
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

KinoMori: The Lust Star Holder, Katalianette

After having a conversation with Erolrin, I eventually calmed down and brighten up. Erolrin is really a gentleman with a gentle heart, Elf are still elf from games and animes, huh?

It's been 10 years ever since I've been reincarnated into this world. I walked through the hallways leading to the royal library. To learn more about the Heavenly Grams and Deadly Stars. Once I went inside the library.

I went to grab two books: 'The 7 Deadly Stars' and 'The 7 Heavenly Grams'. I found it interesting how this world made something for the 7 Heavenly Virtues and the 7 Deadly Sins. I read the 7 Grams first.

After reading through it all, I eventually got enough data.

Apparently, the Gram status can be something you're born with or achieve. Once you've reach the level of one of the Grams, you'll eventually get the status. If you're born with it, you're strength will be 50x stronger from the ones who achieved it because you've had it since birth. And blah blah blah blah. I got bored. So apparently it's a 'blessing'.. it sure is... I wanna become one of them someday.. but I can't. It also has the strength to defeat the 'Dem5rson Lord'. Wait. Demon lord. Seriously? I thought we were doing this 'Ripple of Destructi'–... Oh...

Father told me that the 'Ripple of Destruction' happens when one of the Crimson Generals(That's what the demon lord calls them) or the Demon lord themselves causes a war...

But didn't that darn book say that the ripple of destruction happens once a year and it makes the monsters stronger?!! This is confusing.

Wait. Was it 'Ripple of Destruction' or 'Ripple of Annihilation'? I forgot. But eh. Who cares anyways?

I set that 'problem' aside and started reading the 7 Stars.

Apparently. The Star is something you're born with. It's a curse. Obv. You can't achieve the Star status, you have to be born with it, but there's a slick chance one might achieve it if their 'Pride' or 'Lust' or whatever deadly sin it is, is strong enough to reach the Star status.

I sighed... The Gram mark is a soft yellow color and it will appear on the forehead and makes a enneagram shape as it glows. It can make your strength 5x stronger and make your agility 10x faster. While the Star shape makes a star(✦) shape, color black. The side affects is the same as the Gram. But it glows a different color, Greed = (amber) yellow, Envy = Green, Sloth = (Light) Blue, Gluttony = Orange or Red, Pride = Violet, Lust = Blue or (dark hot) pink.

It will eventually appear when the right time comes. But the Greed and Lust has a low chance of having their mark appear, but at least there's a chance, right?

I sighed again.

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I turned 12. Yay. I'm officially a tween. Yay. I'm definitely soooooo happy... Yeah... I'm so happy...

Honestly, I was feeling down. I was really bored and I don't know what to do to satisfy my boredom... Sure I get combat trainings and lesson by Jarlph-sensei... But. He's so damn scary but entertaining. He is the type of person who is "scary" on the outside, but a "sunshin" on the inside. Whatever I said means.

Apparently, Father and Mother said we're having a guest. That "guest" will become my adventure "buddy".

In the royal family, when you turn 12, you have to go on a adventure and kill 20 monsters in total, they hire a person to accompany and help the prince or princess.

Why? I don't know. Speaking about mother and father, I've been distancing myself from them, I'm afraid that my actions might go too far, especially father. He had been spoiling me through out my childhood. Mother... I just distance myself away from her, I saw her expression everytime my b*tcy side yell or shouts at her. She gets sad, and makes a reaction that says: "I've always tried." And honestly. I feel guilt wash over me. Like damn. I wanna apologize but I couldn't bring myself too.

After a while, I arrived at meeting room. Is that what they call it? The one with the couches n' everything. Whatever. I sat between my mother and father. Father was on the left, mother on the right while I'm on the middle.

"So.. how was your day, Maphina?" Father asked with a awkward smile. My relationship with father and mother had been awkward due to me distancing myself from them. "Good.. I guess. Though– do I really need.. to.. uh. Erm...", "Kill 20 monsters?" Father asked. I nodded. Even though I'm kinda skilled with magic and swords.. actually I'm not skilled with swords at all. I'm still cowering. What if die during the hunting? What if I get hurt? I'm scared.

"Well, it's a tradition to all royal family, Maphina. It shows that you're strong enough to protect yourself when no one is there to protect you. It shows that you're capable of something aside from being the heir of the throne. And many more, Maphina." Mother said sternly. I nodded. "The Guest Arrived, your Majesties." The maid said.

