
Chapter 1

Jadin Krovi is a 13-year-old boy who was living in Africa before he was taken to the United State of Dreamerica by the U.S.D. Government. "You can sit here Jadin if that's how you say it." one of the secret service men grinned. Jadin nodded his head and sat. As Jadin stared at all the building because had never seen such a thing, the same secret service man came and said, "Ok, you will be with the Rose Family in North Potomac, Maryland." The ride took 1h 9m to get to the Destination. As they arrived at the house, a pink girl hedgehog comes running out screaming, "They're here! They're!" She looked like she was about ten or eleven. A girl cat comes outside. She looks like she was sixteen or seventeen. The hedgehog yelled "OMG! You must be Jadin! I'm so excited because you are the first boy in the family! I'm Amy, Amy Rose."

"Hello," Jadin mumbled.

Amy asked, "How old Are you?"

"I'm eleven I'm about to be twelve in a week," Amy added.

"Thirteen," Jadin mumbled.

"Let me show you around," Amy said while pulling Jadin into the house.

The house looked bigger inside. "So this is the living room, and that's a kitchen," Amy yelled, "And come up here you'll be sleeping there and I'll be right here." Jadin nodded his head. "You don't talk that much..." Amy wondered. Jadin nodded. "Let me show you something." Amy excitedly said. She let go of his hand and showed him a back handspring step out.

Jadin puts down his stuff and yelled, "Move back." So Amy back and Jadin did a back tuck.

"Wow! Amazing!" Amy yelled. Two hours have passed since Jadin had been to the house and it was bedtime. "Lemme shows you something," Amy said, "You put this tall finger down and try to lift this finger up."

"I can't lift it up..." Jadin wondered.

"That's the trick. Time to go to bed now." Amy said. Jadin went to his room and got on his bed. It took a long time for him to sleep, wondering if his old family is saved. The morning took a long time for Jadin but he was up early. Amy woke up with very messy hair. Jadin started to giggle. "What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"Your hair," Jadin giggled.

"Oh." Amy saw when she looked up, "I have to brush it." The mid-morning rolled in like a bowling ball coming down the alley and the doorbell rang. As Blaze ran down the steps to open the door, Amy asked, "Why are you rushing to? Who is it for?"

Blaze replied, "This is for Jadin."

"For me?" Jadin asked.

"For you," Blaze replied, "You got a TV and a console." As she handed it to Jadin, he read on the box, "Nintendo Flip?"

"We got a Nintendo Flip?!" Amy gasped.

"Yes," Blaze replied, "this will be for you and Amy."

"Come on! Let's go to your room!'' Amy said. As they got in Jadin's room, Amy set up the console, and Jadin Starred motionless out the window.

"All done," Amy shouted.

"Um Amy if that's how you say it," Jadin said.

"Yes," Amy replied.

Jadin Asked, "What is the point of this console?"

"Oh, Just to have fun," Amy replied.

"What about going outside in the Savanna, Running with Lions," Jadin said.

"Well, We have Mountain Lions, very rare in Maryland," Amy replied. "The is one in my school. She's very friendly." Jadin went downstairs to grab something and ran upstairs as fast as lightning strike.

"WHOA," Amy said. "Is that a carving of a Lion?"

"Yes," Jadin replied. "I did it before I left her, so I can remember her. I hope she remembers me."

"That was a Fun Fact," Amy said. "Tomorrow you start school."

"What's school," asked Jadin.

Amy replied, "The best place, school is called Hartt School in Annapolis. It's a very good school. I'm in the sixth grade."

"What grade am I in," Asked Jadin.

"I believe Eighth grade," Amy replied.

Jadin gasped, "Wow, I didn't I was that better!"

"Hey," Amy yelled. "That's not nice."

"Sorry," Jadin said.

"Time to go to bed," Amy said.

"Ok," Jadin replied. So everyone went to bed and Jadin will have his first day at school.