
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs


A deafening wicked laugh could be heard inside the dungeon.

The man standing seemed happy when the number of people wearing blindfolds was reduced, and their bodies were torn into pieces.

While holding the bleeding chopped head of one of his murdered guys. it looked at the remaining blindfolded man while walking towards it.

The remaining man wanted to stand up, but he couldn't because he was already wounded and could no longer stand.

Based on the appearance of the man who committed the heinous act of killing the men wearing blindfolds, it will be immediately known that this is a Taurus.

because of the tattoo on his neck that marks a Taurus, His Green-eyed and Green hair.

Seth immediately hid so that she wouldn't be involved in what was about to happen.

she trembled with fear and knew that none of them could match the strength of a Taurus.

Stand up! I thought Chyrums were strong. you are nothing but a weak Zodiac that was about to be extinct!

shouted a Taurus to the man who couldn't get up.

The man suddenly smiled when the blindfold covering his eyes was suddenly removed. its eyes are blank and white. but even though he didn't see it, he immediately knew who the Taurus was in front of him.

Just as I thought. you are the one who was responsible for why the Ziukai, who had been sleeping for a long time, suddenly got out.

what was your motive, and why did you do it? has your pride been trampled too much because, in the presence of many people, you knelt before a stranger? Pathetic.

The Taurus looked at the man evilly and was filled with anger because of what he heard.

He grabbed the man's wounded arm and twisted it entirely so that the sound of the bones cracking was heard all over the place.

The man screamed in pain, but he was still trying to fight it.

Seth couldn't stop herself anymore, so even though she knew she had no match against a Taurus she still went out and used his ability.

"tha'satamasei!" is a spell that controls the mind of someone to prevent him from controlling his own body in a short period of time.

the Taurus stopped moving for a moment, and Seth rushed to carry the wounded man even though she knew what she did was very dangerous.

The Chyrum man has lost consciousness but is still breathing.

while they slowly walked away, Taurus spoke. Do you think you can escape from me?

A Libra, huh? As far as I know, you have moved to CLEA, but why is it that one of the Peithum is here? Hmm, that seems a little weird.

Little by little the Taurus moved his fingers, knowing that he could chase the fleeing Peithum together with the Chyrum by the time the spell used on him by the Libra wore off.

Wake up! you cannot rest now! Just rest later when we have completely escaped. I can't carry you out like this. Seth said as he struggled to carry the man.

She was already nervous because the man was not responding to her, and the blood was still dripping from the wound that the man had suffered earlier.

When the effect of Seth's spell on Taurus completely disappeared, it immediately rushed with full force to kill them.

even though Seth was in a hurry and struggling, She was still able to use her ability as a Libra.

She tried to read the mind of the Taurus and anticipated his movement, which is why they avoided a very strong attack that would almost kill them.

The Taurus is enraged because he didn't hit the libra.

he knows that Libra reads his actions, so if he rushes casually, she will just avoid him again.

that's why he thought of punching the floor and kicking the crushed stones toward Seth. by this way, The Libra will lose focus on reading his mind because he knows that she will prefer to avoid the ones he throws first.

When he got the perfect timing. He rushed and grabbed her neck and lifted her up so she wouldn't run away.

Seething with Anger, the Taurus looks at Seth with full of rage, and tightens his stranglehold on her.

Little by little, the blood started to clot in Seth's head, and she almost lost consciousness.

Suddenly there was a crash and a thunderous explosion that came from above. because of that, Taurus released its stranglehold on Seth.

He could not perceive what or who was responsible for the explosion that suddenly happened.

and a man wearing very white and shining clothes suddenly walked in place of Taurus.

Taurus' eyes widened when he saw the crest worn by the man approaching him.

He's a Royalty. and his name is Sirius named by the brightness star. he immediately knelt down and showed respect in front of the Royalty.

Sirius looked around and was not happy with what he saw.

the surroundings are full of corpses and blood. and it annoyed him even more when he saw the body of the blindfolded men that was torn apart and scattered all over the place.

he asked the Taurus if he was the one who did it.

The Taurus tried to lie in front of Sirius and said the Ziukai monster did it.

Seth was able to speak even though it was tough.

She says that Taurus is the one who did all the murderous things.

The Taurus tried to silence Seth quickly so that she could not speak anymore. but before he could do what he was thinking, Sirius grabbed him, and it seemed as if his strength was suddenly drained.

Although Sirius wondered why there was a Peithum in that place, he ignored it for now.

he summoned soldiers to capture Taurus. and he also ordered the soldiers to help carry the Peithum and its companion Chyrum to a nearby Healer.

Sirius is one of the royalties assigned to guard the land of VEA. besides, he is the only one who can stop a Taurus.

nor can anyone explain why. but no one has attempted to disobey his order.

even the commander of the Taurus's, Gaia, never intended to oppose him because of his power.