
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Tranh châm biếm
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144 Chs

Chapter 118 Chains of a Crimson Eclipse

Land of Frost.

The land of Frost bordered land of lightning that had one of the great five villages, Kumogakure, located in it.

Land of Frost being next to one of the great five nations could only exist under the mighty neighbor's rule and to prevent any rebellion and an invasion from other lands; a small shinobi village was established in it as well.

Shimogakure. (Hidden Frost Village)

The only shinobi village in the land of frost was more of a small Kumogakure as all the shinobi in this village were transferred here from Kumogakure.

The village was more like a military base which was built to keep the rule in land of frost in check.

Today the sky was grey as in the late December the snowfall had reached its peak, trees, ground, everything completely covered with snow, layers of white to the end of sight.

Despite the intense snowfall, the entrance metal gate of the village was still secured as two slightly tanned skin shinobi donning thick red and white jackets guarded the entrance.


Despite the fog and limited vision, the gatekeepers still managed to spot something on the road that led towards the entrance as they couldn't help but frown.

Thup! Thup!

The sound of footsteps was heard and gradually got louder, a fuzzy figure appearing in the fog which became clearer the closer he got.

"Who are you!!?"

Inquired the gatekeepers in a slightly harsh tone, alert eyes on the man just meters away from them.

Before them was a tall man with lean muscular build. His skin was fair providing a stark contrast to his marron eyes that held an intense, yet tranquil gaze.

He had long red hair that he tied into a ponytail and wore a red haori over a pale orange-colored kimono, pair of earrings with a red circle and flower design and a sword having a black cross guard fixed at the left side of his waist.


The man who was clearly dressed as a samurai lord at the inquiry of the gatekeepers didn't say a word in response and just lifted his left feet a little, the eyes of the gatekeepers widening next moment as they both felt a hand on their shoulder.


The man who was meters away from them had somehow suddenly appeared in between them with both of his hands on their shoulders, the gatekeepers didn't even get the time to blink after this impressive display of speed as a massive force acted on them and dragged them inside the village, the ground despite the snow over it cracking.


At the center of a street of the village suddenly a figure fell from the sky; breaking the ground where he impacted immediately and two passed out shinobi in his grasp.


Next the red haired figure casually threw away the shinobi he held in his grasp, stopping after rolling on the ground a couple of times.


The red haired man throwing away the gatekeepers calmly raised his hand to make a hand sign, smoke bursting next to him and four clones of his appearing.

Swish! Swish!

The clones don't seem to require any order as they seemed aware of their duties already, one flashing towards the east corner of the village, one going towards the west, one south and one north.


At the same time next to red haired man there was another movement as out of nowhere another clone of his appeared but he carried someone along with him.

It was an all-white humanoid figure with green hair and yellow eyes and seemed unconscious at the moment.

The clone placed the white figure on the ground as the red haired man reached into his kimono and took out a tube that contained blood, removing the cork on top of the tube he dipped some of the red blood on top of the white figure and put the tube away.

Next sitting next to the white figure the red haired began to flash hand signs as eventually making the last seal, he placed his palm on the white figure and words for the first time finally left his mouth.

"Reanimation Jutsu!!"


The white haired figure woke up the moment the palm was placed on it, screaming and yelling in agony but the screams didn't last more than a few seconds as dust and paper like stuff began to cover it and submerged him completely, soon instead of the white figure there lay a tall man with black hair, bandages covering his forehead and left eye and an x scar on his chin.

He had some cracks on his face and at most of his body as well.

If any intelligence shinobi of the great five villagers were to be around, he would have surely recognized the black haired man.

Shimura Danzo, one of the students of the second hokage and someone who was killed six years ago due to plotting against his own village.


Danzo who lay on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and showed a confused look, slowly getting up while looking around.

"Who are you and where am I?"

Inquired Danzo in a threatening tone while gazing at the red haired man mere steps away from him, the last thing he remembers is getting whopped around by that guy and then sent to oblivion.

What happened after that and how did he appear here in this place which clearly wasn't konoha, he was completely confused.


The red haired man didn't satisfy danzo's curiosity and just flashed a hand sign, Danzo suddenly straightening up with a blank look in his eyes.

Swish! Swish!

At this moment from distance numerous shadows flashing from house to house began to approach the point where the red haired man stood; the shinobi in the village had finally reacted at his brave invasion.

The red haired man didn't show any sign of panic despite the approaching shinobi as approaching the stunned danzo he took a deep breath in and once again began to flash hand signs.

He flashed a total of thirty hand signs, as eventually with the last seal; he placed both of his palms on danzo's chest and words left his mouth.

Yin-Yang Release: Chains of Crimson Eclipse

(A.N: Yin-Yang Release= Light and Shadow Release, two of the seven chakra natures, yin for spiritual and soul-related stuff and yang for physical, both also combine for creation and destruction}


"What's that?"

Danzo who was reanimated shinobi and shouldn't feel any pain, suddenly felt what the pain of soul was, his gruesome and agonizing screams reaching every corner of the village, the shinobi on the way stunned by the sudden screams though something more interesting caught their eyes.

Red chakra bubbled out of the palms that rested on danzo's chest and completely submerged him, soon taking the shape of round blood moon as danzo who had finally stopped screaming at the center of the moon barely visible.

As the red moon ascended, purple light flashed from every corner of the village. In the next moment, four purple beams shot skyward and converged directly above the village center, forming a protective purple barrier around the entire village.

