
KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 2: The Webnovel

A webnovel sequel to KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part One comic, by Louis Mihael & Jieson Toling Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/neverstudios Check out Part One comic on Webtoon, Tapas, or GlobalComx Written and Cover Illustrated by Louis Mihael One year later, the Galaxy is still locked in a bloody war between the Jedi and Purifiers. Jedi Master Kazu Tyrbus and his adopted daughter Kira, continue to hide in the shadows. As Zur’por and his Knights hunt them down across the Galaxy. Yoda, reaching the ranked of Master, desperately begs the Jedi Council to allow him to lead a search for his friend Kira. Visions of Kira in pain and a disturbance in the force may force Yoda to go against the Jedi Council. Struggling to control her power, Kira has freighting nightmares of her as a Sith Empress and by her side an unknown Sith Witch...

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KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 2: The Webnovel - Complete Series

Chapter 1

In a vast throne room, several people gathered. A dark figure turned its back on a farmer who's kneeled and begging for their life. He understood the possibility that his life could end at any second when he breathed deeply, and said, "Please your highness, I only ask for your forgiveness. The planet has dried up, there is no food."

The dark figure turned to look directly at the kneeled farmer whose cries would not stop, "I will not tolerate such failure, peasant." The farmer lowering his head, slowly moved his hand to touch the feet of the dark figure that judged him, and when the farmer tried to speak, his words were locked in his mind because of the light emitted by the dark figure's red lightsaber. "Oh god, no! Have mercy on me, your highness!" A crimson flash crossed through the farmer eliminating his life instantly.

The dead body fell to the ground as two guards carry the corpse away. The dark figure walked back to the throne, while a Dathomir witch stood next to it. "Well done Empress. A peasant has no right to beg for your forgiveness.", said the witch as the dark figure took its hood off and showed Kira's face with an expression submerged in hatred. Her eyes descend towards the corpse of the farmer without the slightest sign of remorse.

Suddenly Kira awake, bathed in sweat, her eyes darted around trying to make sense of her surroundings while tears in her eyes ran without stopping. Those nightmares became increasingly frequent, and for her, it was impossible to leave them outside her mind. The young Jedi was very afraid that these nightmares would mean that her destiny was sealed, and she would end up becoming a figure of darkness.

She was crying. She raised herself up in bed, head buried in her hands, "Thanks the Whills, it was only a nightmare", she whispered. She looked to the past, thinking of the kind words of your dear old friend, Yoda.

Opening her eyes wiping away the tears, she knew that her dream would not go away, and put her feet on the floor. The night was cold, Kira drapes a blanket around her and stood up out from the bed, and then walked towards the door. She opened the door to see the night sky.

The cool breeze gave her some tranquility while the moon and the stars were reflected in the ocean as a ship passed across the sky, Kira calmly breathe as she remembered the panic she could sense inside the farmer that she killed. She knew it was only a dream, but that did not prevent it from the intense fear that this subject would bring her.

She felt her teacher and father, Master Kazu Tyrbus, approached her, cleaning her tears, she turned to see him. He looked at her with a smile and a small lamp in his hand when he said, "It's a bit late to be awake, Kira dear!"

The girl looking at the floor nodded, and Tyrbus, calmly, seeing her directly, said, "Are you okay?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head as she said, "I'm sorry, but no, the truth is that the nightmare continues to come back and feel more and more real!"

He looked at her noticing the worry in her eyes. It was quite easy to worry about something like that and with her being a Sith offspring, to think that these dreams were an omen of the future was quite simple.

But Master Tyrbus, keeping his composure, approached her and placed his hand on the head of the young woman comforting her and said, "I always tell you this, the choice you make comes inside you. These dreams, although they can alter it, it does not mean that they have your future carved in stone. The truth is that the future is a mystery, and keep your spirit firm and your character solid. It is the only thing that you can guarantee that you are satisfied with the decision you make"

She breathed deeply and calmly. She looked at her master and nodded at him, and they joined in a more fatherly hug than a student and teacher, and her tranquility reinforced by the touch of the one who had raised her.

