

Beep! beep! beep !beep! the alarm goes off,as Lucas jumps up , OMG it's the first day of school and I am late he puts on his clothes and started running ,he runs really fast like it was lightning, as he was about to go right threw the gate( boom!!) he had an accident .

When he look down below him there was a girl hair was as red as roses, eyes were blue like the water ,her skinn was pure white but because he wasn't focusing he didn't have time to move ,so the girl end up open her eyes only to find his hands on her boobs. Lucas said it's not what u think it is as the girl scream" haaaaaa"! .

"Slam!" she box him and run off you pervert I will never forget you

As Lucas turned around and was about to enter the gate (slam!!) it locks he end up having to go to the principal office .

He was standing quiet a few seconds at the principal office before the Staff opens the door and said come in. have a seat young man.

When Lucas enter he heard the principal having conversation with someone . When he look who's that person the principal talking to he paused, as if he had just seen a Gost.

Lucas said "it's you" ,She turned around and said why are stocking me you pervert . Lucas said am not a pervert ,she said yes you are. As they kept on aggruing the principal said "that's enough!!" with a voice echo threw the building as it was like the wall was going to fall down ,we were shivering .

Then he said the reason why I call you here is because you two have the lowest test grade . On the other hand your physical strength is outstanding .So I have decided to tell u that if your test grade doesn't increase by fifty percent (50%)"am going to kik you out of my school understand!!" .

Lucas said yes sir understand. But on the other hand the girl was like "I am the daughter of the " CUDDELLA CONER CONETE FAMILY", you won't dare to kik me out ,the principal turn to her and said LIOLA are u dare threghning me ,with a powerful demon behind him ,she started to tremble even pee her self up then she faint .Lucas wanted to laugh because she pee her self up but couldn't because of fear . Then the principal said am sorry for that offull scene as he hand Lucas a registration book on how the school run and a map of the school.

Then Lucas followed the map and went to his darm ,the campuse was empty because most children were at classes. while he was reading the registration book he found out that the higher your badge the more privilege you get. The badge starts at( A TO E )when You're badge is an (A) badge u can do anything you want . But when your badge is at ( E )you're just like a walk over.Looks like only the strong survive "ha".

It also says here if you want to level up your badge you have to go on quests and kill monsters or you can challenge a person willingly to a fair fight and win .If you win your badge will level up to Thier place and there's will drop their ranking .all challenges are done at the battle hall. between (3pm- 5pm).

Lucas then wonder what his rank is, when he opened up his bag a took out his badge he screamed out "noooooo!"this can be happening for real , almost the whole boys darm shaked. He said I'm a rank (E) as he fainted.

The Dorm manager LIARA LIRON, Heard the rackling and quickly ran to Luca's room, seeing Lucas lying on the floor he quickly take him up and put him on the bed . Then she tried to used healing magic, only to find out that Lucas is just knock out for couples of Hours .So she leave him and go back to what she was doing.

"poor thing poor Lucas she say".