
Knowing Her: When two become One

A mirror shows only the truth even if in reverse so her she stood looking in the mirror watching as the reflection that reflected back into her eyes shows a broken girl. She didn’t care but he did and from his perspective, he could see the broken and the tamed girl as his reflection was hers and his alone. “ Why don't I cool you down? ” Throwing the water on him. He froze in shock as he stood there drenched then he spoke a few cold and distant words I had heard before and knew all too well “Why would a bitch like you even dare to talk to me if you just wanted to humiliate me?” That was our first encounter and with all that shits going down. I knew it was gonna bite

WritingMasterMoon · Người nổi tiếng
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29 Chs

Chapter 14

Azulia POV

I was confused by why Bea thought that Disneyland was the place that I of all people would be the most excited about but it's whatever. As the car stopped we both got out and got our things it was interesting because we didn't really have a plan but we came up with one while in the car it was and I quote " ok Bea I don't want to stay long so lets get a motel not some fancy-ass hotel that just charges you for every time you open the god damn door no some rusty dusty and mother fuckin crusty ass motel that may or may not have bed bugs and a tape outline of a dead body on the fucking floor ok nothing big and bold i want something crappy and old ya hear me." I now regret my words as we stand in front of a motel that looks like a small gust of wind would blow it down. But it got worse as I looked to my right there was a cat sized rat A FUCKING RAT THE SIZE OF A CAT and all bea had to say was " well you did say you wanted rusty dusty and crusty right well now ya got rusty dusty crusty and yucky." as she said that her face made a soft smile that said i'm just doin what was asked of me. We get inside and it's actually not that bad as I look around bea gets us checked in. We then went to our room. That once again was a surprising sight after seeing the outside of the place and feeling like I was gonna puke. Bea layed on the bed and said

"Hey look Zul no bed bugs hehe and also no tape outline of a dead body haha I've outdone myself once again." her voice proud and gloating. I would then unpack and go to take a shower. After I close the bathroom door I am greeted with a nice center shower head that I can stand under and still have room to roam. I turn on the water to let it heat up and I take off my clothing. My eyes closed and I remembered that night how his skin felt on mine and how too far went beyond I thought it could and I opened my eyes in a rush as I threw off my clothing and I hugged my body close. After a second I got into the shower and watched as the water flows over my head and down my body and I shivered as the water hit every spot his fingers did and I remember my moans and question if it was all my fault that he pushed too far or if i was being silly and acting like a child by running from him.