
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Tranh châm biếm
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144 Chs

Chapter 119 Suffering


Death Forest.

Also known as the forty-fourth training ground, the death forest was a forbidden area full of dangerous beasts and normally aside from jonin anyone was hardly allowed to enter.

In the depths of this dark forest with towering woods reaching the sky, a small figure with the uchiha emblem at the back of his attire was face to face with a huge serpent.


The snake opening its mouth wide lunged at the small boy whose eyes turned red at this and a black tomoe spun in them.



The boy jumping to the side at the last moment avoided the snake's attack whose head banged into the ground with massive force, cracking it immediately.


Fire Style! Fire Ball Jutsu!!

The snake hitting the ground hissed in pain and looked towards the boy angrily though only a huge fireball appearing in its vision, engulfed by the flames completely next moment.


The huge snake burnt to crisp and smoke puffing out of it fell on the ground with a loud thud, cooked to death.

Clap! Clap!

Seeing his attack killing the snake the boy showed a bright smile as behind him there was a sudden sound of applause.

"Not bad! Even an experienced chunin would now have a hard time against you… truly worth a praise… Shisui"

A tall man donning a white robe and a red hokage hat on his head walked out from behind a tree, giving the black haired boy who looked around seven a round of applause.

"Umm… it's obviously because of your training… I didn't do anything special myself…sensei"

Getting praised little Shisui showed an embarrassed look and tried to act humble, his face slightly red.


Seeing him embarrassed kazuki smiled a little and walking up to him began to ruffle his dark unkempt hair, his lips parting.

"Don't belittle your efforts… even I wasn't as strong as you at seven" Said Kazuki while ruffling the hair of little Shisui who kept his head down and curved his lips up, a happy look on his face.

"Ok todays training ends here, go back home and after resting a little finish your academy homework" Kazuki seeing the gradually darkening sky decided to end the training of this student of his, the student who he took under his tutelage two years ago.

"Can't I just graduate earlier sensei? I'm not being arrogant or anything but I'm stronger than the chunin teacher himself, there's nothing left there to learn"

Thinking about the academy a frustrated look appeared on the face of little Shisui as he tried to convince kazuki to let him graduate earlier.

At his words Kazuki shook his head and bringing a serious look on his face responded.

"Rules are rules and no one is allowed to graduate before they turn twelve no matter how skilled they are. You have a senior named kakashi who is also white fang's son, he has been requesting to graduate since he was five and I have not allowed him to do so"

"Whether it's a civilian, a war hero's son or even someone related to hokage, no one will be allowed to break the rules"

Rejected Kazuki his request in a serious tone, during his reign as hokage a lot of new policies have been implemented as one of them being the minimum age to graduate set to twelve.

Whether it's normal times or war times no one will be graduated earlier to fill the number and sent to an obvious death.



Saying that Kazuki gave the dejected Shisui a pat on the shoulder and disappeared from the spot, appearing in the hokage office next moment.


But just as Kazuki after appearing in the room stepped towards the seat his steps wobbled and he leaned onto the wall holding his head, a shocked look in his brown eyes.

He stayed there like that for a moment as eventually after a minute or two he removed the hand from his head and brought it near his eyes, blood rinsing down both of his red eyes.

Wiping the blood away with his hand Kazuki leaning onto the wall stayed silent for a while, on his face a sad look as uttering some words eventually.

"The pain and suffering of others… is this the price for it? Muttered Kazuki in a dull tone as his eyes that had turned blood red showed a look of pain, after another period of silence words again leaving his mouth.

"I accept it"



One of the great five villages situated within the land of thunder, most of the infrastructure of this village was built on top of low and high canyons.

Raikage Building.

The Raikage Building was located at the center of the village, and within this building, the Raikage office was enveloped in a deathly silence.


Third Raikage, A, a man with tanned skin and muscular build, green eyes, and blonde hair, had his shocked eyes on a couple of passed figures placed on the floor before him.

 Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.