

Naruto was already awake and saw Hinata and Sasuke running, suddenly yelling: "Hinata and Sasuke hurry up, save me, Kakashi Teacher, scoundrel, even plot against me!"

Kakashi squatted on the log and rubbed Naruto's hair. His headband had been pulled down, and only his right eye showed a wicked smile. He said to Hinata and Sasuke: "Nah! Naruto is now tied up, You only have 2 people left, and I happen to have only 2 bells."

"So... congratulations, you are qualified!"

Kakashi smiled happily, but what did he think in his heart, then only he could understood himself!

At the very least, he is the teacher's face in order to maintain body protection.

Naruto, the pushover, is being kneaded by Kakashi at the moment, leaving Kakashi at his mercy.

In fact, Naruto's strength is not weak, but he is stupid!

Sasuke suppressed his heart and turned to look towards Hinata and asked, "What should I do?"

When Hinata watched Hokage, the one thing she hated most was that when fighting, the two sides would always beep without an end.

Not to mention time-consuming, but also plot.

Where did Hinata beep with Kakashi, as soon as Sasuke's voice fell, Hinata condensed Chakra fist with both hands, and loudly said: "Don't be afraid of Naruto!"

Naruto has seen Hinata this move, how can I not be afraid at this moment?

Naruto struggled to exhaust the strength of the whole body and shouted in his mouth: "Hinata no! Stop it! You will kill me!"

Let you see it!

This time, it was the real 4 2 belt 2 king.

20 God Air Strike plus Eight Trigrans Mountain Break!

Hinata completely ignored Naruto's wailing, his fists were decisively exploded, the blue chakra fist split second disappeared, 5 Chakra rays split second exploded, one of them was aimed at Kakashi, and the remaining 4 were shot in 4 directions, blocked The space dodged by Kakashi.

As early as Hinata revealed the king's bombing, Kakashi had already pulled the headband away, revealing the Sharingan in his left eye, and the split second clear sight the 5 attacking tracks of mountain breaking.

'bang bang bang bang bang!'

The forest behind Kakashi exploded in an instant, and the formidable power was simply 5 missiles washing the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, five huge pits appeared on the ground. The surrounding trees were destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion, some were pulled up by the roots, and some were directly crushed.

Kakashi turned to glanced at, his forehead was cold and sweating, if he was hit, he would really die.

Sasuke took the opportunity to rescue Naruto, and the three people group stood together again.

"Huhuhu ~"

After using great move 2 times in a row and fighting for so long, Hinata was also tired.

Even so, Hinata's current Chakra Reserves still surpass Kakashi.

This is the disadvantage of lack of combat experience. Hinata consumes a lot of Chakra, but even Kakashi's skin is not injured.

I hurt an internal organs o(╯□╰)o

The formidable power of the trick is great, but if you can't hit the enemy, it's useless.

Kakashi glanced at the three people group somewhat helplessly. Although Naruto and Sasuke had a great difference in strength, Hinata was very strong. Without the killer, it was really possible that Hinata three people would drag him to Chakra and run out.

If that is the case, it is really shameful.

Hinata is also pondering at the moment.

Sometimes people are very helpless, for example, we always inadvertently become the people we hate the most.

When Hinata looked at Hokage, the only thing she hated most was Shimura Danzo. There were only 2 Hokage consultants from Konoha.

But now Hinata is determined to become a consultant.

When Hinata looked at Hokage, although the two hated to fight without the end when they hated the fight, sometimes, they had to beep twice.

Hinata looked Kakashi with a serious expression, said resolutely: "Companion must be saved."

Naruto said, "Hinata is right!"

Although Sasuke didn't speak, he obviously supported Hinata.

Kakashi didn't know what he thought of, dumbfounded for a long time, and then thumbs up said with a smile: "Congratulations, you all 3 are qualified!"

"Team-7, the mission will start tomorrow!"

Naruto jumped up and yelled, "very good!"

Hinata was sitting on the ground with a buttock. It was so tiring to fight.

I want to take care of children, I want to catch Xiaohu, I want to help the village next door to buy things, I don't want to fight!

Hinata lifts the head looked towards Kakashi, with stars shining in his eyes, evil intent acting-cute, said with anticipation: "Kakashi Teacher, this... To celebrate the establishment of our Team-7, should you invite us for a meal? !"

"Okay!" Kakashi said with a smile: "Go eat barbecue! I invite you!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Kakashi's "bang" was turned into smoke disappeared, it turned out to be Shadow Clone!

Hinata, Sasuke, Naruto: "..."

Do you think you can deal with us like this?

Hinata got up and greeted: "Go! Let's eat barbecue!"

Naruto said weakly: "Kakashi Teacher is gone, who will treat you!"

Anyway, Naruto has no money!

Hinata said with a snort: "Of course it was the Kakashi Teacher who invited us, but we were under the staff of Kakashi Teacher, and he promised to invite him again. Although he was not there, we could take credit and let Kakashi Teacher pay the bill."

Sasuke frowned said: "Credit?"

Can this work?

Hinata lifted his chin and patted his chest to assure: "Just because I am Eldest Young Lady of Hyuga Clan, I still have several points of face and credibility at the Barbecue Shop."

Hinata of course had a face in Konoha, under the banner of Hyuga Clan Eldest Young Lady, he said that he would let Kakashi Teacher pay the bill, and the Boss of Barbecue Shop was convinced.

In the past few years, Hinata has spent a lot in Barbecue Shop.

Me, Hinata, big money!

Barbecue Shop Boss is very enthusiastic. As Hinata Eldest Young Lady just became Genin, she brought her teammates to Barbecue Shop to celebrate. Barbecue Shop Boss also specially delivered several plates of meat.

As for the reason why Barbecue Shop Boss delivers meat...

That's because he originally wanted to treat guests, but was rejected by Hinata's righteous words. How can I dignified the Eldest Young Lady of Hyuga Clan?

This meal must be invited by Kakashi.

No way, Barbecue Shop Boss can only send a few more plates of meat.

Among the three Hinata people, Sasuke's appetite is the smallest, Naruto second, the biggest appetite is Hinata.

Someone treats the guests without worrying.

Hinata completely let go of his appetite and ate a big meal, not knowing that he would eat Kakashi's salary for several months.

With enough food and drink, Naruto leaned on his chair and covered his stomach with a satisfied expression.

Sasuke is interested in asking Hinata about the training. Today's test can be said to blow away Sasuke's self-confidence.

Even if Kakashi is Jonin, Hinata's strength is not much weaker than Kakashi. How can Sasuke accept it?