions to his teammates.

Mitobe, the team's stoic Center, stood in the paint, his expression unreadable. While he didn't show his emotions as openly as some of his teammates, his clenched fists and determined stance conveyed his unwavering commitment to turning the game back in their favor.

Coach Kimura, standing on the sidelines, watched the play unfold with intensity. His hands clenched and unclenched in nervous anticipation. He knew that this moment would test his team's resolve and character, and he was eager to see how they would respond.

On the bench, the reserve players and substitutes were on their feet, their faces a mix of surprise and concern. They exchanged glances, their collective energy focused on the remaining seconds of this high-stakes game. Each of them knew that they might be called upon to make a crucial contribution in these closing moments.

In the stands, amidst the raucous crowd and the nail-biting tension of the Winter Cup semi-final, Shinji Koganei's family shared the rollercoaster of emotions that came with witnessing their beloved player's layup get blocked:

Shinji's father, Tsuji, leaned forward in his seat, his eyes locked onto the court with an intensity that mirrored his son's determination. As the block happened, he couldn't help but clench his fists and inhale sharply in surprise. However, he knew that moments like these were an inevitable part of the game, and he maintained unwavering support for his son.

Shinji's mother, Haruno, had been on an emotional rollercoaster throughout the game. She had cheered, shouted, and anxiously bitten her lip as the score swung back and forth. When the block occurred, her hand flew to her mouth in astonishment, and her eyes teared up briefly. But Haruno understood that the ups and downs of basketball were what made it so thrilling, and she remained a steadfast pillar of support for her son.

Akane, Shinji's big sister, and his agent sat beside her parents with determined looks on their faces. She had seen Shinji face countless challenges and knew that he would bounce back from this setback. In her heart, she had absolute faith in her brother's abilities, and she was ready to celebrate his redemption.


As the crowd's collective gasp echoed through the arena, Shinji Koganei found himself suspended in disbelief for a fleeting moment. The seconds following the dramatic block felt like an eternity, and the world around him seemed to slow down.

Shinji's eyes, fixed on the spot where his layup had been emphatically rejected, widened with a mix of astonishment and frustration. It was a reaction that anyone who had witnessed his exceptional skills throughout the game would understand.

In that instant, the realization hit him - his moment of glory, the chance to secure victory for his team, had been snatched away in a flash. His competitive spirit surged within him, and the fiery determination that had defined his play throughout the game burned brighter than ever.

Shinji didn't dwell on the block; he used it as fuel. With an unwavering resolve, he sprinted back on defense, his focus sharpened, and his mind set on making amends. His relentless drive to win was undeterred, and he knew that every second counted as the clock ticked down in this nail-biting semi-final.


The arena was charged with tension as the final seconds of the game ticked away. The game was tied, and the outcome hung in the balance. The Winter Cup semi-final had been a grueling battle, a true test of skill and determination. But in this defining moment, it was Shinji Koganei who would etch his name in the annals of the Japanese Junior High basketball history.

As the clock showed only 20 seconds remaining, Shinji, the Small Forward and the heartbeat of the Yuuki team stood face to face with his opponent, Hanamiya, Seki Junior High's relentless point guard. The entire crowd watched with bated breath, as the magnitude of the moment hung heavy in the air.

Shinji's eyes locked onto Hanamiya, his determination was unwavering. The roar of the crowd seemed to fade into the background as he crouched into a defensive stance, channeling every ounce of energy, every moment of training, into this final stand.

Hanamiya, the crafty playmaker, having waited until there were ten seconds left, initiated a rapid dribble drive, trying to create a sliver of separation from Shinji. The stakes couldn't have been higher, and he was making his move. But in an instant, Shinji executed a perfect defensive slide, mirroring Hanamiya's every step. It was a textbook showcase of lockdown defense, tenacious and unwavering.

As Hanamiya went up for a contested layup, Shinji's athleticism took center stage. He soared into the air, his arm outstretched like a guardian of the hoop, and in a breathtaking display of athleticism, he swatted away Hanamiya's shot attempt. The crowd erupted in awe at the rejection of a lifetime.

