
Prologue: The Beginning

Character in the story:


















(Some people may also get introduced in the future)

This scene takes place on volume 5 after the reincarnations reunion in ELF village on human timeline. Meaning shun and co still doesn't know wrath and shiraori existence and they only met sophia.

Note:Julius is already dead but got resurrected for plot covenience lol

Julius POV:

I suddenly woke up... In a room that I don't recognized...I stared at the ceilings for a moment feeling confused.

Where am I? and what happened? The last thing I remembered is the girl in all white who appeared in the battlefield and starts walking towards me and my team's direction after we beat the demon commander and convincing the remaining demons to surrender and I don't have any memory after that ... What does really happened.. I'm very confused.

Did I get myself killed in a battle? Did that white girl killed me?

Those thoughts running inside my head as I'm trying to understand what's happening.

"So your the first one who woke up huh"

I heard a voice of a girl near ahead me.

I fixed myself in sitting position and I turn my head to the direction of the voice I heard and then. I saw a girl... who's maybe in her teens? But as I focus my sight at her clearly at a sudden my face paled as I immediately recognized the girl's face. It's the Demon Lord. This is bad, I mean very bad where's my weapon? I really need it fast to defend myself but I can't seemed to find it, sigh is this it am I getting myself killed now?My body is already shaking like crazy feeling powerless the same feeling I experienced in the past in the war in the past between the Kingdom of Ohts and Keren Country when I faced the Demon Lord and The Nightmare of the Labyrinth at that time.

But now when I already thinking about accepting the fate I think of what will happen to me after this the Demon Lord suddenly spoke up and said some unexpected words.

"Don't worry I don't mean you any harm, but don't expect the same if you dare interrupted me from watching this wonderful and rare view" The Demon lord said to me with a threatening voice while her face showing a scary smile.

I nodded at her words but I'm still doubting her I she said she means no harm but she's still the Demon Lord the one who started the war so how can I trust her? And also she said I can't interrupt her in what?

As I ask myself and still confused at her words but then I noticed that there's also another figure aside her and then I saw a girl...I mean a white girl laying and sleepingon the Demon Lord's lap. My eyes widened after I recognized the face of the sleeping girl, It's the same girl that I and my team encountered in the battlefield that time before I lost my consciousness. Based on my memory I recalled, she walks toward our direction and then after walking a certain distance she stopped, then suddenly my vision black out after that. Did that girl killed me or something like that?

"Uhmm~ btw so hero or former hero maybe?, any idea where we are?".

The Demon Lord ask me in cassual tone and I answered with a shake of a head.

I don't know about her change of speaking tone but as I listened carefully at her words my left eyebrow rised. Wait she said Former hero right? Did she mean me? If that's the case it means I really get killed in that battlefield and in my theory it's the white girl who's sleeping peacefully in the Demon Lord's lap is the one who killed me, there still a mountain of questions in my mind but there's one question really intrigued me who's the one who inhereted the hero title.

I began to look at my surroundings and the first one I noticed is that there's still two more figures sleeping near the Demon Lord, There's a pale girl and a boy in green hair with horns in his head.

It's so quiet here is the Demon lord and I including the three who's sleeping peacefully are only here in this place?

I looked to my right and I saw that there's also many people laying around the floor sound asleep, they're all teenagers. As I look in my left I saw an Adult Male elf and an Old Man I think I recognize who I believe to be the Pontiff of the Word of God. But as I look behind me I saw another old man who I clearly recognized, it's Master Ronandth the one who's believe to be the Strongest Human Mage and also my Teacher in Magic. And then my gaze lock in the direction of two teenagers who I greatly recognize it's my two beloved siblings.

"Shun! Sue!" I cried out running at their direction completely forgetting the Demon Lord and the surroundings.

I'm so happy, my eyes began to tear up. I thought I was killed and never gonna see my beloved siblings again. I hugged them while crying and Shun seems to wake up due to my actions.

"Juliusni-sama?" Shun called out as I hug the two of them and Sue also seems waking up. While still hugging my siblings my gaze falls to their side I saw Hynrince and also Anna-san the half elf who raised my brother when he's still young is also lying asleep. And after the while the others also starting to waking up.

