
Konoha Hypocrite (TL)

Passing through the Naruto world, Uchiha Tunan obtained the inheritance system. As long as you obtain the recognition of others, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of others after they die. Hence... "Since Konoha's higher-ups treat our Uchiha clan so differently, I've decided to lead the Uchiha clan in three years." "Ding! Obtain the recognition of the Uchiha clan." Two years later. "Tunan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan's betrayal. After all, it is your clan. I want to hear your opinion." "I will always stand on the side of the village." On the night of extermination, Uchiha Tunan stood on the Hokage Rock and looked coldly at the extermination of Uchiha's clan. He opened his hands and thanked the gifts of his clansmen. The next day. “Hokage-Sama, I have shed blood for Konoha, and I have suffered a lot for Konoha.” “This is how you treat the meritorious clan, didn't you agree, Tunan?" "I don't know what you are talking about. The hatred of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy Hiruzen and Sarutobi clan to comfort the spirits of the clan in heaven." High-end hunters often used camouflage to lower the defense of their prey. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao2 · Tranh châm biếm
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428 Chs

Seeking God

At this time, Shokaku absent-mindedly returned to the room in the center of the village.

There were no illumination facilities like oil lamps in the room. There was only a simple wooden table, four wooden stools, and a bed covered with hay.

In the dark, Shokaku touched the bed with his memory. He hugged his legs and sat on the bed, quietly looking at the sky outside the window.

What happened today was a bit too shocking, and Shokaku could not tell whether he was angry or afraid.

The rooms of the village were close to each other, and there should be strange groans everywhere at this time.

But today, the village was surprisingly quiet.

Time passed bit by bit, and the chaotic thoughts in Shokaku's mind gradually calmed down. A wisp of doubt came to his mind.

Father and the others were discussing something. Why did they leave Koyu behind?

Was it to treat Koyu?

They wouldn't do anything to Koyu, would they?

When I thought of the behavior of the men in the village, Shokaku inexplicably thought of this.

No, with his father here, he would not allow others to do such a thing.

Out of trust in his father, Shokaku shook his head fiercely, wanting to throw the idea out of his mind.

But for some reason, this thought was like a thorn in his heart.

In the dark room, Shokaku could not help but think about it.

What if.

After all, with Koyu's current condition, she probably wouldn't have the ability to work in the future and wouldn't be able to help her in her life.

Father might not allow Koyu to marry him.

The only value of Koyu, perhaps, was giving birth.

To Shokaku, Koyu was his childhood friend's first love. No one could tolerate this kind of thing.

Shokaku, who was sitting on the bed, got up and carefully left, walking outside.

Normally, Shokaku walked for more than ten minutes on a journey of two or three minutes.

When he was about to approach the open space near the edge of the village, he finally heard a sound.

But no one spoke.

Didn't they say that they wanted to discuss?

Shokaku was even more confused. He came to the corner and slowly poked his head out.

Suddenly, Shokaku's pupil suddenly contracted.

He saw more than a dozen torches standing in the open space, and He don't know when they were put on wooden stakes.

At this time, Koyu was tied to the wooden stakes, and her mouth was stuffed with animal fur.

As for the people with Okaku, they all had cold expressions on their faces, silently moving the firewood back and forth under the wooden stakes.

This was not the first time that Shokaku had seen this scene.

In the past, when the village caught large beasts, they would often stick them into the wooden stakes for barbecue.

But now, the scene reappeared, but it was his beloved woman who was tied to the wooden stakes.


In front of the wooden stakes, Okaku watched Koyu calmly, without any pity in his eyes.

At this moment, Okaku noticed that a villager was giving him a look.

He immediately looked back.

He saw a thin figure standing quietly in the darkness.

However, that extremely familiar silhouette made the big corner of the river recognize who the person was at a glance. He immediately strode forward and said in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?"

