
Kingdom Conqueror

After exploding in a ball of fire Navy Seal Kane is given a chance by a shameless god to reincarnate with a system that will help him become a Conqueror who will rule the world. He will summon his armies to war and rise to the top. From a bandit to a king all the way to Emperor of all. He will be able to slay any man, monster, or woman. Time to have some fun and make this world his. PS: This is my first novel and will probably not be the best, but I will enjoy it and hope you enjoy it as well. It will hopefully improve in story quality and writing quality the more I write so please be patient while I test the waters. If you do not like harem or opmcs or systems then please know this book is not for you. This book will also be slow-paced especially in the beginning. Sometimes in the late game, there will be some fast-paced content. Also please feel free to give me advice about my novel and if there is something you want to see. The last thing is that I do not own the cover so if you own it then please let me know and I will take it down if you want me to.

KingOfDragons · Kỳ huyễn
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131 Chs

Chapter 78

"You must remember to be alert at all times. Do not leave this carriage at any time" commanded Bushivo.

The strange man that went by the name Kane and his group had gone to gather their things while Bushivo went to Princess Liora who was still watching the events secretly from her carriage.

She was interested in the group and what would happen after the events of this evening.

"Sir Bushivo why are you letting this strange group camp with us? And if you are fine with them staying with us then why can I not go out?"

"My dear princess they are from the Iron Rose Kingdom. I do not know the current events of that place but the one thing I did learn was that they do not like the kingdom of Kokar. They could be very helpful in your father's war. Also, they seem very strong especially that Kane fellow. We must be careful with them. We will all pitch our tents around the carriage so you should not have anything to worry about. They do not know about you princess and I intend to keep it that way for now."

"His men seem scary and he does a but too but I feel like he can be trusted," said the princess.

"No matter how you feel about him it's best we are always on guard. I will do my best to get to know him and when we get home I will talk to your father about them."

"I understand. Hopefully, those Kokarians will stay away as well" said the princess.

"I hope so too. At least we have more people to deal with them though."

After his words, Bushido left the carriage toward the distance where noise could be heard. The Iron Rose group should be back.

Liora decided to peak out again. She was unsure if she trusted this strange group or not but at least Bushivo and his men would be nearby.

When the group on horseback came to a stop the leader hoped off and greeted Bushivo.

A strange feeling enveloped Liora and she could swear that the leader was staring at her through his helmet. She wondered if he knew she was there.

The group then made their camp across from her groups. They started to prepare dinner and it smelled much better than what Bushivo had given her. They must have hunted recently as they had fresh meat and other nice things. She had to admit she was kind of jealous.

Bushivo who had joined her for dinner in the carriage noticed this.

"They do seem to know what's what here in the forest."

"Yeah and how to prepare fresh food. I also noticed something strange Sir Bushivo. They all went into their tents to eat. They do not have anyone on guard or anything. It's like they completely trust us."

"That is indeed strange your highness. But no matter what we must still stay vigilant."

"I wonder what they look like behind those red helmets."

"Probably just like you and me your highness."

Liora nodded.

"What are our plans tomorrow Sir Bushivo?"

"We will reach the city in a couple of days. I do not know what will happen with their group. I will go talk to their leader after dinner. I would like to learn more about the Iron Rose Kingdom and about Kane himself. He is a strange fellow."

"How so Sir Bushivo?"

"I feel incredible danger coming from him but at the same time, he seems genuine in his kindness, politeness, and demeanor. I sense he has been in many battles and very strong but cannot sense his exact level."

"Is he really that odd?" asked the princess.

"Yes, he is very interesting. I would like to see him fight."

"He is interesting," said the princess while peaking out again at the man in full plate armor walking out of a tent.

AMMMMM BACK! Sorry for being gone so long. I had to travel and was very busy. I should hopefully start posting more again depending on how busy I am this week. It is a crazy week for me after all. Love ya all and goodnight! :)

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