While in their embrace, the old Jedi had a thought in the back of his mind. Those dreams, despite what he had said were worrisome and increasingly frequent, could undoubtedly be an omen of a bad future, and he could not lower his guard under those circumstances.

Seeing the night sky, he breathed deeply and thought what would be the way to go, a young woman like her with such innocents pursued by an order of prejudice and hatred and now latent darkness inside of her mind that tormented her peace. The old master knew Kira's life was without a doubt about to change.

Meanwhile, in the distant world of Coruscant Yoda, at last, has been promoted to the rank of Master after the extraordinary and fascinating skills, he has shown in the Jedi arts and the mastery of the Force. Winfed Juuls, Grandmaster of the Jedi High Council, congratulate Yoda, "Your proficiency is remarkable, Yoda. Tell me what you want from the Council?"

Yoda, taking a deep breath, said, "The Force has come to me in the form of a message. This conflict will not be resolved in the way we approached it. We need to find Kira, or the outcome could be fatal!"

Jedi masters whispered among themselves about the words that Yoda spoke, and the head of the Council said, "Has the Force spoken to you? What does it say?"

Yoda still quite nervous said, "Unprecedented evil surrounds young Kira, and without the protection of the Council and the order, she will probe into terrible darkness I fear!"

The Jedi Council looked at Yoda silently, as the Grandmaster spoke, "The apprentice Kira, is with Master Tyrbus, and I have self-imposed a crusade to protect her from all those who show an interest in her!"

Yoda nodded and, said.

"I'm sorry, Grandmaster! Master Tyrbus is very powerful and wise, but if my hunch correct is, he won't be enough to hold back this terrible wave that's coming. To act, we need. That is why here today, I ask you to grant me the possibility of putting together a team to find Kira and Master Tyrbus and to bring them back home!"

The Jedi masters looked at Yoda, and Grandmaster Juuls shook his head and said, "I am sorry young Master, but such a request is unreasonable. The truth is that the young woman has caused this stir with her very excellence. Imagine what would happen if we allowed her to return to the order. The battle would only intensify. Bringing her back would not eliminate the conflict. It would aggravate it!"

Frustrated, Yoda looked at them all and, somewhat confused, asked, "Are you telling me, Master, that you'd let Kira go so that her fortune would be in her hands? Do not you think you're letting the Zur'por's Order, which breaks the code of the Jedi, move with extreme freedom?"

The masters were silent, and Juul's eyes are sharp on Yoda.

"The code must be followed. If the girls fall into the path of the Sith and we take her back, think of the message that we will be sending. For that reason, we must refrain from what may happen!"

Yoda's frustration went up to his spine when he heard the Grandmaster's words. He said, "I do not think you understand the seriousness of this, Grandmaster. The Force could be seriously altered if we do not accurately and quickly act. seduced to the Dark Side Kira could be!"

The Master sternly said, "That Was Her Initial Destiny!"

Frustrated, Yoda raised his voice, saying, "Change it, we can!"

But the hardened master said, "You should watch your manners, young Jedi. You show a great lack of humility. The decision is final, and we will not take action!"

Frustrated, Yoda decided to leave, headed to find a way to save Kira. The Jedi council had to help, or the consequences would be catastrophic.


Chapter 2

Yoda entered a door with a team, the battle escalated, and he felt a powerful presence at the end of the hall. Advancing and deflecting the lasers of his enemies, he said to his companions, "Handle it, you guys must!"

He speedily advanced towards the front door and entered a huge hall with a throne that appeared. The throne was empty and moving forward, he could feel a powerful presence. Taking his sabers, he actives them and looked in all directions. He said, "Show yourself now !"

But nobody showed up. However, from the darkness, a woman's voice said, "You are here to defeat me as if the fight were between you and me, it is praiseworthy, but you will not achieve anything!"

Yoda advanced, trying to locate the place where that person was, but his power was great, and she worked very well to hide. At that moment, he said, "You are not Zur'por. Someone else you are!"

