
Kinktober: Clexa One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Clarke/Lexa

silkenobedience · Ti vi
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Day 3: Rough Sex

Day 3: Rough Sex

The argument had started over something trivial — it always did. But with Clarke and Lexa, it didn't take much for their differences to ignite a full-blown clash. The commander's chambers had been filled with the sound of their raised voices, their words sharp and cutting, neither willing to back down.

Clarke stood in the middle of the room, her fists clenched, her chest heaving with anger as she glared at Lexa. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and the tension between them had shifted from verbal to something far more primal. Lexa, her jaw tight, her eyes burning with the same intensity as Clarke's, was standing inches away, the distance between them crackling with unspoken desire.

"You don't get to make decisions like that without me," Clarke snapped, her voice dripping with frustration.

"I am the Commander!" Lexa shot back, her voice low but filled with a dangerous edge. "You may be Wanheda, but I still lead the clans. You do not dictate what I do."

Clarke's breath hitched at Lexa's words, the heat of their argument sparking something inside her that was far from just anger. The tension between them had always been a precarious balance, but tonight it had tipped over, crashing into something more primal, more dangerous.

They were both furious, both standing their ground, but there was something else simmering beneath the surface. Desire. It was thick in the air between them, a palpable thing that neither of them could ignore. It wasn't just the fight that had their bodies tense, it was the way they were drawn to each other, the need they both felt but wouldn't admit.

"Maybe I should," Clarke hissed, stepping closer to Lexa, her voice a challenge, daring her. "Since you don't seem to care what I think."

Lexa's eyes flashed with anger, and before Clarke could blink, Lexa grabbed her wrist, yanking her forward with a strength that caught Clarke off guard. Clarke stumbled slightly, but before she could react, Lexa's other hand fisted in her hair, pulling her head back as Lexa's lips crashed against hers in a brutal, heated kiss.

Clarke gasped against Lexa's mouth, her body trembling with the sudden shift from fury to desire. The kiss was rough, their teeth clashing as they battled for dominance, neither willing to yield. Clarke's hands flew to Lexa's shoulders, gripping her tightly as she kissed back just as fiercely, her body pressed flush against Lexa's.

The tension between them exploded into something raw, something primal. Clarke could feel the heat of Lexa's anger in every movement, every rough kiss, and it only fueled her own need. She yanked at Lexa's tunic, her fingers trembling as she pushed it off her shoulders, desperate to get closer, to feel more of her.

Lexa growled against Clarke's lips, her hands gripping Clarke's hips tightly as she spun them around, pushing Clarke roughly against the wall. Clarke's back hit the cold stone, but the pain only spurred her on, her breath coming in ragged gasps as Lexa's body pressed against hers, the heat between them unbearable.

"You think you can control me?" Lexa growled, her voice low and dangerous as she pulled back, her hand still tangled in Clarke's hair, yanking her head to the side so their eyes met. "I don't think so."

Clarke's heart pounded in her chest, her body trembling with a mixture of anger and arousal. She glared up at Lexa, her lips swollen from the rough kiss, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "I'm not trying to control you," she spat, her voice thick with desire. "But I won't let you walk all over me either."

Lexa's eyes darkened, her hand tightening in Clarke's hair as she leaned in, her lips brushing against Clarke's ear. "We'll see about that."

Without warning, Lexa spun Clarke around, pressing her front against the wall, her body caging Clarke in as her hand moved to grip Clarke's hip, holding her in place. Clarke's breath hitched, her hands flying to the wall in front of her to brace herself as Lexa's body pressed against her back, the heat between them almost unbearable.

Lexa's other hand slid down Clarke's body, her fingers rough as they tugged at Clarke's pants, yanking them down to her thighs. Clarke's heart raced, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as she felt Lexa's hands on her, the roughness of her touch sending a jolt of arousal through her.

Clarke didn't protest, didn't fight against Lexa's grip — not because she was yielding, but because she wanted this just as much. Her body was aching for it, for the roughness, the raw, primal need they both felt. She pushed her hips back slightly, pressing her ass against Lexa's body in a silent challenge.

Lexa growled softly, her hand coming down on Clarke's ass with a sharp smack that echoed through the room. Clarke gasped, her body jolting from the impact, but the pain only spurred her on, her hips pressing back against Lexa again, daring her to continue.

"Is that all you've got?" Clarke hissed over her shoulder, her voice thick with defiance and desire.

Lexa's eyes narrowed, and before Clarke could say another word, Lexa's hand gripped her hair again, yanking her head back as she growled, "You'll regret that."

Clarke's heart pounded in her chest, her body trembling with anticipation as Lexa positioned herself behind her, her fingers sliding between Clarke's thighs, teasing her with rough, calculated strokes. Clarke let out a soft moan, her body arching against Lexa's touch, her mind spinning with the intensity of the moment.

But Lexa didn't give her time to adjust. Her fingers slid inside Clarke with a rough, demanding thrust, and Clarke cried out, her body jolting from the sudden intensity. Lexa's grip on her hair tightened, holding her in place as her fingers moved inside her, hard and fast, every thrust sending a wave of pleasure crashing through Clarke's body.

Clarke's hands braced against the wall, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she pushed back against Lexa, meeting her every thrust with equal intensity. They were still fighting, even now, their bodies clashing in a battle for dominance, neither willing to give in.

Lexa's fingers thrust deeper, her pace relentless, and Clarke's breath hitched, her hips grinding back against Lexa as the pleasure built inside her, coiling tighter and tighter with every rough movement. She could feel Lexa's breath hot against her neck, could hear the low, primal growl in Lexa's throat as their bodies moved together in a rough, almost brutal rhythm.

"You think you can top me?" Clarke gasped, her voice shaky with both anger and arousal as she pushed back harder against Lexa, her hips grinding against her hand. "I'm not that easy to break."

