A Scottish lad dies. A Scottish lad gets reincarnated with a Dragon's Heart. A Scottish Lad kills things and fucks bitches. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.
The blonde stepped up in front of him and reached under the device to grab the card on front which he noticed now had writing on it where before it was blank.
As she bent over the booth ledge in front of him though, he got a good look at her from behind and the way those tight denim shorts moulded tightly around her curvy rear end and showed off her long toned legs. Her ass wasn't anywhere near Aqua tier, but it was still one nice curvy ass he'd like to sink his hands into.
"Oh my!" the blonde gasped as she grabbed the card, breaking Yarden from his thoughts, "It's been a long time since I've seen stats like this….no, have I ever seen stats like this even?"
"Heh." Yarden smirked and crossed his arms proudly as she gaped over his abilities.
Even if he didn't know them all himself.
"This is absurd," the blonde shook her head, turning to face him and holding the card in front of her chest as she read from it, "Yarden Odhar, odd name you have, age fifteen, Your lowest skill by far is your intelligence but even it is above average, followed by your luck that's quite a bit above average. Other than that your strength, durability, agility, magic power, mana capacity everything is all off the charts for a level one…Someone like you really could grow powerful enough to take on the demon king one day!" she looked up from the card to stare at him in awe.
A beautiful busty woman staring at him in wonder. It must be Tuesday here.
"You even started with a whole ten skill points, that's amazing!" she exclaimed in wonder.
"Is that a good thing?" he asked.
"Yes!" she nodded vigorously, making those big ol' titties jiggle just as vigorously.
Dayum blonde lady.
"It's rare for anyone to start with any skill points at all and you can usually only earn them by levelling up, only those with amazing potential and innate abilities start with skill points already at level 1!" she explained, shaking her head in shock.
So what he was hearing from all this, was that he made An amazing choice asking Aqua for his dragon abilities. Or maybe he was just that innately amazing compared to the scrubs around here?
He supposed if that Kazuma guy was the typical person Aqua chose to send over and that reflected the people here…..
"Practically every standard class is available to you, even the advanced ones! Crusader, Arch Mage, Arch Priest, you name it you can be it!" the blonde continued on exclaiming in her shock, before gasping as she apparently read something else, "Even some really rare classes are here! Even the dragon classes, how!?
Yarden perked up at the mention of dragons, "Dragon classes?" he asked.
"They're special advanced jobs that really only pop up from interacting in some manner of way with dragons," the voluptuous blonde explained to him, "Dragon Knight a warrior based class that is an advanced form of the knight class, and the Dragon Priest is a magic based class that is an advanced form of the mage class. You even have the Dragoon class an advanced form of the adventurer class and the Dragon Slayer class, how did you get these?! These two classes can only be obtained by killing a dragon!" she demanded, gaping at him.
Huh. Since he had the core of a dragon within him, did that pass on the status of basically having the requirements to him?
"I'm just badass like that," Yarden smirked smugly and casually shrugged, he'd already decided he was taking one of those dragon classes, really gonna double down on the dragon thing, "So what one one of those dragon classes are the best?" he asked.
For a moment, the blonde just stared at him before taking a deep breath and visibly composing herself, "It depends on what you want to go for," she explained, "In pure stats the Dragon Slayer class is the strongest, but gets access to little skills. The Dragon Knight class is a purely physical class while the Dragon Priest class is a purely magical class. The weakest stat wise is the Dragoon class, though it's still far above your standard class. It's the opposite of the Dragon Slayer Class."
"In what way?" Yarden wondered.
"The adventure class is the weakest, but can learn the abilities of all other classes just from seeing them at the expensive of a lot of skill points," the blonde explained, "The Dragoon Class is an upgraded form of that, so they can learn skills from all other classes and generally at much cheaper prices skill point wise than the adventurer class."
Hmm, so it was basically the potential most versatile of classes that gave up instant raw power for that versatility, while the Dragon Slayer class gave up versatility for sheer raw power, and the other two were basically mage or melee paths with stats in between the other two if he guessed right.
He had to admit, usually, he'd probably lean towards the other three. But, he didn't need to worry about raw stat increase that much now did he?
Thanks to the Dragons Core the divine booty had passed on to him.
Which mean; "Make me the Dragoon class." he told the blonde.
She gave him an odd look before nodding hesitantly, "…If that's what you want." she'd already explained the pros and cons of the classes after all, so the choices were on him here.
She pressed her finger against the card a few times, before handing it to him. Yarden quickly gave it a look over with a massive grin, "So I just need to see other people use their skills and I can copy them?" he asked.
"Yes," the blonde nodded, "When you gain the ability to learn a skill, it will appear on your adventurers card and you can choose it from there."
"Bitchin'," his grin widened, before getting right back to business, "So can I get a name for the pretty lady?" he asked.
She raised an eyebrow at him, "My name is Luna." she introduced herself.
"Pretty name, for a pretty lady," he winked roguishly, drawing a bit of a titter from her and making her cheeks flush.
Her attitude did a bit of a 180 when she saw his stats and class choices from what he could gather. It was a subtle thing, but he could tell her opinion of him had risen quite highly when she saw his sheer potential.
People were drawn to greatness after all. And he was pretty damn Scottish. Or rather great, but it was the same thing really.
A bit odd that a woman like this was receptive to a teenagers flirting though. But he supposed if this was supposed to be some kind of medieval society more or less, even an RPG-lite one, it made a bit of sense.
"So Luna, how about filling me in on quests or missions or whatever and setting me up with one?" Yarden asked,
"Okay, sure," Luna agreed easily, "You do have to pay me back before you can get this back I suppose." she reached into her back pocket and pulled out his ring to wiggle in front of his eyes.
…What a lucky ring.
He'd be sure to one up it later.
If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.