
Kingmaker's Revenge

Never did Lumielle claim that she was a good woman. In fact, she was a cruel woman who did nothing to deserve mercy for kindness. Poisoning her own father and placing her younger brother on the throne, Lumielle painted her future red with her crimes. Yet, she would have never thought that her retribution would come in the form of the death of her precious younger brother. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge. That was the only thing on Lumielle's mind as she rotted inside of a prison cell. Her younger brother dead and Cosette, the daughter of the Duke, smiling down on her with a commemorative crown on her head. She had tried to take it all; her love, her father, and finally when Cosette couldn't have her brother, she killed him. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge. Traveling back in time, Lumielle awakens when she's only twelve years old with a new chance to enact her revenge.

saemi · Kỳ huyễn
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240 Chs

Tired ( II )

The heir of Salvatore grimaced, "I didn't know you and the Princess were this close." The scene in front of him was the only Princess of Endora resting peacefully next to Asterias. The white-haired male's jacket draped over her figure as she looked tranquil.

"It doesn't concern you," Asterias answered back, a smile was curved on his face despite the clipped words that he used, "I didn't expect the heir of Salvatore to be concerned with my relationships, should I be honored?" He inquired.

Allard sighed, "I didn't expect you and the Princess to be in good relations." It was a simple response. The Imperial Princess had become beloved by the people. Her clinic was popular and with the constant visits, many of them revered her. Blessing the ground that she walked upon, the press constantly uttered her praise. It was surprising to see that she was this young and yet had garnered an amassing following when it came to politics.