
Chapter 104 Clash

Robert Roy: Finally, you did what you wanted to do, not caring about anything.Sighs.

Drake:Definitely not.I did everything according to my mind so that I can take care of the people who mean important to me unlike someone else.Said with his poker face.

Robert:Averting his gaze from his son, now takes a moment to look at the woman standing next to him with scornful expressions and a bit of anger in his aged eyes.

Ayesha :In my mind....As far as I have noticed all of their encounters and interactions , they are always fighting with their aura and orbs.They must have had something that ruined their bond.I need to know about it from Drake.I will ask him when we will go to home.


My mind comes back to reality when Drake's father called me with names..It is also justified as we didn't have a normal interaction before.

I look back at him.