As soon as the door opened. My eyes widen in fright. I shuddered. What.. what is this Aura? It's... Terrifying... The aura was getting stronger and stronger. "Maphina, my dear. Are you okay?" Father asked... Do.. do they not sense it? I looked at everyone who's in the room, that.. they were not reacting to the person's aura.. I cleared my throat and tried to keep my composures.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realized the person already sat on the couch Infront of us. I kept my composures.

"I'm grateful that you let me accompany and protect the heir princess on her adventure, Your Majesties." I woman said with a smile.

She had soft pink hair and dark hot pink eyes with a 'X' on it. This woman was releasing a strong aura. She a tall coat that is buttoned together. She also looks like she's in her mid thirties.

Is she exhibitionist? She looks like the type of person who does exhibitionism. I'm probably overreacting it. I'm judge people to quickly, not to mention my dirty mind. I sighed. I'm scared...

"Please take good care of our daughter." Mother said as the woman nodded.

"Maphina, this is Katalianette. You can call her Katalia." Father said formally. I nodded. I really don't have anything to say. I was still suspicious at the fact that this woman had a powerful aura, and yet only I'm the one who sensed it.

After much talking, me and Katalia went to my room so we get to know each other. I used the [Analyze] skill on her. Apparently only I've had that since I'm reincarnator... And I only knew about last month... Let's see.

'What the–?!' are you serious? The Lust Star Holder? One of the demon lords genr– I'm dying. I'm so dead. I'm gonna die. I'm so gonna die. Mother I'm sorry for being a b*tch, father I'm sorry for being spoiled. My dear parents, I'm sorry for distancing myself. IM GONNA DIE NOW!!!

I shuddered. Watch me die a horrific death.

"Maphina-hime, are you okay~?" No, I'm not, KaTaLiA, if that's even you're real name– wait it is.

"Mhm... Yes I'm sooooooo okay..." I made it kinda obvious that I'm not. I saw Katalia's face turn into a glare, as I feel a dagger fly towards me, I manage to dodge but it made a small gash on my arm. "What the hell?!! I didn't do anything yet?!!" I yelled. Of course I expected her to kill me, but I didn't expect her to kill me without a reason. Wait.

Did the Demon Lord order her to assassinate me?!! Gosh!! I'm only 12!! Well... Chronologically 12.. but still!

Katalia walked towards me with a glare, the closer she is, the more I realized how terrifyingly beautiful she is. And she grabbed another dagger to her pocket, wow.

I prepared myself. "How do you know my real identity?" She asked. Wait, how does she know that I know? "I can read your mind." Wait, she read minds?! "Yes, I can. Using the [Telepathy] skill." She said.

"And how?!! If you use the [Telepathy] skill then I should be able to hear what y–" she puts her index finger on my lips. Her fingers feels like Putri-sensei's...

"A Star Holder has it's ways." She said with a wink.

"It's kinda hot here..." She took off her coat. To be honest, I expected her to dress up like a sl*t underneath, but she wore a black turtleneck sleeveless crop-top with a black above knee skirt. What bothers me is the collar with a chain leash on it. It reached on her chest. She also wore a black and gray socks with a simple brown boots.

"So, you only wear black?" I asked, as she shook her head. "No? This isn't my main outfit. And did you seriously expect me to dress up like a sl*t because I'm lust?" I nodded. She sighed. I asked "Why do you have.. Erm.. that collar?"

"It's for design." She answered... Though I don't believe what she said. I was suspicious. Extremely. "Stop using that one side [Telepathy] skill." I told her. I was already getting comfortable with her.

"I already did~!" She said with a sweet smile. "Okay.. so.. you a swordswoman or a mage?" I asked her, I was actually intrigued with her skills.

"Hm.. I won't really call myself a swordswoman because I fight combat with a dagger, and I'm a mage too!" Dagger.. right. The dagger. "Attributes?", "Fire, Dark, Healing, and Wind." Healing, huh?

"Heal me. Because don't think I forgot about this gash." I did actually.

"Alright, alright~" she bend down as she covers my gash with her hand "Ow!" I exclaimed, I see a green glowing light.

"And done!... Where's my thank you?" She asked as she pulls away. "Why would I say thank you when you fixed the mess you made?" I asked.

"Rude.." she pouted.

Is she really a Star Holder? She is probably the weakest. And the kindest. Probably.

"So, when do we start?" I asked. "Tomorrow!"

Oh boy...

sorry for the late update T ^ T. I fell asleep twice and got distracted. Anyways. The reason why Katalia doesn't get angry when Maphina talked back to her is because yes. She is weakest but she doesn't get angry at the fact that people talk back to her.

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