Shokaku stared straight at Koyu, who was tied to the wooden stake and constantly struggling. He opened his mouth, then stiffly raised his head to look at his father, whose face was gloomy, and said hoarsely,

"What are you doing?"

When Okaku saw his son like this, his heart softened. He took a deep breath and said softly,

"We need to sacrifice her to Mountain God, so that Mountain God can protect us and survive here safely."


Shokaku heard this word for the first time, but combined with the situation of Koyu, he instantly understood the meaning of sacrifice.

As for the Mountain God mentioned by her father, it could only be the owner of the stone hand that she saw tonight, which should be the hand of the Mountain God.

Shokaku's face suddenly turned pale, and he stared at Okaku in disbelief.

He said hoarsely,

"Why is it her? Didn't you promise me that?"

Okaku avoided Shokaku's gaze and looked at Koyu who was constantly twisting on the wooden stake.

"She is the only one who has seen Mountain God.

And it seems that Mountain God should be very satisfied with her. "

Hearing this, Shokaku turned his head with difficulty and looked at Koyu.

"Woo.." Perhaps Koyu still remembered Shokaku subconsciously, but when she saw Shokaku look over, she struggled even more.

Shokaku's eyes turned red. He slowly lowered his head and knelt on the ground with a thud. He gritted his teeth and said,

"Father, please don't give Koyu to Mountain God.

I will work hard. When I become a great warrior, I can still protect everyone. "

However, Okaku shook his head firmly and said,

"There is no room for negotiation. Mountain God is an existence that can easily kill Shi Yuyan.

Even a warrior could not do this easily.

That was a god."

"How can I keep her?" Shokaku asked, unwilling to give up.

However, Okaku did not have the patience to continue persuading his lost son under such circumstances. After all, the surrounding villagers were secretly paying attention to this side.

However, Okaku's face turned cold and he scolded, "Go back."

Shokaku was still kneeling in the same place, unmoved.

Just as Okaku was about to ask someone to bring Shokaku back, Shokaku seemed to have suddenly thought it through. He silently got up, turned around, and walked into the village.

Seeing Shokaku's lonely figure gradually disappear into the dark, Okaku couldn't help but sigh deeply, and then continued to command the villagers to prepare the sacrificial work.

It was also the first time that Okaku had set up a so-called sacrifice.

He did not know if the Mountain God in his heart would be satisfied with this sacrifice.

But other than Koyu, there seemed to be no better replacement.

For this small village, men were an indispensable resource.

As for adult women, they basically had an extraordinary relationship with the men in the village.

Once they were chosen, it would probably cause some people to be more or less dissatisfied.

He would grow old, and every time he hunted, there would be a risk of disability and death.

If something happened to him in the future, it was hard to guarantee that those who were resentful would not add insult to injury.

There were no laws here to restrict people. Whoever had a strong fist had the right to speak.

And those underage women also had the value of fertility and simple labor.

On the other hand, Koyu would only waste the food in the village if she went crazy and needed people to take care of her. She was completely a burden.

Moreover, from the analysis of the situation when Koyu came back, it was very likely that Koyu had already received the favor of Mountain God.

Overall, the choice was already the best choice for Koyu as a sacrifice.

As for Shokaku, this child.

After some time, he would arrange a woman for him and forget about it.

However, what Okaku did not expect was that Shokaku, who entered the village, did not return to his room but went straight through the village.

In front of the dark and deep forest.

Shokaku turned his head and looked in the direction of Koyu.

Even with the buildings of the village blocking his view, he seemed to still be able to see Koyu covered with fear.

After a short glance, Shokaku turned his head, his gaze unprecedentedly determined.

"I will definitely save you."

After saying that, Shokaku plunged into the forest and followed the route in his memory, going around the mountain peak.

The reason why Shokaku didn't continue to beg his father just now was because of him.

It was because he knew that he was not enough to change his father's mind.

The only one that could save Koyu.

Only the target of the village's sacrificial ceremony, the Mountain God that only Koyu had seen before.

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