Shun POV:

I'm still asleep when I heard my brother's voice and I suddenly felt like being hugged by someone, I only felt this warmth a few times before and it only belongs to my elder brother Julius, is this real or am I dreaming? I started to open my eyes but my vision is still blurry, after a while my vision is back and the first thing I saw is my brother Julius. I can't believe it, he should be dead now because from what I heard from Hynrince-san he's killed in the battlefield by the White Girl that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and killed brother and the rest using Rot attack turning them to dust but only Hynrince-san survive and that because of the Phoenix Feather that given to him by my Brother who the one that should be holding it. My eyes are tearing up now, I don't know anymore, I just hugged my brother back and I noticed too that Sue is in my side too who's also hugging elder brother. Is she ok now? What happened to the brainwash? Also where are we? and then I suddenly hear a woman's voice that I clearly recognized.

"Impossible" said Sensei who sounded full of shocked and as I turned at her direction and I saw her also looking at another direction. I traced the direction of her gaze and my eyes widened at my discovery, I saw a face that I didn't sees now for a long time.

Third Person POV:

"Wakaba..." Fei unintentionally muttered

She sounded very shocked like she has seen a ghost, She couldn't believe her eyes on what her seeing.

The white girl that Fei called Wakaba looked at her for a moment and then after that in Shun's direction .

"Nee~ ne , Do you know these people Shiro-chan?" The girl who's in her teenage years ask the girl in white who's maybe with a name of Shiro.

"Yes, maybe" The white girl said in a low voice.

"Hey Wakaba-san how are you alive" ask Oka who's also like she seen a ghost and the Girl in question just titled her head.

Shun POV:

I noticed late but isn't that boy looked like-

"Hugo you bastaarrdd" I charge to the boy who looks also clueless about the situation.

"Hey Shun what's up?" Hugo responded in a mocking tone.

"Wait Shun!" Sensei tried to stop me but suddenly-

"Oka" I heard voice in commanding tone echoed in the cold room. I look at the direction of the voice I saw Potimas the Chieftain of Elves and also Sensei's Father in this called.

"Father?" responded Sensei who's flustered at the sudden call out of her name.

Sensei looked at her father for a moment and started to walk towards the Elf Chieftain direction but suddenly-

"Potimas?!" Another voice echoed throughout the room. I searched where the voice come from and what my eyes discovered is a petite girl sitting on

Wakaba-san's side. She's glaring daggers at the Elf Chieftain.

"Oh so what do we have here? It's the obsessed little girl" Potimas mock the petite girl and show her a mocking smile.

"Die!" The girl cried at anger and started to charge at Potimas but a slender hand stopped her. I saw Wakaba pulling the petite girl and immobilized her.

"Hey" Wakaba-san muttered in almost inaudible voice and then two figures appeard in front of her in a flash.

It's Sophia and a boy with horns standing in the front of Wakaba-san and the petite girl. Sophia, what is she doing over there?

I looked at Sophia confused at these events appearing before my eyes. I notice that she's holding something, I look at her hands saw a giant sword her hands that didn't fit for her appearance, and then I into the another figure in her side I saw boy with horns who's also armed with swords that looks like katanas in both of his arms.

From what I learned about other reincarnations from sensei, Sophia's name in previous life is Negishi Shouko right? and also she's one of the reincarnators who sided with the administrators that controlled hugo at overthrowing the Kingdom of Analeit.

"Sophia what are you doing over there? Hurry up and kill them!" Hugo command Sophia shouting at her, The Girl looked at her in called eyes and responded.


"This world exist only for me so shut the fuck up and obey me your just stupid Rihoko" Hugo raged in anger and started throwing complaints. The room temperature suddenly fall, I shuddered and looked at the Sophia's direction, I saw a vein popping out in her head she's pissed.

"Bastard!" Sophia muttered she roared in anger, she charged at Hugo's direction and ready to kill him in matter of seconds. Hugo step back in fear and fell on his butt and the girl is walking at his direction step by step but suddenly a boy with horns blocked her way.

"H-hey Sophia-san please calm down" The boy tried to calm the pissed Sophia down but she responded-

"Shut up!" Sophia refused.

"Shiro-san" the boy looked at Wakaba-san's direction pleading for help and then the White girl spoke.


"Tsk" the girl clicked her tounge and looked at Hugo's pitiful appearance "Don't think you survive next time" she warned.

What the hell's happening here? Isn't Sophia and Hugo working together?

"sigh Also Ariel-san please stop that don't let the emotions control you" the boy with the horns said and looked at the petite girl who looks also very pissed, her name is maybe ariel. The petite girl looked at the boy for a moment and then to her surroundings, she released a sigh and started to calm down.

Wait...the boy's face looks familiar, my eyes widened at shocked as I recognize the face of the boy.

"Kyouya" my word slipped out in my mouth and the boy looked at my direction for a moment and then to Katia.

"Oh hi there, it's been a while Shun, Kanata"

The boy greet us in the same manner Kyouya has in the past.

