

THE ALPHA’S SECOND CHANCE MATE. “You will go back to the time when you met your mate, fall in love and eventually your heart will bleed again when you watch how she died.” The Moon Goddess looked at Micah bitterly. “That will be your punishment.” The moon goddess wouldn’t let him get away with this. However, the punishment that awaited the Alpha was nothing like what he had thought. And Micah had to watch her die countless times, as he would die as well everytime he failed to save her… *** It hurt like hell when Alpha Micah realized that he had to let go of the love of his life, because he was waiting for the impossible to happen. Hazel has died and even though his mind told him to let go, his heart told him to hold on. How is he supposed to forget all the memories that they created together? How is he supposed to forget all of that? How is he supposed to forget about her…?

jikanyotomare · Kỳ huyễn
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212 Chs


His name was Charos and he was the leader of this centaurs pack. His aura was very dominant, even without anyone telling her, Hazel could guess his identity without a problem.

He was the leader that Archer told her about earlier, especially when he walked toward them, all the centaurs had lowered their heads solemnly. This reminded Hazel of all the shifters in the manor and also in the palace. Whenever Micah walked in front of them, they would look very serious and didn't even dare to raise their heads in the presence of their king.

For some reason, Hazel was excited to see this and now she really wanted to know more about the history of this realm. There must be a grandeur history pertaining to all the creatures in this realm, just like those fictional stories, but this one was real.

While Hazel was wonderstruck by the presence of the leader of the centaurs. She didn't even notice the strange gaze that Gillian and Archer gave to her.