"A red moon? A barrier?"

"Just what's happening!!?"

The shinobi were caught off guard by the barrier enveloping the entire village, along with the small red moon suspended just below the barrier's ceiling.

Swish! Swish!


Finally, the shocked and surprised shinobi army arrived near the red haired man who bravely infiltrated the village, surrounding him from all sides.

"Is it you behind all this?"

Asked a shinobi with his angry eyes focused on the red haired man who despite getting surrounded by nearly two to three hundred shinobi totally calm and composed.

The red-haired man calmly surveyed the assembled shinobi. Some stood on the rooftops, while others occupied the streets. Eventually, he uttered just one word.


"Catch Him!!"

The orders lingered in the air as immediately the shinobi in front lunged towards the red haired man, who squatting a little reached towards the katana on his waist.

Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash



The red haired man pulled out the katana from the sheath as yellow thunder arced around the blade and then him, as with a loud zap he suddenly disappeared from the spot.


The shinobi only saw a yellow light flash by as next moment they were all exposed to a strong electrical shock, screams ringing but only for a moment as around fifty to sixty shinobi toppled down, all unconscious and not a single one dead.

"Damn how can he be so fast!!?"

"It's like we are facing Raikage-Sama himself!!"

The remaining Shinobi, seeing what happened to those who just lunged at the red haired man, were left shocked and bewildered, In a matter of seconds, he had incapacitated fifty to sixty shinobi.

Such speed amazed them and they wondered whether they were fighting Raikage famous for his speed around the world.

"Don't be panicked!! create distance from him and use earth style to limit his speed!"

A senior shinobi was the first to calm his nerves as loudly he conveyed orders.

Earth Style! Earth Spears!!

Earth Style! Earth Labyrinth!!

While most kumo shinobi were experts in lightning style, it was not like not a single shinobi could use other chakra natures as few shinobi who excelled in earth style stepped forward.

Thud! Thud!

The ground began to alter as thick spears rose up all around the street and even thick mud walls came out of the ground, all created in an attempt to limit the speed of the red haired man on the ground as running into them he would have no choice but to slow down.


But what the shinobi around saw next completely sent them into a state of disbelief.

Thunder Breathing Fourth Form: Distant Thunder



The shinobi witnessed the speed of the red haired man not lessening at all as while moving at inhuman speed, he waved his katana down as from the blade several bolts of lightning shot forward and hit the earth wall and spears, shattering them easily.

"Attack him with all you got, we can't afford to be taken down just one man"

Seeing their strategy failing the shinobi had no choice but to fight with everything they got, the remaining two hundred shinobi all lunging towards the red haired with mad faces.

Barely a minute or two later, the village which had crimson glow all around due to the red moon that hung high was enveloped in a deathly silence.

Smoke was rising from the center of the village as destroyed building and houses were everywhere; within the rubble lay every shinobi in this village as after getting exposed to some kind of strong electrical shock they had all passed out though not a single one dead.

Thup! Thup!

"I guess it's time to start"

The red haired figure without a single wound or even a dust spot on his attire walked among the passed out shinobi as raising his head to gaze at the red moon he spoke up with an emotional look in his maroon eyes.

Joining his palms before his face, the red haired man once again gazed at the red moon above as a change began to occur.

From the red moon, numerous crimson chains came out and began to descend, binding every single Shinobi in the vicinity at the at the next moment.


Seeing the chains coiled around every shinobi; the red haired man flashed a hand sign as the red moon suddenly gleamed brightly, its red glow brighter than ever.

Every shinobi who had the scarlet chains coiled around them showed a slightly painful look as a blue chakra appeared around them though only to disappear in a matter of seconds as that blue chakra seemed to be absorbed by the chains.


The crimson chains turned blue for a second as the chakra absorbed moving through the chains went towards the moon, a painful scream sounding from within the moon again.

The red haired man watched everything unfold quietly though suddenly his marron eyes widened.

"Father, I'll become a great shinobi whose name will resound at every corner of the shinobi world"

"I hope I can be personally trained by Raikage-Sama"

"How dare you!!! How dare you kill my father"

"Please…please don't die mother…"

"Will you take me out to play after you return from your mission, father?"

The red-haired man stood silent on the spot as memories of every shinobi that was entangled by the chains began to play in his head, sad, happy, and agonizing, The red-haired man going through all those moments like it happened to him.

The glow of the moon lessened after a minute or so as the chains coiling every shinobi retracted back to the moon and the moon itself vanished and a white figure that looked completely squeezed out fell from the sky.


The purple barrier around the village vanished, as did the red-haired man with blood dripping down his closed eyes, who disappeared from within the village.

After an hour or so, the shinobi who were entangled by the chains finally woke up but their face changed as they sensed something different.

(A.N: I have written down some explanation for this jutsu down below, please give it a read.)

"Damn!! What happened to the chakra in my body? Why can't I use ninjutsu?"

"Same with me!"

"Damn, what did that guy do!!"

The words full of shock and anger echoed in the village as, after thousands of years, something no one could have imagined taking place in the ninja world.

(AN: I know most readers will be confused about one thing: even without chakra, the world would still not be peaceful, Like our own world, it is a lot better than ninja world but there are still wars. I have portrayed mc to be at least smart enough to understand this obvious point so please stay tuned to understand his complete intentions.)

Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666