
Chapter 175 Defending the City

There are no mice-free places, just places lacking a heart willing to find the mice.

Recalling this aphorism spoken thousands of years ago by Prawn, Lin Wu had an epiphany. Immediately, he packed his gear, strapped on his skis, and returned to the base. With the help of a drone and his diligent search, he discovered the first mouse in a spot southwest of the supermarket, close to the mountain. Following the trail of this mouse, Lin Wu found several suspected Mouse Holes nearby.

Looking at the position of the Sentry Card, Lin Wu cleared a patch of snow and placed the bait about 4 meters away from the Mouse Hole, then swiftly returned to his post. Unexpectedly, the mice were quicker than him; as soon as he aimed, he saw two mice fighting over the bait, sending it scattering in all directions.