

Aki: "The Hyuga clan."

We are strong, but the Hyuga clan name was more recognizable, their white eyes had made a space in the minds of their opponents

Governor: "Are these Hyuga, who I think they are?"

Hiroshi: "The white-eyed clan."

Governor: "Maybe it's time we talked about what we expect from this friendship."

Maybe he was attracted to the Hyuga name, but as long as Ikiri grew up under the control of the two clans it was good.

Aki: " For now Ikiri is in a stable position, but it is something that can change in a short time, especially in this era of chaos, we wish to forge lasting friendships, and we are willing to give the first test."

Governor: "If I asked you to go to war with me would you do it?"

Aki: "If you make a declaration of friendship with Ikiri, we will."

The declaration was so that everyone the message reached would know, from then on the Fire governor could not refuse a call for help from Ikiri unless they were in grave danger.

But to be honest it was a good offer, the help of two powerful clans in the middle of a war and just to declare friendship for a future alliance, should not be difficult to accept and his thoughtful test reinforced my thesis.

Governor: "Hiroshi, I need you to call Isamu, I can't make a decision without the opinion of the Senju clan leader, meanwhile let's take care of the quarters for our guests."


Time passed quickly in this city, there are some good things to visit, at least they have some very good blacksmiths, as well as armor makers, but they were full with orders for the army.

In the future I would make sure to buy these products for the clan.

But now it was time to be serious, as to establish a cooperative process the Senju clan asked to talk to the clan leader and establish a middle ground, this mostly to be quick.

My mission in the Fire ruler's city was over, I had to hurry back, as a meeting would be held at a secret point in five days.

And I had to make sure that the message reached Lord Kano in time.


The trip was quick and quiet there was no sight of the Uchiha clan members and no other clan members.

The council received the message and Lord Kano left surrounded by the elite of the clan, among them was not me, as a security measure.

It was not a good idea to keep all the elite of the clan in one place and in the worst case scenario lose most of the main family members as well.

A concept I always wondered what it meant, the main family members of the clan were trained under a strict and strong training system, most of them ended up as elite ninja.

But, if the ordinary clan members were put under the same regime wouldn't the same thing happen, it was a question I had been asking myself for quite some time, and one that as soon as I took over as head of the clan I would take it upon myself to resolve.

When they returned they warned me that we would go to the battlefield, it is not known for sure what Lord Kano spoke with the leader of the Senju, but it must have been something good.

Anyway you would not move a large army, we would only take with us fifty ninja, and the Hyuga would take fifty more, by priority Hyuga Asahi would lead the troops, as second in command would be Raiko, my uncle.

We wanted to gain the trust of the Senju and the Fire governor but not at the cost of weakening our defenses.

For that reason we would not take the medical team, a drastic decision, but I decided that on the basis that I did not want them to steal the mystic palm technique when we had an encounter with the Uchiha, since it was a copyable technique.

My power instead depended on my Kekkei Genkai and could not be replicated, it was a considerable burden for me but I could do it.


We left for the battle front, helped by the Hyuga it was almost impossible to be ambushed on the way.

So we arrived without problems at the battle front of the governor of Fuego with the border town of Kino.

It was a fairly stable front neither side could take a very large advantage against the other and we hoped to be the factor that would destabilize it in our favor.

It seems that Hyuga Asahi was in quite a hurry, as he targeted us for the attack to be carried out the same day we arrived.

At first glance the amount of Chakra I felt in the Senju clan members were at the Jounin level on average, very few could be categorized as low.

As we approached the battlefield the enemies had no lower Chakra signatures, which was not strange they were ninja who also descended from Asura.

At this time the battles had no greater strategy than the frontal confrontation, as these are the orders we were given, the Hyuga anyway patrolled with their vision trying to find some surprise attack, but to no avail.

When we were close enough explosions started to sound all over the field and powerful ninjutsus were seen on the battlefield.

At first I thought it was the simple battle between ninjas, but normally clans only perform Taijutsu and Ninjutsu fights to save Chakra, using it only when the opportunity is very good.

But from the beginning of the battle against the Hagoromo, the Senju released Doton and Suiton techniques mostly and the Hagoromo with Doton and Katon techniques.

I stayed in the rear escorted this time only by Kento, Yori did not come to this campaign and Hideo was sent to Ikiri.

The wounded began to appear, and I headed towards a Senju, he had been pierced by a Doton technique that threw a stake at him, the damage was massive.