The woman let out a laugh, and calmly, she said, "I'm the one who should worry you when I have Kira's soul, the Jedi will perish, I assure you!"

Yoda gallantly, raising his lightsabers, said, "I'm not going to let you harm Kira!"

But at that moment, about forty Knights of Zur'por appeared, all hooded, all with their great cloaks and their red sabers ready for combat. Yoda smiled, looked at them, and said, "Do you think such simple tricks will affect me!"

Concentrating, he took a deep breath, and the images disappeared, leaving only two knights, seeing Yoda, they jumped towards him to cut off his head. Yoda, using his two sabers, stopped the attacks but struggled with these enemies right in the center of the room, but at that moment, two more appeared with their sabers ready to attack Yoda which, releasing his power, Yoda sent them flying back using Force Push and with his use of the Force he managed to knock the others who were advancing out cold.

Spinning as he jumped on his axis, he pushed another group of enemies away, taking his swords and jumping with speed to attack one of them. He did his best to defend himself, but a cut to the thigh reduced his mobility, and in the process, the upper part of his lightsaber was damaged by the enemy's cut.

Another tried to catch him, but jumping over and behind, Yoda stopped the Knight's attack with his lightsaber and turned it using his wrists. He managed to cut the wielder's hand, causing him to drop their double-bladed saber and fall on his head, taking him to the ground and leaving him unconscious.

Another two knights appear facing down the young Jedi Master. Yoda taking advantage of their hesitation, threw his lightsaber into the air implying one of the knights, using the Force, he disarmed the other enemy before they could react.

Yoda charges at the other knight and jumps. In mid-air, Yoda uses the Force to bring his lightsaber and attack his enemy from above. However, the knight dodges the attack but Yoda quickly turns as he lands and slashes the knight. Yoda uses Force Push causing the knight to crash into the back wall of the throne, eliminating the threat.

Deactivating his lightsaber, Yoda tried to feel with Force where the witch was, but she had escaped. Yoda looked around puzzled. This strange throne room reminded him of what he saw in his dreams, as he tries to collect his thoughts, he hears his men entering the throne room. Another Jedi knight looked at him and said, "Master, are you alright?"

Yoda grieved to let the enemy escape and said, "Zur'por, he is not the enemy that should concern us. I'm afraid there's a deep shadow behind that fuels the darkness!"

Yoda breathed calmly and, seeing the soldiers, said, "With the council, I must speak!" They all nodded and began to head out of the place that was surrounded by evil.


Chapter 3

Meanwhile, on a planet far away the young Jedi Kira trains with Master Tyrbus in a creek. She moved quickly down the surface of the water without raising a drop, her movements were fluid and rapid, and she jumped side by side with her practice saber to try to catch her Master. He efficiently evaded the student's attack, who jumped into the air and fell on her with a descending blow. He moved, spinning over his ankles with his practice saber still sheath.

He launched himself against her, using the Force, and raised a wall of water that obliged Kira to jump very high to dodge it, When the young Jedi landed, turned on her own central to attack her teacher, but the old master took Kira's wrist with his hand and with his foot trips the girl's legs making her fly into the air and landing into the water.

"And now you're completely soaked!"

She got up, looking at him, and the Master Tyrbus smiling said, "I have told you, again and again, you have to improve that footwork. You are very fast, but if you do not have balance, nothing works. You must improve the balance and use your weight with more grace or get used to being soaked."

The teacher was still laughing, and the young girl felt this unfamiliar anger inside her. She felt like anger in her body reverberated hard. Prepared to attack, she raised several rocks from the bottom of the creek that came out at full speed against her Master.

The old Jedi master, elusive the first wave of rocks and trying to stop the second with his practice sword, but quickly getting overwhelmed. Kira shot out, without any kind of balance, raising a huge amount of water behind her to attack her adopted father. Attacking at his feet with strong use of the Force. She raised it from the ground so that he fell into the water and soaked it up completely.

Kazu went to the surface and saw the tip of Kira's sword pointing at his face. She grinned devilishly for her victory, and suddenly, a strange influence that handled her actions, seems to abandon her from the inside, the young Jedi understood what she had done.

