
Chapter one

I walked outside and the cold autumn wind blew through my thick blonde curls. I sighed heavily, very annoyed with the weather. It was so bi-polar lately. I struggled to walk steadily in the new heels my mother was forcing me to break into. I must have a gazillion pair by now and I don't wear a single pair of them, willingly. I became flustered as I missed a beat and stumbled forward. My best friend caught me in his strong arms, "careful Case," he said lightly. His piercing blue eyes met my own emerald green eyes. We both righted our selves quickly and it was obvious that he towered over me, even in six-inch heels. He ran his hand through his short brown and hair and smirked, "your mom again?" He asked playfully. I looked up at him with pain in my eyes, "it's not funny! She's going too far now." My voice squeaked a little on the last word and blood rushed to my face as my embarrassment settled over me.

He laughed loudly, a deep, rich laugh and closed the distance between us. My even breathing sped up as he moved closer to me.

"Come live with me then," he whispered, while lightly brushing my ear, in a seductive voice. My face only heated up more, I couldn't believe he was acting like this!

"What are you talking about?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice as even as possible. He smiled coolly, "I was just kidding, Case. Don't get so angry with me. Here, take these," he said, while handing me dark purple sneakers.

I squealed in delight and eagerly took the sneakers. "Hurry, though, we're going to be late."

I thanked him and he turned away from me as I changed my shoes. In this town, it's common courtesy to do so. I was very glad to have a friend like Kyle. I'd definitely end the day in bad shape if I actually had to walk in these heels.

After I finished changing my shoes we hurried off to school. Upon entering my first period class I smacked right in to somebody, the body was hard and lean. I rubbed my head, feeling the full force of the hit settle in my head. I really should pay more attention, I scolded myself. I followed the length of his warm, hard body to his tight jaw line, continued to his thick light pick lips, I met with the grey eyes that held that stony look, and finally I reached feathery blonde hair that reached just above his ears. I took in a deep breath and I apologized with a shaky voice. He cocked his lips into a half smile, "just don't do it again, Casey."

My eyes widened in shock and I rushed past him as fast as my feet would let me to find my seat. Fear started to well up in my chest, how did he know my name? I've never even seen him before.

I wasn't paying any mind to the front of the room until the teacher walked in with the boy trailing her. His expression was stony, yet I was still paralyzed by him. I don't think that this feeling is a good thing either, I felt as if I was being suffocated by fear. I realized he was staring at me and I looked down at the sketches in my notebook to avoid those haunting eyes.

"This is Trent. Make sure all of you give him a warm welcome," the teacher chirped. Some students muttered hello's and a majority of the girls in the class whispered hellos and giggled quietly to show their interest. I did neither, in fact, I was trying to completely ignore his existence.

I felt a chill run down my spine as he took the empty seat behind me. His desk squeaked as he leaned forward in his desk. His breath was hot on my neck and gave me a little thrill. I still had fear rising in my throat, though. His soft lips brushed my earlobe and his slow, even breathing tickled my ear.

Quietly he whispered in my ear, "you're mine."