
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

KinoMori: Lord "Violet"

(S/N: This is VERY short chapter.)

The current demon lord has been standing on her balcony, looking at the blood moon, she smiled wickedly. The demon lord is a kind woman, but she is sadistic. She is one of the most sadistic person ever when it comes to facing someone she hates or dislike. Especially the Gram' Holders. But her sadism couldn't be compared to her. Sure the Demon Lord is sadistic but not as sadistic as her.

The Demon Lord is the holder of the Star Gluttony. She went back inside the meeting room. Nobody was there except for "Violet". She smiled at her, "You know, for someone as caring as you. Shouldn't be one of Crimson Generals. But again, you are useful and one of my favorites, so I'll let it pass!" The person nodded and bowed as a thank you. "You know, 'Violet'... I know you don't wanna fight her—...them. but. It's our job too." The woman opened her mouth, "Honestly... I don't mind fighting them or injuring them.. "

"But, just don't kill them..." The demon lord nodded. "Thank you, my Lord." The lord softly smiled and blushed slightly, "Awhh~ don't embarrassed me like that~! Just call me Lord Therna!" The girl looked at her lord with a expression that says: "What's the difference?"

"Understood, Lord Therna." The demon lord is so much comfortable when her generals calls her "Lord Therna" instead of "My Lord".

"If you excuse me, Lord Therna. I'll take my leave." Therna nodded as 'Violet' left.

When 'Violet' finally arrived her room, she sat in her bed, facing the opened window, in that. A succubus with dark purple hair and navy blue eyes appeared infornt of her.

The succubus was a fine woman that looked like she's in her thirties. Hot purple horns and tail. Her tail had a heart tip, matter a fact. Her clothes are something a stripper would wear. Her hair set up in a ponytail. Her ponytail is at a butt-lenght.

Hm, she is also wearing glasses. "Lord 'Violet'!" The succubus had her left wing cut off, "I-.. I'm sorry! They saw me! An-and.. they ganged on me... one of the girl used holy magic on me.. I.. failed to give you a piece of information but I'll do better next ti–!" The succubus was cut off by lord. 'Violet' was rubbing her succubus subordinate lower lips. "Mhm..~" the succubus softly moaned at her Lord's touch.

"It's okay, Lilith~" her Lord went closer to her ear, "you tried, that's all that matters. Right, Lily~?"

The succubus—Lilith quivered at the pet nickname Lord 'Violet' gave her. Lilith nodded.

"[Fast Growth]" 'Violet' casted a spell that on Lilith that made her wing grow back. "Thank you, Lord 'Violet'!" The succubus thanked her lord and stood up.

"Come sit beside, Lily." 'Violet' instructed.

The succubus sat beside her. She moved closer and arched her back to hug 'Violet' by the waist.

'Violet' stroked gently her Lover's hair. "How about I reward you for your hard work on fighting them?" The succubus expression lit up, "Yes!"

'Violet' smirked sadistically.

About Hijuko Larmoon: Hijuko was originally supposed to be a husky Yūnatsu, but I changed my mind and turned him into a Kahuko.

And since I made Lexina first, I thought of making him the "Overly protective" big brother.

(Yūnatsu = Dog Demi Human.)

(these words are made-up, they're not real)

Kinoha_JECAcreators' thoughts