
Kruhella: The villainess with a heart

This is the tale of a villainess who finds herself reincarnated, returning to a life she once knew before facing execution. Driven by an obsession to marry the crown prince, Kruhella's past is marred by jealousy and a tragic end. In her new life, she clings to the hope that a union with the prince will ensure her happiness and survival. Despite her reputation as a spoiled brat, Kruhella conceals a complex inner turmoil, harboring a deep desire for acceptance and affection. With sharp eyes and a sardonic smile, Kruhella masks her true intentions behind a facade of cunning and charm. But as the story unfolds, it becomes evident that her heart longs for more than power and prestige. How will Kruhella solve the mystery of being travelled back in time. And who Kruhella really is? Why was she sentenced to death in her previous life, and what made her obssessed with the Crown prince?

Chyler_Avery · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

New recruit

The long-awaited festival, known as the Sorcerer's Solstice Soirée, finally arrived. This grand event is tailored for sorcerers and mages alike, drawing crowds from far and wide to the magic tower. Here, practitioners of magic showcase their abilities, demonstrating the wonders and possibilities of sorcery. More than mere entertainment, the festival serves as a beacon for aspiring mages and sorcerers, offering them a glimpse into the magical world and an opportunity to hone their skills. For young children with latent magical abilities, it is a chance to discover their potential and embark on the path of learning the mystical arts.

In the midst of the busy preparations at the magic tower, Kruhella slipped away from the practice sessions.

"Should I go to the crown prince's room?" Kruhella wondered, walking through the alley in disguise, with a cloak over her head and her eyes and hair changed in color.

While walking, Kruhella saw a dark haired little girl, looks like in the age of 11 or 12, crying on the side walk with a bunch of older girls and boys surrounding her. Looks like they are bullying her.

"Go back to hell! You are not welcome here. You daughter of the demon!" the brown haired girl accused her. The black haired girl remained quiet and just accepted the words that was thrown to her.

Kruhella was on the verge of leaving, content to let the children be, when something caught her attention. Sensing a surge of mana within the young black girl's body, she realized the girl possessed the potential to join the sorcerer's academy. With a newfound determination, Kruhella resolved to intervene.

"Kay, Mother is looking for you," Kruhella said, feigning concern and pretending to be the girl's older sister. The children were taken aback by her sudden appearance and worried demeanor.


"Excuse me, sister," the chubby boy interjected. "Kay is an abandoned child. She's been living on the streets since she was kicked out of the orphanage for being the daughter of a demon."


"Didn't you know?" Kruhella continued, maintaining her charade. "Kay was my lost sister. She's actually a noble from another kingdom." Trying her best effort to convince the children.

"W-what? That's impossible! The orphanage did a background check before she was kicked out," the small girl protested, disbelief evident in her voice. The other children echoed her skepticism, their trust in Kruhella's claims wavering.

"For your information," Kruhella retorted, her tone growing more assertive. "There are many people with black hair from outside this kingdom, and most of them are nobles. There's even a black-haired emperor from a distant land. Does that mean they're all demons? If so, this kingdom would have been destroyed long ago, as demons would seek revenge for their kind. Bullying her is enough reason to provoke a war," she added, her words laced with a subtle threat that sent shivers down the children's spines. Their faces turned pale with fear, realizing the gravity of the situation.

With a triumphant smile, Kruhella observed the frightened expressions on the children's faces. Seeing their fear, they quickly apologized to the black-haired girl, urging her not to reveal their words to others of her kind, as they feared being the cause of a potential war. They quickly ran as fast as they can, away from the black-haired girl.

"T-thank you," the black-haired girl stammered gratefully.

"Don't thank me yet, follow me," Kruhella commanded, and without hesitation, the girl complied, trailing behind her silently.

A puzzled expression crossed Kruhella's face as they walked. "Won't you ask me anything?" she inquired, curious as to why the girl remained silent.

The girl shook her head. "You helped me. That's enough reason for me to trust you," she replied earnestly.

"Do you believe that I am your sister?" Kruhella questioned, testing the girl's perception.

"No. It's obvious that you lied and pretended to be my sister. Those idiots were just fools to believe you so easily," the girl responded astutely.

"You're so smart," Kruhella remarked, a devious plan forming in her mind. Leading the girl into a dark alley, she unleashed her strongest magic: the War of Flame. This powerful attack, often used in warfare, would test the girl's strength and reveal her true potential as a mage.

As expected, the girl demonstrated remarkable skill in protecting herself from the attack, showcasing a latent potential as a mage. Kruhella's smile widened with satisfaction at the discovery of a new recruit with such promise.


"Are you interested in learning magic?" Kruhella inquired eagerly.


"I am not interested in anything. I just want to live and have a place to stay with food to eat every day," the girl replied simply, her priorities clear.


"Great! I know the perfect place for you!" Kruhella exclaimed, leading the girl to the magic tower, a forbidden place for outsiders. Normally, new recruits would be taken to the academy along with other students, but Kruhella had other plans.


The other mages were shocked to see Kruhella bringing a stranger into their tower. Despite their surprise, none dared to defy her or oppose her decision, knowing well the consequences of crossing her.


"Is it really fine for me to stay here?" Kianna asked hesitantly, noticing the stares of the other mages directed at her.


"Yup. This will be your new place. Name. age," Kruhella prompted, her tone brisk.


"I am Kianna, but they call me Kay. 12 years old," Kianna replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.


"Great," Kruhella said briskly, then removed her cloak to reveal her true appearance: shimmering dark blue hair and violet eyes. "Kruhella is my name, your master," she declared with an evil laugh, sending a chill down Kianna's spine. The infamous Kruhella, the villainess, the cruel daughter of the mage tower God. Kianna hadn't expected to become the assistant to such a notorious figure.


"I usually don't work with others as I prefer to be alone and do things in my room. But seeing your potential, I want to..." Kruhella trailed off, her expression unreadable as she contemplated her next words. "I want to monopolize you. I want you to be mine alone" Kruhella said. Then she laughs.

Kianna's fear began to mount as she anticipated facing further trauma at the hands of the villainess.


"Why did you bring me here?" she questioned, her voice trembling with anxiety and uncertainty.

"I just want a toy. You know, someone I can play with," Kruhella said casually, her words sending a chill down Kianna's spine. She couldn't shake off the feeling that Kruhella's idea of "play" involved inflicting pain or harm.

"I am just a young child," Kianna protested weakly, hoping to appeal to Kruhella's sense of mercy.

"Really? Let's see, show me what you've got," Kruhella retorted, her voice dripping with malice as she launched into a relentless barrage of spells aimed at Kianna.

With each attack, Kianna struggled to defend herself, barely managing to keep up against Kruhella's onslaught. She felt helpless and vulnerable, unable to find an opportunity to counterattack as she focused solely on survival.

One of the mages dared to report to Kruhella's father, the great mage, about Kruhella bringing a child to the tower. Upon hearing the news, Kruhella's father was taken aback, his usually composed demeanor faltering in surprise and concern. He knew all too well the consequences of his daughter's impulsive actions, and the arrival of the child only heightened his anxiety.


Fearing for the safety of the child, the great mage couldn't help but worry about what Kruhella might have planned. In his experience, whenever Kruhella brought something or someone into the tower, it often spelled trouble and chaos. He braced himself for the inevitable repercussions of her actions, hoping against hope that the child would emerge unscathed from whatever ordeal lay ahead.