

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Thành thị
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54 Chs

Chapter four.

Anna served drinks gracefully and professionally with her smile still plastered on her face until Mr Balaji tapped on her and told her to go serve in one corner. Anna had nothing else but to heed her boss's Oder.

Anna was still serving the guests in the corner with her spirit high until she noticed a familiar figure leaning on the wall. She immediately halted, her heart pickig a pace in an instance.

Lo and behold, Liam was gracefully standing infront of her. What worsened Anna's anxiety was that all his eyes was on her. She immediately felt like soon having a running stomach. The way he stared back at her dug holes in her heart. She had desperately wished that he could see how gorgeous she looks; but it was earlier. Now she wished the ground could swallow her whole. His sharp gaze pierced her insides....as if his eyes captivating hers, she couldn't break his spinal chilling eye contact.

"...hello, miss." Only then did Anna divert her eyes from his. It was a young boy calling her while waving his little hand at her.

" Are you alright, miss?" The little boy asked. Anna nodded with the most fake and nervous smile she could ever afford.

" I'm alright thank you, mister." She said staring down at the boy. She couldn't dare look up again at Liam. She felt like running into hiding but how could she when the boy talking to her seemed to be related to Liam only judging by their similar skin colour and hair texture.

The boy smiled ear to ear. "Do you mind telling me your name?"

"Anna, sir"

" Oh! Anna suits you"

" Thank you..."

" Ron, you can call me Ron." The boy said with full excited vibes. The disco ball lights In the parlor enhanced the boys cuteness even more and more.

" Thank you Ron." Anna mildly smiled. All she wanted right now was to get lost. She was attempting to leave but the boy wasn't done yet.

" You're so beautiful, right Lexie?" The girl standing besides Liam replied with a yes. Her smile kind and genuine to which Anna noticed.

The boy then looked at Liam, "Right, Liam?" Anna looked at Liam to see him nod. ' Wait, d-did he, just....'

" Do you have a boyfriend, Anna?" Anna looked back at the boy with wide eyes. She blinked several times to make sure she heard him clearly. It wasn't only Anna who was flabbergasted, even Liam was and the girl besides him.

" Excuse me, sir?" Her smile had already been replaced by a mild frown. Her blood pressure rising higher and higher. ' Oh Lord, receive my poor soul, please. I can't breathe anymore, help....'

" Call me Ron please!" The boy said, "My mom says that I'm the most handsome man alive and am looking for a beautiful girl alive like you to be my girlfriend." 

' Chill boy, am dead.'

The boy knelt on one knee, " So, miss Anna. Will you be my girlfriend?" The boy said and everyone around them who was witnessing laughed. Besides Liam, of course.

Anna's throat was too dry to swallow her Saliva. " W-what....?" 

" Oh, yes! I know that am only six but I promise to marry you when I grow big and tall like Liam" The boy said making a puppy face, " Please!"

" Yes" Anna nodded, how could she break the boy's tiny heart? At least, she didn't have to answer the earlier tricky question ; wether she has a boyfriend or not infront of her crush.

"Yay!" Ron hugged Anna's legs in pure excitement and Anna wondered if he will ever react the same way to his to-be real girlfriends in future. " You even smell like the sweetest candies in the whole world! What's the name of your perfume? I want to use it too."

Anna giggled whole heartedly this time, revealing her white teeth; momentarily forgetting about Liam's presence. How couldn't she laugh when her little adorable boyfriend was comparing her to anything but candies?

" Alright Mr handsome" Anna sat on her heels to level up their heights, the tray still on her hand. Anna took a blue lollipop out of her skirt pockets and showed it to Ron. "This is it"

The boy immediately gulped at the site of it, " You can have it" Anna assured but boy was still doubting. All his confidence had vanished at the site a one lollipop.

" Really?"

" Of course, aren't you my dear boyfriend?" Anna asked and Ron nodded as he grabbed the lollipop in an instance. The boy giggled in sheer happiness.

" Thank you, Anna. I love you so much." Before Anna could reply to his confessions, the boy had already initiated a kiss on her right cheek then threw his tiny cute arms around her neck.

People laughed again at the amusing site.

"Easy there young man!" Anna said amidst giggles. The duo were like in the world of their own forgetting about the rest untill Ron saw someone.

" Lewis!" Ron called out and ran away immediately to the person. Only then did Anna's senses come back to her, when she remembered that she was still in Liam's watch, she quickly stood up on her feet . ' How reckless of me....'

".... yes, she's now my girlfriend" Ron boasted. " See! She even gave me this"

Anna's jaw dropped on the floor at the site of the guy called Lewis. "OH. MY. GOD!" She exclaimed under her breath, her mouth agape. The guy was a spitting image of Liam. Everything about them looked exactly the same. Anna looked at Liam, then at Lewis and at Liam, and again at Lewis in total astonishment. 'They could be twins; no, identical twins? This is horrible, how could someone look just exactly like another? Same; fair skin tone, dark hair, dark eyes, thick eyebrows, strong masculine tall bodies .....

" Anna, meet my brother Lewis." The boy brought Anna back from her wonderland.

"Hi, miss Anna." Lewis said and stretched his arm for a handshake. Anna accepted his hand with a small smile on her lips with a plain 'Hi' Unless Liam's aloof gaze, Lewis had a warm and friendly smile on his face.

When Anna intuitively glanced at Liam, a cold shiver ran down her spine. He was glaring at something between her and Lewis in the most deadly way she had ever seen. When she followed his line of site: damn! Lewis was still holding her hand. As if sharing a silent conversation, Anna retreated her hand and excused herself. She walked in haste to the restrooms.

She now cussed the idea of wearing heels because her tired knees trembled in fright. Unfortunately, she bumped into Mr Edmond before she could make it to the restrooms.

"Am s-s-sorry, s-sir" Now her fears multiplied. 

" Are you alright, Anna?" Mr Edmond asked. Anna replied with a yes, at least grateful that one of the richest men in the country could recognise her. ' How can I be alright when one of your guests is giving me hard time?'

" You look pale." He tapped on her shoulder. " You can have a break or go home, don't worry about the rest, we will be just fine."

Anna felt like kneeling down in gratitude, " Thank you so much, sir"

Mr Edmond took some money from his wallet, " Here, you can use this for transportation. Maybe an Uber tax will do."

Anna gladly bowed this time. The sum of money he had given her was twice the wage they would get for working here tonight. She wasn't less happy. After thanking endlessly, her overall boss continued his ways, "Maybe whites are just naturally generous, anyway!"

At least for now, her crush's anxiety had a little subsided. After easing herself, she went to search for Eric to leave. Eric who was already getting bored agreed immediately and they left after Anna biding farewell to Mr Balaji and colleagues.