She was distressed and began to help her master get up when she said with a lot of embarrassment in her eyes, "I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry!"

But the Master looked at her showing no worries, with a nod of his head gave her a sign of reinsurance; Kira looked at him with a lot of fear without understanding what had fallen on her, and frustration seized her mind.

Far above the two Jedi, a raven flew in circles over them, one of his eyes was utterly red as an ember, and this instantly transmitted the images that he perceived. To the crystal shard of the Sith Witch on another planet.

She smiled as she watched her image climb her gaze to see Zur'por. With a smile, she looked at him and said with clarity, "You see! Illusions may take a little time, but with enough patience and dedication affecting their character, you must only have patience and understand that this mechanism works!"The former Jedi looked at the crystal shard and, smirking, said, "It's not particularly to my liking, but it works! First, we must isolate it, and in this way, she will be attracted to us."

The witch smiled. It was clear that her thoughts were different. She had saved different ideas of how to face the young woman, and without a doubt, she wanted to be able to possess the power she had inside, but for now, that was enough. Both were feeling victorious looking at the image, and Zur'por said, "I think maybe it's time to increase a little more influence? Maybe press the girl's transformation a little more."

The witch stared at the crystal shard, and they had already waited long enough for this moment. She nodded and said, "I think you're right, Master. Let's put a little action into this situation! I will get Kira to show her true inner darkness"

In the capital, on Coruscant, the Council met to listen to the urgent report that Yoda brought from his last mission. Everyone was waiting anxiously when the Master entered the council room, skipping the protocols and saying, "What I saw in my vision is alarming. The council must grant me permission to track down Kira, or something much worse will happen!"

Juuls looked at Yoda. The grandmaster and council leader had enough of that ridiculous idea, and seeing Yoda, he said, "We already discussed this issue, and the decision was made, Yoda!" However the young Master shook his head, very energetically, and yelling he said, "You don't understand the graveness! Feel the Force. Can't you feel the approaching darkness!?"

Then Juuls, getting up, said, "The only darkness I feel is that of your insistence! Understand at once that it won't come true!" But Yoda, frustrated, saw his Master and said, "The council is blinded by the need to maintain forms, and the truth is that the universe moves even if you don't want to intervene!"

But the Master firmly said, "Enough already!! Guards, take the Master to a dungeon!"

The guards try to catch Yoda but using his superior ability, he uses his lightsaber and disables them. But seeing this act of refusal, the Master used a force technique to stop Yoda in his track and restrained him. Once uncontrolled, the guards chained Yoda up and took him to a dungeon


Chapter 4

Kira looked at the horizon with some regretfulness and frustration. In the morning, the exercise had come out terrible because of her stupid pride. Who had to show that she could knock on her Master when he was not looking.

She felt silly and immature, and from across the way, stood her master, he looked at her, something sad by the state in which his daughter and his student were found.

"Kira! Are you okay?"

She walked to his voice, listening to it and turning on her way toward him to see her father and lowering her head she said, "I'm sorry …" He looked at her with a smile and breathed deeply. He said, "It's a nice day why don't you take a walk! We can finish the lesson some other day."

She tried to identify how she felt and smiled. She nodded. The young Jedi got up and, handed the practice lightsaber to the old Jedi master, for a moment she stared at her hands, questioning what happened earlier. Kira looked up at your master and said, "I'm sorry about the morning, Master! I promise that I will control my emotions better."

Tyrbus smiled and nodded. She began to walk following along the side of the creek. Kira enjoyed the warm sun on her face as she tried to forget her terrible dreams and the incident from this morning. Walking calmly she arrived at a small village, there were not many people, but all those who were in that place were friendly and united.

She smiled and returned the greetings that people gave while walking through the village. As she travel the Village, Kira came across the Market section. The young Jedi spotted a necklace, at the jewelry shop. Kira ask the shopkeeper how much the necklace was, "Wouldn't like these necklaces better? Very popular with the young ladies." Kira decline the offer, her mind was set on this specific necklace. The shopkeeper and Kira exchange the necklace and coins. As Kira put the necklace on the shopkeeper asked, "if you don't mind me asking, what made you want this necklace?" Kira holding the necklace adorning it, smiled, "It's just that, it reminded me of an old friend." The medallion was in the shape of a small creature with pointy ears, it resembled her friend, Yoda.

