
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

I had just finished reading a novel, and I suddenly felt an intense pain in my chest. When I opened my eyes, I was trapped inside something. I fought until I managed to get out. "WHAT?! I BECAME A SPIDER?!" "Wait, that spider... Is it trying to communicate? Kumoko?" #### Read 14+ extra chapters on my patreon: patreon.com/parodygirl my discord: discord.gg/5B4Fb6KDut

ParodyGirl · Tranh châm biếm
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79 Chs

Chapter 23 - Skill explained. Plan to level up quickly.

Can I have your power stones? :)


But before that, let's look at everything that's changed.

First of all, my editing skill have reached level 3. As well as releasing this new feature of reviving monsters and making them my familiars, something else has changed.

I can now edit 3 of my statuses at the same time.

Unfortunately, the number of skills I can edit is still at 1. This probably has to do with my evolution and level, not the editing skill level.

But I could be wrong.

Now the skill [ Edit+ LV2 ]

Instead of increasing the duration by 30%, it now increases it by 40%, which is an excellent increase.

'But apart from that, nothing very significant has changed.' Let's look at the new feature that allows me to create familiars. I already understood how it works, but I want to understand the limits of this ability.

When I asked the system, it answered all my questions.


The skill can be used on as many monsters as I want. There's no limit. But they will all be reborn with 10 HP, regardless of the monster or level.

And about the number of edits I can make to each familiar.

I can edit three different statuses of each familiar simultaneously, but the maximum I can put on each status is 30 points. It's not like when I edit my status, and I can put any value I want.

In short.

My familiars are useless in battle for now, and I'll have to do all the work.

And about the duration of the edit on my familiars:

To my surprise, the duration of the edits I made on my familiars was longer than the duration of the edits I made on myself. Any edit I make to my Status lasts 56 minutes, but the edits I make to my familiars last 24 hours.

The [ Edit+ ] skill doesn't apply to familiars. The limit is only 24 hours.

'Oh, and the most important detail, apparently the monsters my familiars kill give me XP. In other words, the system knows I can't level up that easily and has given me this ability to help me...'

And, of course, I already knew how to use this skill... But I'll leave that for later.

Now, let's do what I was going to do before.

'Come on, wake up my children, wake up.'

I used my skill on ten more monkeys and then edited everyone's HP, MP, and SP to 30. Now, with an army of 10 of them in front of me, I gave the same order to everyone. 

'Find the Middle!'

And then, all the monkeys started running.

'Haaaaa~~ Now I just have to relax and wait. No, I can't relax. If I don't test the idea I had, I might end up forgetting about it!'

Let's go to the surface of the labyrinth again!


When I reached the first "floor," I scanned the surroundings and soon realized someone had recently passed this way. I could smell burning wood or something. 'Probably torches.'

Humans passed this way not long ago.

I have to do this quickly; if I take too long, I might have to face the humans. And if I face them, I'll probably have to kill them. I've never killed humans before.

It can't be a good experience.

'All right, let's go monster hunting.'

The number of monsters here was relatively high, so it was easy to kill many of them.

Most of them were [ Elroe Frog ] and [ Elroe Basilisk ], but there were also 3 [ Elroe Randanel ]. In all, I managed to collect 15 monsters. To make my plan work, I made a clean cut when I killed them.

With my claws, I took off their heads.

'Right, let's put them all here.'

As soon as I touched the first body of an [ Elroe Frog ], the message I'd been waiting for appeared.

[ Elroe Frog LV4 ]

[ Status: Dead ]

So I changed its Status to alive and then put its head back on. I did this with all the monsters and assembled an army of 15 of them in front of me. They were all monsters of different races, but they had one goal in common.

Give me EXP!

'I didn't increase the monkeys' offensive ability before because it wasn't necessary, but it is needed here.'

Let's see. They don't need MP because they don't use magic skills. They don't even have skills. So let's do this.

'Set their SP, strength, and agility to 30. HP is already at 10, so I don't need to edit it. Will they die quickly? Probably, but I will make a huge army.'

So it was finished.

15 monsters were lined up before me, all with 10 HP, 30 SP, 30 strength, and 30 agility.

'Listen to me! Go after monsters that are weaker than you! There must be a lot of them out there. Kill as many monsters as you can!'

Even if I don't get much XP per kill, I'm sure the number of monsters an army can kill will be enough to level me up. As my skill level goes up, the stronger my army will become.

I would like to know what it will be like when I can edit the Status of my entire army to 500 or even 1000. Wouldn't that be absurd?

'Go!' I shouted to my army, however, just as they were getting ready to go out and do their hunting. 

"It's here! It's the spider I said I saw! I told you I wasn't going mad!" 

I heard a man's voice.

When I turned around, I saw an army of a few men. There were 15 of them. They were all wearing armor. Most of them were using swords, but two were using spears.

'Are you serious?'

The monsters that I had just "created" hid behind me. They've realized that they're weaker than humans.

'I didn't want to get involved with you guys... I said I didn't want to kill humans.'

But now that we've reached this point... *Smile*


Thank you very much for becoming a p@treon: Andres Saavedra and smurfsy

You can read 14 extra chapters on my Patr eon! I'll keep posting two extra chapters there every day. My goal is to have 20+ extra chapters for my patr eons!

Link: patr eon.com/parodygirl

You can read 14 extra chapters on my Patr eon! I'll keep posting two extra chapters there every day. My goal is to have 20+ extra chapters for my patr eons!

Link: patr eon.com/parodygirl

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