
Kingdom of Dionysus

Kingdom of Dionysus is reigned by the Dionysus family. Adventure starts when the youngest princess gets corrupted by a lust demon, eager to impar her new found happiness with her family. Will the royal family get corrupted altogheter? Will the the royal family overcome this lust? How are the other races involved? #corruption #pregnancy #birth

CatiaD · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

2 Receiving the blessing of love

Judith is on her way in the elf territory goes to one of the biggest city Celtia. Being her first time going in the elf city she is amazed by the different style here, although some of the usual building are always found. She wanders around a bit asking directions where she could find a library. She gets the information needed from an to get in a library. She finds a book describing magic artifacts. Having some of her own she eagerly opens it. One of the artifacts she has was given by her mother. The artifacts is a necklace imbued with the magic of goddess of life glowing slithy white, this necklace provides the user resistance to disease and an optimist view of the world. All her family has one such necklace.

After studying some more she goes out to find something to eat drink. Being in the city decides to go into an inn. There she sits at a table waiting for food to be delivered. One of the patrons sees the girl but most importantly that she is dangling a beautiful necklace, exactly what she wanted to find. The stranger is a female dark elf with purple hair. She approaches Judith.

- Hello there young lady may I join you. Says the stranger

- Hello yes you may.

- My name is Nina, what's your name my lady?

- Judith, glad to meet you.

- The pleasure is mine. What brings a lady like you to our lands.

- I'm interested in your culture and seek to learn more more.

- Ah so you one of those who seek knowledge about magic, gods and talismans.

- Right that what I'm looking for.

- I see you also posses one such artifact.

- Oh I forgot I took it out, yes this talisman is blessed by the goddess of life.

- I never seen one this big, it doesn't compare to mine. Nina pulls out her talisman.

- That's nice it glows pink what does it do?

- It's a talisman of love dear. It opens people positive values such as compassion, friendship and love. Lust is form of love afterall, Nina tought to herself.

- That's wonderful so this necklace makes people around you more agreeable to interactions. I wonder if I can find one of those too.

- I can think of a solution. This might be easier than I tought, Nina tought yo herself. You already have a necklace if you pray to a statue of a God then the necklace will gain another bauble or fuse with your current one.

- Please let's go there after our lunch.

- Sure do.

The two of them set of to the place Nina mentioned it was in a cathedral. In the cathedral were some dark elves. Nina signaled another dark elf to make sure she won't be bothered. They went to a prayer room which had a statue.

- Here it is my god of love. Let me summon his avatar.

Nina prayed and summoned his avatar whispered her intention to convert her friend ordered the avatar to come in a friendly manner..

The avatar came forward Judith couldn't believe her eyes, the avatar was another dark elf in the image of Nina.

- Why am I summoned? Avatar said.

- Thank you for blessing us with you presence we wish to give this lady your blessing. Nina said.

- Very well please come forward child.

Judith came forward and avatar touched her, at which point Judith went into trance like sleep.

- You did well my child our order grows, avatar said. But what do we have here a human princess welding a life talisman. We can use her. I will not awaken her fully into our order but I will corrupt her just enough so she can bring a piece of my essence into her family and turn this kingdom into my domain. No more shall I shunned into hiding. Afterall everyone wants to be loved.

First come here let's finish this job. The avatar turned itself into a demon, horns came forth a whucked tail snapped in the air, the garments faded away and left room for his penis it was long thick covered in bumps and veins, two big fat balls dangled in the air. Nina licked her lips in anticipation while undressing. Nina's body was well developed her breast were huge, nipples were hard as rock with a slight ooze of milk coming from them. Her wide hips perfect for childbearing were swinging inviting the demon, her thigh look strong enough to crush a melon but thus time the only thing between them was her love juice. Nina got on all fours inviting the demon "take me". The demon wasted no second in mounting Nina his huge member doing his job in claiming Nina. He put his hand her hips guiding her evercloser. The demon started swinging his body every push fully penetrating Nina. The cock was buried deep in her uterus.

Nina was folding here breasts while they swayed. The demon extended his arm to bring Nina closer hugging her for a moment then turned one her breasts to he could suck the nipple. His sharp tongue mixing saliva made short work of her nipple now ready to be properly milked, so he did feast on it. Some droplets of milk were leaked on his chin. He grabbed her cheek so he could kiss her and let her in on her breatmilk. The demon resumed his work on the pussy, saying we can't continue we still have work to do and soon this beauty will join us. With a final push the demon planted himself in the deepest part of her pussy. Nina grabbed his balls with one hand and felt them twichting, the seed was coming. The cock errupted into her with a torrent of cum painting her insides. The seed was thick and the amount was unnatural. Nina's belly bulged by the time the deed was done. Due to her selfishness and thickness not a single drop was spilled. The demon exclaimed, you are finally able to hold it all in. Then suck me clean we still need the seed so don't swallow. She obeyed while using her hand mouth the remaing from cock to fill her mouth. Now open her mouth and share a load. She hold her mouth open with a hand and drooled a hefty load of cum. Judith instinctively swallowed and licked her lips. The cum burned into the subconciounes teaching her the proper reaction, after which Judith slowly opened her mouth again.

The demon said good it's already working. Now let's give her a token she can admire, kiss her talisman on the back. The talisman burned a simbol into it glowing pink on one side. Good now this talisman will engrave into her more of the proper ways to serve under me. Let's gets ready for our sleepy head's wake up. Nina put her clothes back on and the demon turned into his previous form. After he snapped his fingers.

Judith woke up as nothing had changed. Upset she fell asleep, she apologized.

Nina gestured everything was fine. Pointed to her necklace "Check it".

- Yes I have now the blessing thank you. Judith said. Admiring the pink glow, she against licks her lips unknowingly.

- You're welcomed my child. Now everywhere you go you will spread love. Avatar said.

- Alright that sums things up. We should go now.