

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Thành thị
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54 Chs

Chapter seventeen.

After a couple of minutes drive, Liam reached the hospital premises for medication. The doctor verbally rechecked Anna and then injected the medicine through the cannula.

"Hope you didn't feel chestache again" The doctor said teasingly to which Anna snickered. After all the injections, the couple got back in their car and left. Instead of going home, Anna realised that they were intering deeper into the city. She tightened her seat as she got ready to explore the capital city of their country.

After several blocks, Liam pulled over in front of one of the most famous malls in the country. Anna's jaw dropped on the ground in awe of the beauty the building has. She had heard about it from multiple people and on social media praising it but in reality, it looked so exquisitely beautiful.

It was as if the whole building was made of glasses as she could clearly see through all shopping sections. It was daytime but different kinds of lights where lit inside making it more colourful and fancy.

As they walked through the hallway, Anna noticed how almost all people gazed at her with different facial expressions. She clung to Liam's arm like little girl trying to hide from their scrutiny.

Liam noticed her uneasiness and pulled her closer. They walked a few more steps until they reached the elevator. As soon as they got inside, Liam hugged her from behind then inserted his hand inside her skirt.

Anna slapped his hand off of her with a whimper, "Stop! What if somebody finds us like this"

"Who can dare?" Liam wispered in her ear living light kisses on her nape.

Anna tried to protest but it came out as a whimper, feeling his hard pressing on her butt and his warm mouth on her skin knocked out her breathe.

"I like seeing you vulnerable in my hands crying for help" Liam said pinching on her waist.

"Ahh" Anna hissed, she couldn't see anymore as her eyes rolled in their sockets. With a parted mouth, she threw her head back giving in but Liam gently pushed her forward, they had reached their destination.

Anna entered into a room that seemed to be an office judging by its furniture, computers and file shelves in it. She wanted to sit down as her knees trembled but didn't want to at the same time. All she wanted now was to be touched and devoured. She leaned her butt on the table not sure of what to do or say. Gone was her smiles and talkativeness, she stared at the cannula needle as well as the rings on her fingers in reverie.

Deafening silence filled the room momentarily until Liam reappeared with a wrapped gift. He lifted her up and made her sit on top of the table and then stood between her parted legs.

"Open it" Liam said, moving his right hand on her exposed thigh.

Anna looked at a small box with sheer curiosity, she grabbed the gift and shook it near her ear before unwrapping it. Her heart started racing in nervousness. Receiving gifts from friends and family is always a normal thing but a gift from that special person who turns your life upside down is another sweet special thing. Mostly not when he's unblinkingly gazing at every move you make.

"What is it?" She asked looking into his eyes,

"Check it out." He said with a shrug,

Anna heaved a loud reassuring sigh and went on to open the thing but as soon as she saw the so called gift, her blood froze in her veins. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes and her lips started trembling.

"You're kidding, right" She asked in a cracking voice. Her eyes searched for lies in his serious but smiley dark eyes but found nothing.

"As in, this thing is mine?" Anna asked for a second time when he didn't answer.

"Do you know that you look ugly when you cry?" Liam asked teasingly.

As if it was a yes to her, she snuggled closer to him and threw her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer with a tight grip. She tried to form a word in her mouth but the lump in her throat suffocated her.

She burst into tears.

Why wouldn't she sob when the gift was worth millions of shillings, anyway. Liam kept patting her back soothingly untill she calmed down a bit.

"You're ruining my t-shirt, miss" Liam said after a while, a teasing smile already plastered on his lips.

Anna let go of him and pushed her body back to provide space between them. Liam gave her a tissue to wipe her licking eyes and nose.

It was a latest brand-new iPhone. Not like the one Stella had given her, this was the trending latest and most expensive iPhone all-over the world, even all her family members combined, nobody could afford it. Besides the phone, there was a small pale pink fluffy fur cat doll airpod case. Her happiness knew no bounds as she grinned like a little kid given a candy, she kissed the it.