With the ball secured, Shinji raced up the court, his teammates setting screens to create the slightest of separations. The seconds on the clock seemed to race against him, but he was unfazed. This was his moment.

As the clock ticked down, and the Winter Cup semi-final hung in the balance, Shinji Koganei found himself at the center of the most pivotal moment of his basketball journey. He stood there, ball in hand, with his team clinging to a one-point lead over Seki Junior High. The pressure was immense, and the crowd's deafening roar seemed to reverberate in his ears.

Shinji's journey had been dedicated to his training ever since he reincarnated, from being overlooked as a 'basketball bum' to becoming the shining star of Yuuki Junior High. Yet, there had always been a mental barrier, a lock, that had held back his mid-range shooting skills from advancing to the high school tier. He had poured countless hours into practice, honing his technique and perfecting his form, but this particular skill had remained elusive, a puzzle he couldn't solve.

But in this critical moment, with the entire arena fixated on him, something extraordinary happened. As Shinji dribbled to the mid-range area, his mind, body, and spirit aligned in perfect harmony. He felt an unmistakable shift, a sensation like a lock breaking free as if a door to a higher level of skill had finally swung open.

As Shinji elevated for the shot, he could sense the transformation within him. The ball left his fingertips, and time seemed to slow down. It was as though the basketball court had become his sanctuary, the very essence of his being poured into that single shot.

The buzzer sounded, and the basketball arched gracefully toward the hoop. And in that mesmerizing moment, the lock that had held back his mid-range shot skills shattered into a million pieces. The shot, guided by newfound precision and confidence, kissed the rim softly before nestling into the net.

The arena erupted into an explosion of joy and celebration. His teammates rushed toward him, their jubilation uncontainable. Shinji, with a triumphant smile, embraced them, and the crowd's deafening ovation filled the air. He had not only secured his team's place in the Winter Cup finals but had also unlocked a new level of skill within himself.

The journey was far from over, but in that moment, as he basked in the adulation of the fans and the warmth of his teammates, Shinji knew that he had broken through a barrier that had held him back for so long. His mid-range shot skills had ascended to the high school tier, and he was ready to face the challenges that awaited him in the next chapter of his basketball career.


As the final buzzer sounded, the Winter Cup semi-final between Yuuki Junior High and Seki Junior High came to an exhilarating and dramatic conclusion. The arena, which had been filled with tension, suspense, and excitement throughout the game, transformed into a cacophony of thunderous applause and appreciation.

The crowd, composed of passionate basketball enthusiasts, students, parents, and loyal supporters from both sides, erupted into a standing ovation. The applause was not just for the victorious Yuuki Junior High or the valiant Seki Junior High but for both teams who had put on an unforgettable display of skill, determination, and sportsmanship.

Players from both teams, exhausted but elated, exchanged handshakes and congratulatory words. The bond forged in the crucible of competition was evident as they demonstrated the utmost respect for one another. The fans, draped in their respective school colors, cheered for every player, recognizing the heart and soul each had poured into the game.

Coach Kimura, his counterpart from Seki, and the referees received their share of applause as well, with the crowd acknowledging their role in ensuring a fair and exciting contest. The Winter Cup had lived up to its reputation as one of the most prestigious junior high basketball tournaments, and this semi-final had been a shining example of the talent and dedication on display.

As the teams left the court, the cheers and applause continued to reverberate throughout the arena. The fans, both young and old, knew they had witnessed something special, a game that would be remembered and recounted for years to come. It was a testament to the enduring magic of basketball, where moments of triumph and adversity came together to create unforgettable memories.

... Authhor's Note ...

These are the stats of the standout players in this game:

Shinji Koganei: 29 points with 10 out of 19 shots scored, 4 assists, and 7 rebounds.

Mitobe14 points with 7 out of 13 shots scored, 2 assists,  and  12 rebounds.

Hideki: 12 points with 6 out of 14 shots scored,  9 assists, and  3 rebounds.

Hanamiya: 17 points with 7 out of 17 shots scored,  11 assists, and  5 rebounds.

Minoru: 23 points with 11 out of 18 shots scored,  2 assists, and  6 rebounds.

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