The young Jedi travel forward until she arrived at the town's harbor. She could see the fishing villager working hard and many transport ships when she, in the distance, heard the laughter of some children.

She did not have a childhood equal to that of the other children, not only for training. Her life was submerged in chaos since she was born, and seeing children being fun gave her tremendous joy.She smiled, decided to go down to see more closely than she was, what the children were doing, and saw a young girl sitting on the ground trying to repair her kite, which was broken. Kira looked at her and approached with delicacy, and asked, "Are you okay!?"

The little girl at the edge of crying shook her head. Kira approached and, and sit down next to the girl, "Can I help?"The little girl handed Kira her kite. The young Jedi took out a small tool from her utility belt and began to repair the child's toy. After a few moments, Kira hands the kite back, "I think it's ready to fly. What do you think?"

Despite Kira fixing the kite the little girl was still sad and said, "No matter how much I try, it never flies!" Kira got the little girl to look up at her and then Kira wink one of her eyes when she said, "You must not give up! If you truly believe in the Force, the kite will fly..."

The girl looked at her with an incredulous tint on her face when Kira, with all confidence, got up and offer her hand to the little girl to stand and say, "Here I will show you how to believe in the force"

The girl smiled, nodded, and Kira was smiling as she comes one with the Force. Her handling of the Force was sublime and calm. She raised the kite quickly and exceedingly high, the wind currents raised the kite even higher, and it began to rotate in the air without stopping.

Kira, smiling, handed the kite's string to the little girl, who, began pulling hard on the string and ran with the kite everywhere. A few kids sitting on a wall watching the little girl smiling, running from side to side, and Kira, seeing the happiness she gave to the child, gave her so much inner peace.

The little girl was overjoyed and ran to Kira and hugged her, saying, "Thank you very, very much!" Kira shook her head and, caressing her hair, said, "Do not worry, little girl! Enjoy it"

Many other children saw what was happening and timidly approached Kira, asking her to use her powers to raise their toy starships towards the sky. They all smiled without stopping when one of the young children watching Kira, with surprise, said, "You do it... like a Jedi!" She smiled and, nodding, said, "Yes!"

All the excited children gather around the young woman watching her with wide-open eyes when she took three rocks in her hand and said, "Do you want to see a trick?"

The children instantly nodded when Kira launched a rock at the sky, then another and then another, and between her two hands, they began to juggle. The children smiled, Kira does a fake sneeze, she moves her hands to cover her face, but the rocks kept turning in a circle above her face as if she continued to pretend to be sneezing.

All the children surprised began to laugh. Kira returns back to juggling when she spots a familiar ship above coming out from the sky. The young Jedi has seen this spaceship one too many times. The mysterious ship hovers above them that felt like an eternality. Suddenly the ship's doors open and clocked figure appears. The figure jumps and lands on the ground some distance from Kira and the children. Dread swept through Kira as the figure remove their cloak revealing a Knight of Zur'por, his deadly cyborg assassins.

"Children run!", screamed the young woman, ready to fight, when the assassin who fell from the sky activated their double-bladed lightsaber. Kira turned back to make sure the children are safe. She activated her lightsaber and Force pushed the cyborg with her Jedi power. The Knight of Zur'por flew back until it crashed against the wall.

When it crashed against the wall, it caused very little damage to the assassin. In a split second, the cyborg jumps and attacks the young woman. She activated her saber laser and jumped. Both collided swords in the sky to land one in front of the other.

They both firmly looked when Kira said, "You need to leave. I will not have you destroy another planet."

But the enemy did not stop. Again the assassin attacked her, and she spun on the floor, firmly evaded, and quickly began to fight against the cyborg. She used her saber to repel attacks and her agility to look for a better field and move the battle from the children, but the amount of that attack was too much, and she was fully trapped and tried to defend herself, although every time she managed to eliminate one, another one appeared in combat.

