
Kodesh: The Last Demon

The Realm of Magic had existed for eons...But never had it witnessed a battle as bloody as The Battle of Yuansas-- the one that sealed the fate of the Demon Clan...wiping the demons off the face of the Realm. Two centuries later, a red eyed, dark haired girl appeared on the horizon of the Realm. Her origins were shrouded in mystery, her past-- obscure. All people knew was that she was one to be feared-- to be treated with caution, as there was not one skill existing in the Realm that this girl did not possess. As long as she did not pose a threat, she could be dealt with easily. But the girl posed something much more than just a threat... her ambitions were wild-- just like her. In a mighty siege, she lay the foundation of the unified Realm of Magic-- Kodesh. And as suddenly as she had appeared, did she vanish from the world... Did she die? Five hundred years later, the birth of a purple eyed princess stirred something more than a discontent in the Kingdom of Kodesh. It stirred the urge of a certain someone to return to the world she has founded. Who was she? What were her secrets? What are her motives? Why did she leave? To come back again? What will happen when Her Highness Kodesha returns to the battle-wrecked world? Read on to find out the story of the Last Demon...

Pole_Star · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


The Battle of Yuansas....

Amid piles of corpses and the stench of blood, stood a tall figure. A heavy metal arrow had pierced his chest and it's spiked head, now red with his blood, was sticking out of his shattered armour. The meshes of silvery hair on his head were all stained brown with blood and dirt. The open sword that he clenched in his right hand was glimmering no more, it's blade covered with a thick layer of blood.

He was Altyra-- the last ruler of the Demon Clan.

With a thud, he dropped to his knees on the blood-soaked soil.

"You finally surrender," a voice cackled overhead. Looking up, he met the evil gaze of a white haired lean man. In his hands, glowed a green circle of light.

"You won't get away with this," Altyra smirked.

"Still arrogant? Look around. There is not one demon left who can avenge you and your clan. You demons are done for. Why don't you be humble and accept the fact?"

"What do you want?"

"Ahha! There you are! Finally you said something sensible. I won't demand much, just hand me over The Blood Amulet."

A crooked smile spread on Altyra's lips.

"The Blood Amulet? You don't deserve it."

The white haired man smiled maliciously. "Do you think you are still in a position to decide?"

"Even if I am not, I can assure you, the Blood Amulet you are vying for, has long been destroyed. It is gone, and will not come back."

Those words seemed to hit the man hard. He narrowed his thin eyes, a murderous glint in them. "Destroyed? Or hidden?"

Altyra smiled. "Whatever it is, King Altenus, I have personally seen to it that villains like you never get to possess it."

Altenus cackled, "My dear brother! Even though we have parted ways long ago, I have never seen you as a villain! But you.."

"You have never seen me as a villain? Isn't that because I am not a villain?" Altyra's smirk broadened. "Altenus, you have betrayed us in every way possible just to get hold of the Blood Amulet. This bloody battle, this huge destruction- all due to your greed. Anyways, I know it's no use schooling someone like you. But mark my words. Someday, you will repent. Someone will come, to avenge the Demons and slay traitors like you. That day, you will surely repent."

Altenus burst out laughing. "Surely, brother. I will wait for that day. I will wait for that someone to come. But I am afraid there will be no such person. I will personally ensure that no bloodline of the demons manages to survive."

His vicious hiss splashed on Altyra's ears, but he did not even bat an eyelid. As his breath began to grow heavier, and his eyes started dimming, the Demon King smiled yet again, "Someone.... will surely come."