
Chapter 2

The night sky seemed to skim my fingertips as I let my hands glide across the surface of the pool. The stars darted away as I reached for them, riding the ripples in the water. The night air was fresh, rolling through the west mountains, a hint of salt in the breeze. I sat on the rocks by the rain pool letting my feet dangle into the water as I moved my hand across the surface.

After what felt like another hour of peace, I finally pulled myself too standing. slipping my shoes on, I stared down the rocky path back to the town. The night was peaceful but I much preferred the day. That way, you could always see what was coming. Granted, there are no monsters in the dark, but there are people. That's why my dagger always sat at my waste, the self carved runes lay across the sides of the blade. My fingers would always find their way to it's hilt when I was nervous or alone with my thoughts.

My eyes instinctively searched the tall pine trees which sat at the base of the mountain. I never went far up when I explored, too many people from our tribe had been lost to the endless crevices and outcrops of the range. I did not want to join them.

I was one of two people from the Saros tribe that was leaving for the royal guards as soon as the sun rose. The ride would be long and would take me out of the west mountains, further than I had been before. The tribe leaders had noticed my affinity for the psychological side of magic at a young age. They began my training swiftly afterwards, seeking out the best people in the tribe to prepare me for joining the guards.

First I had learnt to read and understand the runic language. Then they taught me how to use runestones to cast magic. Then they gave me crystals, teaching me to understand their properties and uses. When I was 12, I was taught by a woman in a village how to mix runes and crystals to their best potential. I had ended up making my own set of rune stones with crystal cores to enhance them. For a long time I used them solely, no other weapons at my aid. A little under a year ago I had begun sword training but to no avail. I could pick up the basics and I could defend myself but nothing more. The best warriors in our tribe had tried to teach me but I just couldn't pick up the dangerous craft. A few weeks ago I had been given a dagger instead, that's when it clicked. The smaller weapon fit me alot better. I could jab quickly with it as it lay light in my hands, making for smoother movements. I had ended up making my own a few days ago, asking the village blacksmith to craft one that fit my hand. Then I spent a few hours carving patterns and inscriptions onto it's grip and blade.

Wherever I went I carried my blade and stones with me. My blade hung at my waist and the same for my stones, both attached to my belt. It gave me a sense of security and safety.

A warm hue was beginning to peek over the horizon, the stars retreating into the west ocean. I could now see the village and it's houses built into the rock. my pace quickened as I needed to grab my bag from the community lodge before I left for the east.

I crept my way into the community lodge. The cool stone on the ground floor was quiet to walk on but the poorly built upper floor was another story. I quietly grabbed my couple of belongings and put them in saddle bag. My feet lingered in the room even though i knew i had to leave. This had been my room, my little corner of the village. So many memories were made in this room.


"Lea!" Zriniet yelled after me, our feet pounding into the ground as we ran down the side of the mountain. The night air is filled with our childish squeals. Her small hand grabbed mine as we ran. We were filled with adrenaline and excitement.

Her dress floated behind her, dancing around her knees as she skipped. I smiled as she grabbed my hands, spinning us around as we stood on the edge of the shallow pond. I could still see the specs of gold in her green eyes in the dark. Two beacons guiding me, keeping me safe. Suddenly she stopped us spinning and just stared at me, smiles spread across both of our faces.


I pulled myself up onto the horse, the village's magic could have taken me to the royal guards but then our defences would be down. We don't need another attack from Antares. Zriniet pulled herself up onto the horse next to me, her expression grim as she got comfortable.

"You still want to go right Zriniet?" I said with a strained smile

"Yeah of course, of course!", "Don't look at me like that, you really want to just leave the tribe behind just for a job that will probably get us killed?"

"You don't sugar coat anything, do you."