
Imagine 1 -JHOPE

You're walking home from college on a hot sunny afternoon and you can't really see because the sun is too bright..you're about to cross the road because you couldn't see any cars but just as you put your foot out , a black range rover with tinted windows drives past and runs over your foot but keeps driving, you thought for a second that they weren't gonna stop but they did.

A broad man who looked like he was in his 20s stepped out the car with 6 other people behind him..they were in black suits so you got scared and told them you were fine and they should keep going but one of them insisted whilst the other 6 went back in the car.

As he came closer to help you get up, his face became clearer and you soon realised who it was...you realised that it was BTS's Jhope and them you got a little bit flustered and fainted.....

Later on, you woke up in a hospital room with no family members or friends around you and you just remembered how miserable your life actually was...then the doctor came in

' Are you okay m'am ? ' -doctor

' woah ' M'am ' ?? I'm only 20 ' -Y/n

' young lady,can you remember anything? ' -doctor

' yes my memory is fine ' - Y/n

' i would need you to answer a few questions ' -doctor.

He took you to a room and asked what happened and you explained everything and he didn't seem to believe the fact that you got ran over by bts!

The doctor thought there was something wrong with your memory so he told you to get some rest but you know there was nothing wrong so you decided to sneak out of the hospital but on your attempt you got stopped by a handsome looking figure at the reception and it was...Jhope !

Yes ! Jhope had come to see you in the hospital !

You were happy because now the doctors believed you and Jhope asked a few questions on how you were coping and you happily answered nervously. Before he left he asked for your name and number so he can keep in touch with you in case of any long term damage ...

' Y/N i'll text you later ' -Jhope *with a smile*

' umm....OkAy ' - Y/N

* the rest of the story is up to You y/n *