
Kingdom: A New Era

In this captivating tale, a man from the modern era finds himself reborn into the world of the Kingdom Manga / Anime. With a burning desire to etch his name into history, he embarks on a journey to achieve greatness in this ancient realm. Follow his path as he seeks to revolutionize the Middle Kingdom, introducing innovative strategies and tactics that could change the course of history. Will he rise from obscurity to become a legendary figure, shaping a new era amidst the turmoil of the Warring States period? Join him on this thrilling adventure where ambition meets destiny in the Kingdom of Qin. The original work belongs to Creator of Kingdom Manga ******************************************************************* I am new to English language , My writing is sloppy , I am using AI to rewrite some senetences for any gramatical errors.

Night_master · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter -33 karna(3)

As the new day dawned, breakfast was shared in the open fields just outside the village. Across the expanse, two opposing forces stood poised for battle. Lin led a contingent of 100 soldiers, outfitted with simple weaponry matching Karna's unit.

Observing this, Karna regarded Lin with a newfound respect for his choice to meet them on equal terms in number and armament.

Despite earlier discussions of utilizing tactical advantages to outmaneuver Karna's unit, Lin opted to eschew underhanded tactics in favor of a fair face-to-face confrontation. The stage was set for a duel between the two forces.

As the duel unfolded, Lin devised a strategic maneuver, splitting his unit into ten groups and positioning them like checkers on the battlefield. In response, Karna instructed his troops to use their spears as shields and charged towards the opposition.

However, Lin, Xin, and Jun collaborated to encircle Karna, effectively halting his movement and containment within their perimeter.

As the clash of arms intensified, Karna assumed his soldiers could withstand the assault, unaware of Lin units Rou clan past endurance of even greater torment.

The soldiers, bearing the wounds of prior trials, pressed forward with courage, unfazed by the spears piercing their bodies. They advanced resolutely, using the embedded spears as a testament to their resilience, shocking Karna with their tenacity.

It became evident to Karna that the halt imposed by Lin and his cohorts was to allow their unit to unleash a coordinated attack, overpowering Karna's soldiers with a relentless advance.

Overwhelmed by the relentless assault, Karna comprehended the strategy behind the encirclement and acknowledged the defeat of his unit, ultimately surrendering.

Karna and Lin shared a moment of understanding, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of respect. "I sought not a servant or a soldier, but a companion to fight alongside me on the battlefield. Our bet may be settled, but I have yet to win your heart, Karna. I will remain here until that day," Lin expressed with a warm smile, a glimmer of camaraderie evident in his gaze.

Touched by Lin's words, Karna found himself at a crossroads, unsure of how to proceed in the face of this unexpected friendship. Jun intervened, offering guidance to Karna. "Return to your village with your troops. Our battle remains unfinished, for you did not lose in combat. Come back tomorrow, and we shall await your return. Our conflict will resume until we either win your heart or concede defeat and depart," Jun instructed with a tone of resolve.

Acknowledging their intentions, Karna led his weary troops back to the village. However, upon his arrival, a distressing sight awaited him—the villagers were being held captive by a unit under the merchant's command, the merchant himself observing from a distance with a calculating gaze.

The merchant peered at Karna with a cunning smile. "Karna, I will release the villagers if you and your unit surrender to us," he stated confidently.

Karna glanced at the villagers, then reluctantly made the decision to surrender. The merchant's men quickly surrounded Karna and his unit, effectively taking them captive.

Meanwhile, the villagers wasted no time in making their escape back to the safety of their village. Each villager received a gleaming gold coin as a reward, their faces beaming with relief and gratitude as they carried their newfound wealth home.

Observing the confusion on Karna's face, the merchant couldn't help but let out a sinister laugh. "Hahaha... Karna, don't you think combat slaves yield more profits than village slaves? They sold you to me, Karna. They betrayed you and your unit, the very ones who selflessly protected them. You were foolish to trust them, hahaha..." The merchant's laughter echoed with malice.

As the merchant's laughter abruptly ceased, a heavy silence settled over the entire village. The atmosphere thickened with tension as a chilling voice rang out, "Xin, I didn't like that laughter. Would you kindly be a good boy and break that idiot's teeth?" Xin nodded in agreement, and he and his unit swiftly surrounded the merchant's group, quickly subduing them. Xin seized the merchant by the head and forcefully slammed it against the hard ground until his teeth shattered.

"pllss leeway miiii" the merchant whimpered, unable to form coherent words.

Meanwhile, Lin approached Karna with a solemn expression. "karna , this dog shit world did not deserve you, do not be a dim wit moron , some times think before act " Lin advised. Karna looked at him, hearing echoes of the same words his friend once spoke. With a newfound sense of hope, Karna gazed at Lin and said, "I will follow you as a friend. Will you show me a better path in this cursed world?"

Lin met Karna's gaze with determination. "Certainly, my friend. This world will think twice before laying a hand on you," Lin assured him.

At the moment the history is written as the day the first eagle born.