
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

The Combat Nova

Wait, I feel something strange. Kilian said as they walked to their next destination while feeling a bit shivering within his body. Lucius also added that he could smell a foul odor of blood, but it seemed to be a bit far from their current location. The foul smell were just carried by the strong breeze towards them with the pungent smell of blood.

That's probably from Velos Desi. I need to go back to our Desi to rebuild it as fast as I can. Juno said, and Seth and Linhardt immediately prevented her from doing anything. their advice is that there are probably soldiers from the house of VEA that are still there, and it is dangerous if they return because there might be royalties who have also come to Velos Desi and scout the area.

Juno also understands what should be done, but sometimes she can't stop being carried away by her emotions.

She continued walking and said that she would kill Gaia by herself when the time came that they would meet again. She promises herself that she will never let Gaia's death be peaceful. She will make sure that Gaia suffers first before finally dying in her hands and will bring the head of that High Guardian in front of the throne of Lord Sirius.

Juno also approached the assassin who was with them. Juno also feels a bit of anger towards the assassin because it is one of Gaia's men who started the trouble with their peaceful Desi.

She took a bow that he carried on his back and held it at the end like a knife.

She pointed it at the assassin's neck and told him not to try to mislead them because he would make sure that she would not hesitate to kill him immediately.

The assassin was angry, so he struggled and tried to break free from his ties. He also said that even if they threatened her about the killing, he would never give them any information that would help them. He added that it would be better just to kill him because his life has nowhere else to go. and nothing else to come back for.

Juno pulled the assassin's worn cape that covered his entire face and body. The true appearance of the assassin is revealed to them. As Kilian also said before, This assassin was indeed a woman. She has short black hair, bright red eyes, and fair skin. Her hand can also be seen with many scars and marks of constant training to hold a dagger. And wearing a tight skirt with a lot of daggers on the socket.

She looked at Juno furiously, but there was nothing she could do because her hand was tied tightly.

Suddenly Juno's anger stopped when she saw that this assassin was a woman. And she also thought that she wouldn't benefit either if she killed this assassin.

Juno returned back the arrow thru his back and asked the assassin what her name was. the assassin didn't answer and just kept looking furiously at Juno.

Their other companions were just watching them argue since they were also shocked by the appearance of this assassin that they had been carrying for a while.

After a while, Kilian couldn't take it anymore and speak. Do you really want to kill yourself and waste your life?

The female assassin was even angrier when she saw Kilian's face again and said, You don't have the right to talk about How I will waste my life because you're the one who ruined it!

Let me go, and I'll show you how I'm going to crush your heart, your liver and scatter your body all over this place in front of your friends! The assassin shouted angrily.

Kilian slowly approached it and seemed to intend to release the assassin from its binding. And he said, Go ahead! I will grant you your wish, but in return, you will fight me with just the two of us. If you manage to defeat me by fighting with just bare hands, and no weapons, I will let you go free, and you can kill me without anyone interfering.

Wait, Kilian! I think you are wrong in your decision to fight with this assassin. Just by her appearance, she is full of anger, and I can feel the very strong killing intent of that woman.

Linhardt said while stopping Kilian from his decision.

Kilian just smiled and held Kilian by the shoulder and told him that he had nothing to worry about. he would take care of it.

Kilian put down the book he always carried with him, and they looked for a spacious place where they could begin their combat.

Even before they started their fight, Seth first drew a spell circle that serves as their combat space. The assassin asks what it's for, and Seth says that this circle is just for the two of them, so they can't escape until either of them accepts defeat. She doesn't have to worry since they abide by the law and Seth respect's his brother's decision, so there won't be any cheating in this combat.

The assassin also asked and first wanted to know what would be in return if she lost the fight.

Kilian smiled, and she suddenly felt a shiver through her body, thinking that Kilian would do something terrible to her. You're not only a murderer, but you're also a psychopath! She replied.

Kilian laughed loudly and said don't worry, I don't have any ill intentions towards you. All I ask after our fight is that you accompany us to our destination in Chyros Desi and be one of us, Aphra!

The assassin was surprised because Kilian knew what her name was. She suddenly remembered that Kilian was actually a Zodiac Libra, so he could know things about her when by using their ability to read minds. even Linhardt, Seth, Juno and Lucius were also not ready from what they heard that Aphra would join their journey to Chyros Desi. in Kilian's mind they can benefit from Aphra's ability especially since he knows that she is also a Zodiac. They need to find as many Zodiacs as possible so they can have a considerable advantage when the time comes that they will clash again with a Royalty or a High Guardian.

Because Aphra was confident enough that she would surely win, she agreed to the condition given by Kilian. and another reason is that she also wants to use this opportunity to kill Kilian because he used her body to kill his fellow Shihatium.

After they both accepted the terms and conditions of the fight, Seth approached them and injured both their index fingers with the arrow that Juno was carrying.

Together they dropped their blood on the floor in an agreement that they would not disobey the conditions of the winner no matter what.

Linhardt asked what they were doing, and Juno answered him.

This is the Ritual of Combat Nova. It has been a sacred pact of the Zodiacs since time immemorial to settle matters by combat when they have disagreements.

There are people who plan to disobey it before, but the consequence is that they will immediately be punished by the lunar moon in such a way that they will suffer for the rest of their lives. So since then, no one else has planned to defy the rules of Combat Nova.