On the cliffside not far from their hideout, Master Tyrbus reads ancient Jedi scriptures, and felt the anguish of his student, without wasting a second, the Jedi Master came out of his mediation and ran at full speed, jumping on his speeder ready to reach his student to help her. He did not understand what was happening, but it was clear that she was in trouble.

While Tyrbus races to reach Kira on another planet, Yoda was captured completely in a cell that absorbs his Force power and weakly shouts so that they let him out. His anguish became even greater when he thought about the cruel destination that his friend was about to suffer, he needed to help her and squeezed his hands around the chains praised by Force, but it was impossible to break them. With a huge pain in his heart, the young Jedi said, "Master! Hurry, save Kira!"

In the village, things did not improve. Kira jumped on her axis, dodging the attack of another Knight of Zur'por, she managed to reach the roof of the cabin trying to escape, but another of the enemies used its power to shed a huge amount of stones at her.

The young woman spun in the air doing her best to dodge them, causing her to crash onto the ground and fall in front of one of her enemies. She took out her lightsaber, cut the assassin's legs, and was meek to leave her helpless on the ground just when another assassin kicked her in the back.

She turned on the floor sore and raised her hand, using her Force to send the cyborg flying back. However, another enemy was close. She was exhausted, her sweat was present, and breathing heavily, she said, "How is it you keep multiplying?!"

The assassin attacked, and due to the fatigue, the young Jedi just could repel it. She jumped and ran to avoid the oncoming attack. The young woman tries to move the battle away from civilians but the Knights of Zur'por kept moving her back to the center of the park, where she played with the children. Although she was surrounded and exhausted the young Jedi still manages to fight her enemies.

Her lightsaber cut through the robotic limps of her enemies when one of them cornered her, she raised her hand towards him, and she used the Force to prevent any attack that he would like to use. In the distance, her Master was approaching at full speed, trying to reach the village in time. Kira looked away for a second, and a laser sword came down toward her head.

The young woman blocked with her lightsaber and stopped the assassin forcibly, then, turning on her back, she put her knee on the floor and pierced her enemy's chest with a perfect lunge. She could breathe with some relief.

She raised the saber to end her enemy. Her teacher shouted firmly, "Kira, do not do it!!" In prison, away from that place, Yoda moored with the chains and shouted without being able to do anything. "Kira, do not do it!!"

But in Kira's mind, she could hear the sinister voice of the Sith Witch from her dreams whispering, "Kill her!!"

Kira, fiercely lowering her lightsaber, crossed the chest of her enemy in an instant, trying to finish the threat. But so soon, her saber was just in front of her eyes, and her enemy was transformed.

Far from away on an Outer Rim planet, Zur'pur and the Sith Witch watch Kira through the crystal shard. The leader of the Purifiers turns to the witch and nods, giving her the signal. They deactivated her illusion and Kira's mind began to dissipate.

All the illusion in which Kira was submerged, sank, and came to light the truth. She looked around, and the blood and terror that seized her were immersed in an illusion. The members of the village were everywhere massacred. She looked at her lightsaber and the blood on her hands which had finished the life of these innocent villagers.

In her mind, they looked like enemies to her, but in reality, they were the people who lived there that were the victims of her lightsaber, and, looking up from her hands, she saw the little girl with the kite.

Her eyes open, looking at her judging her actions, and Kira feeling the weight of her lightsaber in her hand, threw it to the side, disgusted by her actions. The young Jedi fell her kneel and held the dead child close to her. Kira begins to cry as her Master arrives.

The young woman looks up at her Master, and with sadness, pain, and fear in her voice, says to him, "What have I done!!" Her Master lowered his head, and place his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

Zur'por congratulates the Sith witch for a job well done. Now they were closer to his goal, and Kira was immersing herself in the darkness of remorse. His victory was surely inevitable.

The End

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Make sure to check out KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part One comic on Webtoon, Tapas or GlobalComix

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