
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Kỳ huyễn
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KinoMori: 2 then 1 egg

I continue to lay down on the floor, still unable to recover from what happened. I don't get it, why would Erolrin accuse me? And what's up with the [Verity Symbol] spell? Did Erolrin set all this up... I thought elves are pure and peaceful...

I.. hate him. All I wanted was to live peacefully with my new parents and now.. is it really that of a selfish request?

It was cold here... I took off my simple brown cloak and covered myself with it like a blanket.

Erolrin... Why did he betray me? I.. I've never feel this broken and betrayed before... Is this what pain feels like? Everytime I think about Erolrin, it's filled with nothing but resentment, hatred, and curiosity. Did Erolrin have his reasons? Probably, but...

I won't forgive him. I.. I would rather die then forgive him. I hate him. But, I guess I don't hate him that much that I want him to drop dead.

But. I said to mother and father that I'll protect Luktarc when it's the right time. I didn't just said it. It was an oath.

If I don't escape this labyrinth, then I won't be able to protect Luktarc... It would probably take years to get out of here.. but for Luktarc, it's people, mother and father. I'll do whatever it takes.

But... Did I ever wanted to protect Luktarc and it's people, or I just wanted to protect it for my parents.

Right.. I never cared about my country's people, I only care about because of my mother and father. So... I'll correct it.

' I will protect the country mother and father LOVED. '

Even though father and mother left me too, I don't blame them. After all, the mage used the [Verity Symbol] spell on me... If that was actually the spell...

I stood up and wore my cloak, putting the hood on. I still had Katalia's weird-looking dagger. I grabbed it and started walking. The labyrinth had a lot of crystals but meh. What can I do with that? I don't even know how to forge.

I sighed. I cried a lot that my eyebags appeared... What am I going to eat now..? The freaking monsters here? In order to survive and protect the country my parents loved. Yes, yes I will.

I continue to walk and walk. Damn, this labyrinth is terrifyingly cool. I decided to touch some of the crystals. Nice.

I grabbed on one of the crystals and started pulling, I wanted one. I couldn't resist it. I pulled harder and harder until I eventually one. My eyes sparkled, "Ahh!! So beautiful!!" I said with excitement.

"[Analysis]" I said to get more info. Apparently, [Analysis] is used on other things, while [Analyze] works on people. I found it interesting, but also stupid.

[Magic Crystal – A magic crystal that can be used for making clothes, weapons, armour, ect. While transforming, the clothes or armour will not be shredded apart but disappear except for small head accessories.]

Transforming? Yikes. Seems useful, I wanna keep it but I don't have a bag...

I'll just put it in my pocket, no biggie. I continue to walk as my stomach growled. Well... I'm hungry. I guess I have no choice to eat monsters, but first.

Where are they. I walked deeper and deeper and still no luck in finding a monster.. could it be because there's no monsters? No not possible. The Divine Elisinora Labyrinth is one of the most dangerous labyrinth out there compared. The royal family of a certain country will NOT hesitate to put their children here as punishment if their crime was unexcusable or unforgivable. Most likely, The Divine Elisinora Labyrinth can make your head spin until it aches and make you sick if you attempt to get out of here. Very little of people manage to escape.

When knights come here, they always leave one on the unactived magic circle or leave a trail.

So.. how am I supposed to get out of here?!

It's worth trying.. I think.

And finally. I caught one. It was a.. monkey monster. It had white fur and ruby eyes. I smirked and casted a spell it. "[Lightning Bolt]!" I exclaimed.

Lightning hit the monkey from above. It feels down unconsciously as I run towards it and grab Katalia's dagger. I might as well call it mine now.

I cut the monkey by the stomach and took a imperfect cube flesh meat.

Ew.. it was sticky... And disgusting. And squishy too.. and disgustingly smooth, and did I mention that it's disgusting?

I open my mouth while shuddering.. I put the flesh meat it my mouth and quickly chewed it like my life depends on even though it does.

It taste HORRIBLE. Tears were forming because of disgust, I wanted to throw up, I almost did but I swallowed my puke... This.. is so damn disgusting, I'm disgusting.



I feel the pain worsening and something growing on my head.. due to whatever that thing is growing, my head was bleeding. "IT HURTSS!!!" I yelled and cried.

'Please.. stop.. it hurts a lot.. I.. don't wanna suffer.. please make it stop.. I'm sorry for whatever sin I did.. just please.. no more.. my body is of a 12 year old... It makes it more painful... Please, I'm sorry.. I really am...'

After minutes which felt like years. The pain finally stopped. I touch whatever is growing on my head, "Ow!" It hurts when I touch it. I walked towards to the water nearby and looked at my reflection.

"What the.." I notice a black horn and a tail. What the f**k? I used [Analyze] on myself using my reflection on the water.


[Monstrosity's Curse]

What is that? I clicked the 'Show Detail' text.

[Monstrosity's Curse happens when you eat a monster raw. It is forbidden to Usteria when you eat monsters raw. Due to the Monstrosity's Curse, you will permanently turn into a demon.]

Hah. Excuse me? But did this hell of the detail say 'Demon'?

Wow. To be honest, I'm not completely surprised.

I sighed. What do I dooooo. I feel full after taking one bite of that meat of sh*t.

I continue to walk trying to find a magic circle.

I eventually stumbled upon two eggs..

One is a fully snowy white color, while the other one is a white with red dots.



[Arctic Fox Egg] – [Wind Kitsune Egg]

Kitsune? Fox? Why are they even in a egg? Don't they give birt– nevermind.

And plus, I guess I'll be needing company so I'll take care of it until it hatches.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Ngh!" I grunted. Why are the knights are?! Are they trying to steal the eggs or something?!!

I tried to grab both eggs and run away, but I only got to grab the Arctic Fox Egg.

I'm sorry to the Kitsune.

"We have to keep this egg a secret for now! This darn kitsune egg takes more than ten years to hatch!" I heard one of the knights say but I continued running.

I clenched my teeth.

The knights actually found the egg when Maphina was still 12. They didn't find it when Elijah's mother was still 8 months pregnant. That's just the story the knights told Elijah's father.

Usteria Facts: A high-ranking egg (like dragons, kitsune, Elemental Deer, ect.) takes about more than 20 years to hatch due to its high-rank.

Usteria Facts(2): When you're born as a noble, there's a 50/50% chance your hatched egg can have a humanoid form.

Usteria = The name of the world Maphina and the others were reincarnated as.

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