
Chapter 47: The Corpse Trick

The next morning, Lin Wu was awakened by a delicious smell, just like everyone else, and subconsciously walked over to the campfire. They saw a pot of food on the table, from which a tantalizing aroma wafted. Curious heads peered over and discovered it was a pot of congee with meat and seafood added. Horse Soul, wearing a chef's apron, walked out from the church with a large spoon in hand and, seeing everyone looking at him, called out, "Get your own bowls."

Bowls and chopsticks were a problem, and even cups for drinking water were an issue. Lin Wu and Little Knife searched the warehouse for a long time and came back with various containers, including but not limited to empty cans, plastic bags, and wooden planks. Stone went outside the church to break off some tree branches to use as chopsticks.

Lin Wu's container was a small speaker that hadn't been dismantled; he ladled the porridge into it and ate with two bent twig sticks. Why not use his hands directly? It would be too hot.