"No way" Katia voiced out near me, She holding her mouth with her hand and tears staring to to formed at her eyes at the appearance of the boy .

"Kyouya what happened with you? and why are you with Sophia" I'm confused, as long as I Kyouya and Rihoko does not have any relation in previous life and now they look like their working together.

"It's a long story and were-" Kyouya cuts his sentence gulping while Sophia eyeing him "Ermm Colleagues maybe?" He complete his sentence with a wry smile.

So they're Colleagues. So it means were enemies now?

I can't accept it.

"Ariel-sama, Shiro-sama"

I heard a voice and looked at it's direction, I saw the Pontiff and a boy in his side...Wait Shiro-sama?what does that mean?.

"Hey Shun! Kanata! Long time no see!" The boy whose with the Pontiff side waved at my direction. Wait that tone of speaking-


"Yes, how are you guys?" Kusama responded.

"Are you in enemy's side too?" I ask him just to make sure.

"Uhmm, technically yes maybe?"

"Ok lets stop the chitchat for a moment"

Suddenly a voice was heard throughout the cold room interrupted the conversation and everybody looked at the person behind the voice and they saw a man in robe with no face.

Shiraori POV:

When I open my eyes the first thing I saw is a white ceiling, I was confused. I tried to moved but I feel my head touching a very soft similar to a pillow. Nai waa this feels very nice I want to sleep here forever.

But when I turned around I saw the Demon Lord smilling at me...wait did the Demon Lord just give me a Pillow lap? Wahh that's embarrassing Naiwaa

I fixed myself up forgetting about what happened, Congrats to me for putting an act and then that Potimas guy showed up and mock the Demon Lord and she charged at her in rage sigh there's so many troublesome events just after I woke up, and now there's some random entity showed up sigh. Naiwaa is this an another scheme of that stupid evil god? Nai waa my life is always full of trouble.

"Who are you" Yamada-kun ask the entity who appeared before us.

My name is D(God of the End)

D huh? You mean one of the Administrators?" Potimas said while looking at the entity who proclaimed himself as a god.

Yes I mean the god of the gods

"Senior Administrator?" I ask in low voice which everybody able to hear.

I'm proud of myself speaking in front of this many people huhu I wiped out my nonexistent tear in my mind.

"Ok" I just respond in my usual voice.

Hey what's with that look Uhmmm this is very akward. I'm very sorry okay? I'm not very goody at long talks in the first place so how could I even start a conversation? I looked at Oni-kun and and he quickly nodded at understanding.

Good job Oni-kun

"Erm D-san i guess? So for what reason why did you bring us here?"

I will make you guys watch someone else past.

The entity said but isn't that invasion of privacy? This reminds me a bit of D.

"Is it nissama?" The bro-con

Girl answered the D question.

Wrong but I give you a clue it is someone who's also reincarnated, you can guess it who.

"I-is it ab-bout my life?" the Hugo guy who just recovered from his pitiful state before ask the entity.


"Is it goshujin-sama?" Vampire Girl ask in curiousity...hey wait why me?


What the hell, why me? this is bad they will discover my dark my secrets, I can't let them do this. I'm just an extremely introvert who just happen to reincarnate as a spider with a memory of Wakaba Hiiro in previous life.

"Wait do you mean that white spider woman!" Potimas said complaining while pointing his finger at me.

Yes any problems?

"No, but I mean why her?" Potimas said...Do you really hate me too much? You want to get hit by abyss magic?huuhhhh?

"You don't want to know how she got her powers you only dream getting for centuries?"

"Ok I got it" wow Potimas when did you become a dog listeing to others? Where did your disgusting ego go?

"Hey D-san can I ask something~?" The Demon Lord who's in my side ask the entity cheerfully like there's nothing happened before this conversation.

Yes , What is it?

"For what reason do you have why your doing this? And what about the events happening in our world?"

All the people who just sent here also nodded at the Demon Lord's question.

Oh nice ask Demon Lord. I'm also curious on what happened over there.

To the first question is I want Entertainment and for the second one is I already stopped your time there so you don't have to worry

We and the others nodded at explanation.

Now before we start-" The entity snaps his finger teleporting all of us in result into a theater-like room.I also noticed that I'm on the front row group, in my side there's the Demon Lord, Vampire Girl and Oni-kun. Yamada-kun and the other reincarnators are on our back and in the middle row. Dustin, Potimas, Ronandth, the Former Hero and Gulie gulie clone are on the back row. On front us there is huge screen and the is standing on the beside it.

"Now Lets Begin" The Entity said grinning.