
Chapter 147 Fortress Armory

A Fortress agent was leaning against the edge of a farm, holding a satellite phone and communicating with the outside world, "So far, we only know that Nightmare has joined the supermarket base. I'm at a small farm a kilometer west of the supermarket base, with a green rooftop... okay... see you in an hour."

After ending the call, Lin Wu, who was crouched nearby, made his move. It was the same old trick: a backstab followed by a double lock head. No one could withstand these three hits, not even this Fortress agent, who dropped to the ground without a sound, turning into a corpse.

Maya watched through her scope as Lin Wu looted the body, with the Soulless brother by her side, Horse Soul said, "Let Lin leave some soup for us to drink."

Maya: "Lin Wu, what's the situation?"

Lin Wu replied, "It looks like they'll be gathering here in an hour."

Maya: "Retreat to point B and rendezvous with Little Knife. Horse Soul and Snow Egg, flank to point C and meet up with Shana."