Lexa's only response was a sharp tug on Clarke's hair, yanking her head back further as her other hand continued its relentless assault on Clarke's body. "We'll see who breaks first," Lexa growled, her voice low and rough, filled with both desire and challenge.

Clarke moaned, her body trembling as the pleasure built to an unbearable intensity, her hips rocking back against Lexa's hand as the need inside her grew stronger, more desperate. She wasn't going to yield, wasn't going to let Lexa win.

With a sudden surge of energy, Clarke twisted around, breaking free from Lexa's grip. Her chest was heaving as she met Lexa's darkened gaze, and without hesitation, Clarke shoved her back, sending her stumbling toward the bed. Lexa's eyes widened in surprise, but before she could react, Clarke was on her, hands ripping Lexa's pants down in one swift motion.

Lexa let out a growl of frustration, her hands instinctively reaching for Clarke, but Clarke was faster. She grabbed Lexa's wrists and pinned them to the bed, her body hovering over Lexa's as she looked down at her with a mixture of defiance and hunger.

"You think you're in control?" Clarke hissed, her voice low and challenging as she leaned in, her breath hot against Lexa's ear. "Not tonight."

Lexa's eyes flashed with something dark, her lips parting as her breath quickened. Clarke could see the desire, the need burning in her gaze, but there was still that underlying tension, that fight for dominance that neither of them would ever give up. Clarke didn't care. Tonight, she was taking what she wanted.

Clarke pressed her body against Lexa's, her hands moving to grip Lexa's thighs as she yanked her pants down the rest of the way, discarding them on the floor. Her own pants had already been halfway off, and she kicked them aside with a sharp, frustrated movement before turning her full attention to Lexa.

Without a word, Clarke grabbed Lexa's hips, yanking her roughly to the edge of the bed. Lexa gasped, her back arching as Clarke's fingers found her again, this time plunging inside her with no hesitation, no gentleness. Lexa cried out, her hands flying to Clarke's shoulders, nails digging in as Clarke's fingers thrust into her with brutal force.

Clarke's mouth found Lexa's neck, her teeth sinking into the soft skin there, marking her with a rough, possessive bite. Lexa groaned, her body trembling beneath Clarke's touch, her nails digging harder into Clarke's skin as their bodies collided in a primal, desperate rhythm.

"You're mine," Clarke growled against Lexa's neck, her voice rough with both anger and desire as she bit down again, leaving another mark on Lexa's skin. "You belong to me tonight."

Lexa's only response was a low, primal moan, her hips bucking against Clarke's hand, meeting her thrusts with equal intensity. But she wasn't going to let Clarke have all the control. With a sudden, sharp movement, Lexa grabbed Clarke's hair, yanking her head back with enough force to make Clarke gasp.

"Don't think for a second you're in charge," Lexa growled, her voice low and filled with challenge as her other hand reached between Clarke's legs, fingers plunging back inside her with just as much force as Clarke had used on her.

Clarke cried out, her body jolting from the sudden intensity, but she didn't stop. Her hips rocked against Lexa's hand, her own fingers thrusting deep inside Lexa as their bodies moved in a rough, desperate rhythm, each of them trying to take control, trying to top the other.

Their movements were frenzied, filled with a hunger that neither of them could contain. Clarke's hands gripped Lexa's hips tightly, her fingers thrusting harder, faster, every movement driving Lexa closer to the edge. Lexa's hand in Clarke's hair pulled tighter, her other hand plunging deeper into Clarke, their bodies colliding in a brutal, primal battle for dominance.

"Is this all you've got?" Clarke gasped, her voice shaky but filled with defiance as she pushed back against Lexa, her fingers curling inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made Lexa's breath hitch.

Lexa's eyes darkened, her grip on Clarke's hair tightening painfully as she thrust into her harder, her hips bucking against Clarke's hand. "You'll break before I do," Lexa growled, her voice low and dangerous.

But Clarke wasn't going to break. She matched Lexa's movements, her breath coming in ragged gasps as their bodies moved together, the intensity building with every thrust. The room was filled with the sound of their breathless gasps, their moans, the sharp, wet sounds of their hands moving against each other's bodies.

They were both dangerously close, their bodies trembling as the pleasure built to an unbearable intensity. Clarke's fingers dug into Lexa's hips, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as she thrust harder, faster, her body shaking with the force of the pleasure.

Lexa's body tensed beneath her, her breath hitching as the orgasm crashed over her, her muscles clenching around Clarke's fingers as a low, primal moan escaped her lips. But even as she came, Lexa's hand didn't stop moving, her fingers thrusting harder into Clarke, pushing her over the edge with her.

Clarke cried out, her body convulsing as the orgasm ripped through her, her hips bucking against Lexa's hand as wave after wave of pleasure tore through her. Their bodies moved together in a desperate, rough rhythm, neither of them willing to give in, even as the pleasure consumed them.

They came together, their bodies trembling with the force of the release, but even as the last waves of pleasure washed over them, they were still fighting. Lexa's hand in Clarke's hair pulled tighter, and Clarke's fingers dug harder into Lexa's hips, neither of them willing to yield.

When it was finally over, Clarke collapsed against Lexa, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her body trembled from the intensity of the release. Lexa's chest was heaving, her body slick with sweat, but her eyes were still dark, still filled with that unspoken challenge.

For a moment, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of their breathing, their bodies still pressed against each other, the heat between them far from dissipating. Clarke could feel Lexa's heartbeat beneath her, strong and steady, and despite the exhaustion creeping into her muscles, she wasn't done yet.

Lexa's hand moved to Clarke's back, her fingers tracing slow, teasing circles against her skin, and Clarke knew that this wasn't over. The challenge was still there, simmering between them, waiting to explode again.