" You like it" Liam asked.

"Uh huh!" She hummed while nodding vigorously. "Thank you so much, may God bless you abundantly."

Liam smiled at her sweet reaction. He leaned forward and kissed on her forehead. Her happiness melt his heart, he carried her down and packed the gifts and their accessories in a small bag.

"I need to go somewhere." He said cupping her cheeks, "My driver will take you at Cj's for your lunch as you wait for me, alright? You can have whatever you want, the bill is on me."

Till now did Anna remember about the café, she had been in comfort zone forgetting about her job. She nodded again and Liam walked her out of the building. They found the guy she had seen with Max at the night club a moth ago waiting for them besides Liam's car. Liam helped her get inside the car and then pecked on her lips.

"Take care" He said and closed the door. Anna watched his retreating back till he disappeared in the building.

She held the bag on her chest with love and adoration. Her heart burst into joy for a thousandth time, she was feeling like a most luckiest princess alive.

Within five minutes, they had reached the café, it was only a few blocks away from the mall. Anna hopped out of the car with full speed not even saying a single word to the guy who had drove her and got inside her working building.

"Woah! Look at who disappeared without a word?" Paul exclaimed out loud as soon as he laid his eyes on Anna.

As if he had alerted all her colleagues, they swarmed around her in a minute's time.

"Hey!" Anna greeted with a wide grin.

"What happened to you, girl. We tried to call you but you're number wasn't going through, Mr Balaji told us that you were sick, what's wrong?" Christine asked with a frown.

Anna narrated to them how she had gotten robbed on Thursday and how she had suffered to go home trekking and how she had ended up falling sick because of much fatigue and grieve for her cellphones and money. She didn't say anything relating to Liam though.

"Why didn't you call me for transport fare" Christine asked with a serious face and everybody cussed her in different languages accept Anna who just laughed at her.

"Would she have used her ass to call you miss shortie?" Paul asked with a raised brow.

" Who the hell are you calling shortie, am 4'8 Mr!" Christine said shaking her head like to emphasize her point.

"Jokes aside" Comfort said, "How are you holding up with all that loss? On the way you loved your iPhone, you could've been wailing till now."

Anna shrugged, "I got compensated so, i'm fine."

"With another iPhone?" Christine asked first.

Anna laid the bag on the table with a million dollar smile, "Well..." She said pointing on it with both hands.

Frank was the first one to grab the bag from the table to open it, everybody waited impatiently to see what was inside.

They'll gasped in shock.

"No way!" They all denied in unison as they rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren't playing tricks on them. Everybody grabbed it from one another just to have a chance of holding it.

"You're kidding, right?" Comfort asked in a serious tone. "Do you know how much that iPhone costs?"

"I don't know, all in know is that it's expensive" Anna said.

"Bae! It's in ten million shillings" Comfort said and Anna denied her claims.

"It's the truth Anna" Paul confirmed, "If only these airpods costs nine hundred thousand shillings, how about a Pro Max lasted model iPhone? I don't even know how you will be safe with them."

'Ten million what?' She started freaking out...

"Who bought it for you, madam?" Christine asked with narrowed eyes like any mother could aske her kid.

"My uncle"

"Uncle my foot, don't tell me that our good girl started doing sugar daddies?" Frank asked.

"Oh Lord, I don't care who or where our iPhone came from. All I care about is that it's ours now. Please protect it for us, God." Comfort said emphasising the word 'our' then kissed it.

All Ann's colleagues laughed at Comfort's silly claim. This is what she had missed for two whole days. Anna left them taking selfies and videos and went to meet Mr Balaji. As Liam had told him about her sickness, he didn't ask her much questions. He just wished her a quick recovery.

Anna ordered for food as she was told and ate as she watched her toxic colleagues film themselves in turns while holding her iPhone, just showing it off.