
Chapter 2

My body tensed and the fear in my throat intensified. Who was this guy? And who did he think he was to claim me? I noticed his lips were close enough to my back that they were brushing the back of my neck lightly. I leaned forward to escape the unnerving thrill that I was feeling from the contact. I heard him laugh quietly, as if mocking me for being scared of him. I spent the whole class period in a daze of fear and excitement. This guy had my feelings mixed up, but was that necessarily a bad thing? Yet, I couldn't answer that question for myself if I tried. I have no idea what kind of guy he is. His head leaned against my shoulder and a sudden rush traveled through me. "What do you want?" I whispered harshly. He blinked his eyes innocently and smiled, "Class is over Beautiful." My body instinctively jerked back, "Don't call me that."

I stood up quickly and walked away. I could not believe the nerve of that guy. I hadn't even known him for two hours and he thought he could pick me up like I was some slutty school girl. Well Fuck that, that guy was wasting his time on me. I knew I was mumbling under my breath, but I did not care due to the amount of anger that was pumping through my veins. "Casey, are you okay?" I felt Kyle's hand grab my shoulder firmly and he stood in front of me, searching my face anxiously. "I'm fine Kyle. I'm just going to class, get out of the way!" I knew by the look on his face that I had unintentionally yelled at him and he was not going to give up until I told him why. "Casey," he said softly, "Be real with me."

I sighed heavily and collapsed onto the lockers, "This guy, I don't even know. He just bothers me." I let my shoulders slump and Kyle watches me closely. "Do I know him?" he asks nonchalantly. "You don't know him, it's his first day." I watch as Kyle shrugs his shoulders, an annoyed look on his face, which had recently looked so worried. What was his problem? I just told him what's wrong and now he's acting like i'm annoying him. I scoff, roll my eyes, and walk past him making sure to bump his shoulder aggressively. "Case!" He turns after me, sighing loudly, "I'm sorry, what did I do?"

"Why does it matter? You'll just be annoyed anyway. Just leave me alone!" He trailed me all the way to class, "Casey, don't be mad at me. You wouldn't even be walking that easily without my shoes. Casey? Come on, talk to me."

I stopped and snapped my head up at him, "Fine. Give me my heels back." I dramatically kicked off the sneakers he gave me. "I don't need you."

"Casey, seriously. What are you doing? I didn't even do anything wrong." he said desperately. I didn't waste another word on him. I stood stiffly, my feet cold with the tiled school floor beneath them, and held my hand out for my shoes. "What ever," he said softly and a little brokenly. He dropped the heels on the floor in front of me, picked up the purple sneakers, and left slowly and hesitantly.

I didn't feel any remorse, not even at lunch when we sat on opposite end of the cafeteria. "Is that your boy friend?" I heard that deep voice behind me and I jumped as he made contact by placing his hand on my shoulder lightly. My body stiffened and I avoided his eyes as I replied, "Who?"

"The one that keeps looking this way, I think his name is Kyle. By the way, those heels make your legs look great."

I growled at him, "For one, Kyle is not boyfriend, he is my friend. Well, not so much today though. And second, I want you to stop being a pervert or I will get the authorities involved."

He moved close to me slowly and the chill rushed through me again, "you will never get the authorities involved between us. If you do, I might have to kill you."

My breath caught and the fear coursed through my whole body. Did he really mean it? He laughed lightly as he pulled away, as if he was just telling me a flirty joke. It made him attractive. Trent is dangerous and he was locked on to pulling me into that world of danger with him. This was going to be an interesting ride.

Kyle caught up to me after lunch, his eyes had softened and he was pouting like a child. I giggled at the sight of him, "You know that doesn't work on me." His face brightened, "Sure, that's why I got a laugh out of you." I stopped and looked at him seriously, crossing my arms to heighten the effect. He just smiled widely at me, knowing I was going to give in to him. It was hard to stay mad at Kyle, he's been by my side longer than anyone besides my mother. I let a smile play on my lips long enough to see the hope flash through his eyes, then I turned my back on him and walked away snickering. Might as well play with him a little longer, I can't forgive him totally yet. What he did, well, it was harsh.

I noticed Trent fall into step with me. "Listen, you probably think i'm weird. I am, but I'm just a bad joker and I kind of wanted to make sure you weren't dating that kid," he said, with a hint of nerves creeping into his voice. I shrugged at him and picked up my pace slightly. He hardly noticed the change in pace and moved closer to me. "I wanna take you on a date," his voice full of intimacy. A chill went through my body, but I shook it off. I hardly knew this guy, though I felt an attraction to him, should I really go on a date with him? I sighed, getting ready to reject him in the nicest way possible, but he stepped in front of me suddenly. I lost my pace and fell into him, he steadied me and looked into my eyes. His former stony eyes were full of passion and it made me blush slightly. "Please go out with me," he whispered. He tucked a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear and I relaxed into his touch. "Okay," was what I heard myself saying and then immediately regretting. He smiled at me intimately and I smiled back, not being able to control the attraction I felt toward him. Damn myself, I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.