
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Kỳ huyễn
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140 Chs

The Observer

How Lucifer manages to throw a huge party at the last moments remain a mystery to all. She invited all dignitaries from Hell and closest friends as usual on earth to come celebrate the monster she successfully redeemed. She put on her best dress which was twelve feet long and lipstick red. Her hair was neatly styled and Death raised an eyebrow as she out did the number of jewelries on her.

"What? Don't judge me. I have to look perfect as usual." She said while putting on her matching red gloves when she noticed the look Death gave her from her dressing mirror. She stepped back to have a full glance at herself and smiled as she looked gorgeous. She turned to the God leaning against the wall staring at her and trying to imagine if it's going to be possible to walk comfortable in that dress.

"I look pretty, right?"

Death nodded and straightened up to leave.

"Before you die as you've planned, at least attend one of my parties just this once. It would mean a lot to me. I have always wanted to brag about you to my family and friends. They keep hearing me talk about you and who you are and how you've stood by me so much in the past. Occasionally they make fun of me making you all up and being delusional. Just this once, I want to show them that I was never alone as they imagined while on earth." She walked up to him raising her dress a bit higher with her hands and presented herself before him with puppy dog eyes. "Please." She begged causing Death to blink several times at the different faces she made to him to get him to come with her and celebrate downstairs.

"Please." She pressed on when he didn't say anything. She brought her hands together, pushing her lips forward when he looked like he was about to say no. "I promise never to give you headaches ever again."

Death sighed and moved to leave when she cornered him quickly spreading her arms wide in an attempt to stop him from going anywhere.

"I know you despise me so much but can't you just do this little thing for me. All I need is your presence and to show you off that's all. It's not like you have to be friendly with everyone if you don't want to. I will just introduce you to just five people and that's it. You are free to go. Please." She looked like she was about to go down on her knees to beg him.

"Just five people?"

She nodded with a smile that says, so will you go?

Death agreed after multiple pleas and later regretted ever believing her. The five people later turned to a hundred, and it never stopped. She forced him to wear a tuxedo that made him so different and had his hair styled in such a way that highlighted his features. Everyone would turn their heads to stare at him, and it was one of the reasons why he is never like social gatherings.

They would never stop staring.

The people they met lead to more people she wanted to introduce him too, and it became a tiresome and endless cycle. And of course, she bragged about him as planned and wouldn't stop rubbing it in their faces that she's a best friend to a God.

This made the demons at the party surprise and gaze at her with respect. Death didn't know his company meant so much to her. The genuine smile on her face when she introduced them as best of friends even though that was totally true and not true. He gave her the privileged of following her around… mostly her holding on to him and never letting go…as she met with the demons and high lords of Hell.

The call for the celebration was definitely not ignored. He was praised left and right by the demons he was able to make friends with as they also gazed at his new look that seemed flawless.

Ha-Mi Ra who was capable of sneaking into the party hall despite Lucifer giving her a strict warning that she was not invited stood at a corner looking bored. She scoffed at Do Min-ji severe times and wished he perished as a deformed monster. Damn that devil for always coming in-between her plans.

Do Min-ji saw the devil standing alone looking so disgusted at what she just poured in her mouth. His lips curved into a smile when he realized what the problem was. He approached a nearby table and poured himself a glass of red wine and approached her. He has lived with her long enough to know she hates all other drinks apart from red wine.

"I can see we are having issues with the refreshments."

Lucy shook her head as she couldn't take it anymore and poured the contents of her glass in the flower pot beside her and put the glass back where she picked it from. Glaring at the other replicas arranged on the table filled with what she couldn't even push down her throat.

"I remember telling Damon to keep the cheep drinks off the party. But I guess he could be forgetful at times."

Do Min-ji's smile grew bigger as he handed her a cup of what she likes most in the world. Her face brightened as she stared at him in disbelief. "How did you know?"

"I am a quiet observer. I found it intriguing when crates of these particular wine is shipped regularly through the back door and saw how you'll leave your room every night to have one of these."