- "Divine Restoration."

The typical marks appeared and closed the wounds, his partner who had just eliminated the ninja causing his friend's injuries, stared at me strangely.

Aki: "Take him to the rear, he'll be passed out for a few hours."

He did so, without asking, but he was left with doubt anyway it showed on his face.

As I turned to look for more enemies I noticed that there was a confrontation drawing the most attention on the battlefield.

The amount of destruction they were generating was great with their Suiton and Katon Jutsus, launched every exchange.

Although they threw indiscriminately, they were good users of Kenjutsu, as with each missed cut branches fell and the ground gained scars.

Happily I had good eyesight and identified the Senju as Isamu and I really wanted to leave a good impression on him, but I would not do anything stupid like colliding with his enemy, it was obvious that this was the leader of the Hagoromo clan.

Instead I would take it upon myself to eliminate some moderately strong enemy, I had already set a target.

A brown-haired ninja with a stocky body, had been eliminating ninjas of the Senju clan, some I could save, for others I was ten minutes late, but I got bored of being passive in this healing better to go to charge the source.

I took advantage of the fact that I was fighting against a Senju to appear to his sword and invoke my sword, he had already perceived me and knew it.

He took distance from me with a jump.

He easily released a Katon technique with three fireballs, easy to dodge, but his goal was not to kill me per se, but rather to be able to reposition himself better.

His reserves were of a Jounin level almost reaching Quasi Kage but he was confident.

- "Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

Aki: "Vidar quick release your water attack."

Vidar: "You live a very violent life, Aki."

He then flooded everything with water, and I started my attack, twenty water clones started to surround him I wouldn't let him rest and when he thought he had taken space he was attacked by water fangs.

Ninja Hagoromo: "You're pretty annoying kid, when I get my hands on you, I'll teach you why you should choose your enemies correctly."

Quickly the guy managed to find a space to do hand summoning and raised pillars of earth that would lift him out of the water to, have more time to respond to the water fangs, followed by fireballs began to fall on the clones.

I don't know what he intended, but he decided it was a good idea to attack Vidar directly, to which Vidar responded with jets of water.

Vidar: "This guy is very violent."

Aki: "Isn't he, Vidar do you have something to take him out?"

Vidar: "Normally I wouldn't act, but just this once."

A bolt of blue lightning shot out of Vidar's forehead and everything it hit started to turn to ice.

I could take care of the ninja, but this made it easier, the stone pillars were destroyed and the water fangs were touched by Vidar's lightning making them much more deadly.

The Hagoromo clan ninja was tired, his reserves were still considerable, but we both knew that if he kept it up, it would all result in his death.

So I decided to tempt him and approached to fight him directly, he could not resist and came after me.

His strength was quite a bit greater than mine he was using his Chakra to win on every hit, if one of it hit me, it would surely leave me with very serious injuries.

I couldn't do much more than dodge his attacks, and wait for the perfect moment.

Ninja Hagoromo: "Stop jumping, you damn kid."

I was losing my patience, so it was time, I threw myself at him looking for an easy confrontation and for him to do one of his swords in the air like the previous times.

When he did and his side was defenseless I saw the opportunity....

He had been wounded and pulled a knife from his other hand and stabbed me in the abdomen.

Ninja Hagoromo: "Now you're not going to jump anymore..."

A water fang holding one of Vidar's Ice tips came out of the water and pierced him.

Ninja Hagoromo: "Damn kid."

Before he tried to act to thrust his sword at me I moved mine towards his throat and the blood stopped him from letting out another curse.

The pain of being wounded is something I don't like to feel even though I can self-generate, when I pulled out the knife I used divine restoration.

Kento came to meet me, he couldn't help me as I had sent him to bring a clan member to the rear.

Kento: "You need help."

Aki: "Not for now, I need a ten minute breather, thank you Vidar, you are dismissed for now."

Vidar: "How much destruction to a beautiful forest like this, I retreat."

I decided to retreat a bit to the rear to continue tending to wounded, on the way I was intercepted by Senju Hiroshi.

Senju Hiroshi: "Congratulations for your fight".

Aki: "Thank you"

Senju Hiroshi: "Did you know the identity of your opponent?"

Senju Hiroshi: "I never said his name.

Aki: "No, why?"

Senju Hiroshi: "He was the son of the Hagoromo clan leader."

Shit, I don't know how, but the Hagoromo clan must cease to exist in this war.