
Of My Own Story?

I slowly raised myself back up after the pain from my head subsided.

No knowing where else I could go after realizing that I might have transmigrated to ancient China, I walked back up the same alley way that I ran down from and trying to go back to the house that I also just ran away from. As I walk back up the alley, there's a lot of questions in my head like what kind of dynasty did I transmigrated to? or if there's a reason as to why I transmigrated to ancient china? After all, doesn't a lot of Chinese dramas shows that every time when the female lead transmigrated, there is reason behind it? While thinking about all this question, I looked up and saw that I have already arrived back to the house that I thought it was set up that my so called-kidnappers spent money on because of their "kinks".... before I walked up and open the gate, I look up to see what family house I am living under.

Since back in ancient China, the higher class usually has a board that hung above the gate with their family name, so that everyone that walks pass it knows whose house it belongs too...at least that's what I thought.

Cause for some reason the board that is hung above the gate has no characters or words stating whose house it is what-so-ever. Basically this house is nameless....

Did I walk to the wrong house...but I should be right, since I don't remember seeing any other gates as I run down the alley.

I walked up and slowly open the gates to take a peek if I got the right house or not, seeing the familiar clothing and familiar scene, I let out a sigh of relieve and open the door more confidently this time. As I walk back into the house and passes by the servants, the servants just nonchalantly greeted me politely once again and went back on doing their own things.

I looked at them confusingly, since usually a young miss from a rich household -- at least I assume I am since I have servants and living in one of the ancient China's mansions-- suddenly ran out of the house acting like a crazy person will usually stir up the whole entire house, and the parents would usually run up in front of their daughters and teach them a lesson on how to be a proper lady or something like that... but that didn't happen to me.

Everyone are just minding their own business like nothing happened, as they should but... it is just not what I expected. Am I not loved in this household? But even if I am not loved, shouldn't there at least be someone that starts staring at me like I am a weird creature or get yelled and spanked at after doing something stupid? I walk back to the room that I first woke up to but I don't see the young girl that was serving me before, so opened the door of the room, but she's also not inside. Thinking that she might have been tired waiting for me and went and did her own things, I called one of the servants over and asked the servant to tell the girl that was originally serving me so to help me wash up and get dressed.

The servant bowed and said "I understand, Xiajie (young miss)" before leaving.

I opened the room and took a good look at the room. Although the room may not be as extravagant as I have seen in historical Chinese drama, it is still nice and simple. Everything is done in a simple matter, nothing fancy, I like it. Later I should ask that young girl all the questions that I have in mind. I hope that she'll able to answer majority of the questions that I have about this world. When I was just thinking about that, there is a knock on the door and a young girl voice spoke out "Xiaojie, I have arrived to help you wash and get dressed"

However, this young girl voice is different from the one that I heard this morning. I turned around, and indeed I was right, the young girl is not the same as the girl from this morning. I asked this new girl "What happen to the new girl that was serving me this morning?"

The new girl lifted her head a bit and said "Xiaojie, I am that girl that served you this morning."

"Huh? If that girl is is being punished because of what I have done, I will personally go and apologize myself" I said in a worried tone, after all, I do feel bad if she suffered because of me.

The new girl tilted her head a bit and looked at me worriedly "Xiojie, there is no such thing. I've been serving you ever since we were young, so it has been me the whole entire time."

Something is weird..."I see, then do you know what happened this morning between me and you?" I questioned her

"To answer that question" said the new girl "Xiaojie suddenly said something weird and thought that nucai...." she paused a bit then continued "may have steal something from you... but after xiaojie realized that nucai did not, xiaojie just suddenly wanted to walk out of the mansion without getting wash and dress."

Well...she did majority of the details correct...did she eavesdrop on us by any chance? But before I continue onto this question, I have other important questions to ask.

"I want to see how much you know about me so I'll test you right now on that" I said while smiling at her sweetly.

The new girl was little bit surprise with the sudden test, but she agreed to it "Yes, I will try my best"

"What is my name?" I asked

"Xiaojie's name is..." the new girl paused a bit and furrowed her brows,

I looked her and said "don't tell me you don't know my name?.....how can you forget about my name when you said your the one that have been serving me since you were young?"

The new girl suddenly kneeled down and did the same thing as what the girl this morning did. She spoke in a scared voice and said "I sincerely apologize xiaojie, I don't know why I suddenly can't remember your name"

I can't count this girl on answering my questions, so I told her calmly "its fine, bring me another servant to this room, anyone is fine"

After thinking about it, something is weird with this girl, so I Should not trust her at all. so I hurriedly added another sentence "Actually, it's fine, I'll ask them my self."

I went out of the room and picked four random people that is doing different things, in case the people that I accidently picked out turned out to be as questioning as the new girl.

so I asked the new four servants the same first question, but I told them to answer the question at the same time "what's my name?"

But then all four of them also does not remember my name for some reason, and they kneeled and went into the same position as the girl from this morning and the new girl before. I swear... does ancient people really not care about their knees and skull that much. Cause I feel like I can almost feel their pain when they bang their knees and heads onto the floor...sigh

So I picked another four more, but the same scenario happened...

wtf is the only term that is going through my head right now, where i can think of million of situations why they don't remember my name... or maybe not willing to say it.

But I moved onto the next question, I asked the eight servants that are currently in my room, though I feel like they may not be able to answer this question since they don't even know my name.

"What is our family name (Last name)?"

As I expected, none of them can answer it. I wonder if it is connected to the reason why this family name is not stated outside the board that is hung above the gated door.

"Are both of parents still alive?" I asked

All of them said yes without hesitation this time.

"Where are they right now?" I continued on

None of them are able to answer once again.

"Do I have any siblings?"

With harmonization, they said "No"

"What is our family business"

No answer.

Weird....very weird....I kept telling myself, but I continue with my questions.

"What our kingdom's name?"

They all answered "The kingdom of Si"

The kingdom of Si?? I thought to myself, as a straight A student with all types of history courses, I have never heard of the Kingdom of Si. But for some reason... it sounds familiar.

"What is the current emperor's name?"

They all said "Emperor Si Ming of Kingdom Si"

Emperor Si Ming?? Once again, I have not heard of this name before...but for some reason it sounds familiar.

I bang my head to try to remember why the hell this kingdom and emperor sounds so familiar although I'm 99% sure that they have never existed in the history that I have learned....

Ah....I remember

Didn't this kingdom and emperor existed...in the cringy ass romance historical fiction novel that I wrote out of boredom when I was in High school?