"I get attached to things too easily. One of my bad habits."

They laughed as he pushed the glass cup towards her. She smiled, impressed and tried moving her hands to take it and frowned when her left hand wouldn't move.

She pushed again and even tried lifting it up, but it felt like it was being tied down to a rock that weighs more than their size of her favorite cars.

Min-ji noticed her silent struggles and cocked an eyebrow to ask her what was wrong. She pushed it to hard and gasped when a jolt of pain traveled down the arm almost causing her to fall on her knees. He was quick to hold on to her preventing her from causing a scene. Thankfully, no one noticed.

Do Min-ji quickly do away with the glass of red wine with him and discreetly took Lucy out of the party hall straight to a quiet room.

Lucy moved towards a chair and sat on it as the pain in that particular arm got worse forcing tears to slowly build up in a corner of her eyes.

Don't tell me…She began to tremble as fear seized her up… don't tell me it's getting worse.

... I can't even move one of my arms anymore.

After Min-ji made sure the door was locked he quickly went to the devil asking her what was wrong. Lucy shot her eyes closed as the pain worsened and tears streamed down her cheeks, lips trembling as it refused to relieve her even for a second. She had no pills for this…is this how everyone would know that she's…

She opened her eyes slowly when she felt a pair of hands massaging her left arm with such care being gentle too. He pressed on the muscles in her fingers and forearms being careful not to hurt her. Lucy parted her lips when the pain began to subside and watched in awe as she began to wiggle her fingers and move them.

Do Min-ji stopped and bend on one knee before her and smiled at her showing a bit of his dimples. "I don't really know what is happening to you, but it is okay if you don't feel comfortable sharing it with me. I am a reader and as I said before an observer. Your body is still in deep shock of whatever it must have pulled through. It needs a form of recuperative therapy not overdosing on drugs. Every so often we might think that we've scaled through a terrible experience in our life, but our body might still be confused and relieving in the past.

You might be thinking whatever is happening to you will kill you or afraid you haven't pulled through," she watched him smile at her as if he understood everything and know what she's going through. "Don't worry, it's nothing. You're not dying, and it's not going to kill you. You just require deep sessions of therapy both body, mind and soul to let yourself know that it is okay to let go now. It's not getting hurt or in danger anymore. And it's okay to take off old clothes and put on new ones."

If all that he said to her made sense, he is saying that she is not sick or dying but her body just still in shock of surviving being poisoned countless times and being abused by it. All she needs was the best form of therapy the world could provide for her and with a good mindset, she'll pull through and recover fully.

She gazed down at the peculiar monster who was just reborn today and gave him a smile no one has ever seen on her face before.

"I never knew you had brains too apart from being a troublemaker and a good writer."

"As I said before, I am a good observer of things."

"Of course, you are." She tried moving her arms again and grinned when it began to work perfectly fine. The burning pain also subdued like it was never there in the first place. Lucy looked down at him again to find him staring. He avoided her eyes causing a smirk to form on her face as she rose to her feet.

"I can get you an excellent therapist if you want and trust me with it." He offered quickly.

The devil just watched him silently. "You seem too interested in me nowadays to be observing my every move and even finding out about my secret sufferings. I wonder why you go through all that. For what?"

Do Min-ji stared down guiltily before summoning the courage to look into her eyes again. "I am just…" He stuttered. "I am just…" He wanted to say something but decided to bury it and say something else. "I'm just looking out for my beautiful guardian who secured me a chance to live again as promised to me a long time ago."

"Well, that's very sweet of you. Don't worry, I will take whatever you offer to help me recover from my traumas fully, since you care for me so much."

He couldn't help it but smile, falling in love with how nice and open-minded she is. Very humble as well for a devil.

"Don't tell anyone about this until I start recovering. I don't want them all to start panicking or thinking it's over for me when it's not, okay?"

He nodded. She smiled at him and offered her hand to him. "Shall we?"

He took it and they both head back to the party like nothing happened.